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Wonka - December 15th, 2023

Sarcastic Oc GIF


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Not feeling it at all, you can't do Gene Wilder unless you are Gene Wilder, and they really need to explain who that kid is with him as it feels like a pretty big retcon having a side-kick who co-founded the company with him.
Exactly. Nobody is ever going to top Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka.
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Resident Crybaby
Damn, I was really hoping this would look good but it doesn't. It looks awful.

Chalamet has been a good actor in past films but he seems miscast in this.

And why do we need to repeat the "scratch that, reverse it" line from the original film as if it's Wonka's freaking catch phrase or something? Ugh.

The word "soulless' comes to mind from this trailer.
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Wilder's Wonka was sardonic, and Depp's seemed to be winking at the camera. It's interesting seeing a Wonka without a cynical edge to him. But can sincerity play in 2023? I guess we'll find out.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Most of the internet is down on this, like big time, but I think it looks alright. It's not blowing my hair back, and I don't think Chalumet is as good of an actor as many seem to think, but whimsical fun.


Mix bag for me. Theres a number of items in the trailer that look great and others litteraly had me yell "no" at the trailer (strike that, reverse it). Lead actor seems good in the role..least what the trailer shows.


IDK, but I will say Paddington was a charming family flick, and they tend to do world building / atmosphere quite well. Along with the producer from HP, also known for it... I am sure it will at the very least appear magical. I am unsure of the overall movie, but I believe the atmosphere will be fitting for the Christmas release.

Melon Husk

This is a parody right? On remake movies with short titles, right?!
You've seen JOKER
Now here's WONKA
edit: please stop remaking Charlie and the Chocolate factory like it's Alice in Wonderland or something.
There are so many other good Roald Dahl books to adapt on film, with dark undertones to boot.
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I like the look of it. Always hated Willy Wonka because of the creepy original movie and didn't like the one with Johnny Depp. Nothing against Depp.

Definitely going to go see this. I was never a fan of Timothee Chalamet but having seen him in Dune my mind is changed on him.


hide your water-based mammals
Looks ordinary. Good production but that is standard Fair these days. I'm not sure if it will have some degree of magic and whimsical fun but that trailer didn't really show that side of the operation. Feels like a decent holiday movie though. That doesn't really mean anything though and I hope it at least has a lot of the quirks that the original movie had to make it charming. It's easy enough to have a musical score and a certain look in the setting and they can't be assumed that it is enough. I want to see some factories and little people up in that bitch.
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Parody of actual AJUMP23
Not interested in this. Can’t be worse than the last Jedi I guess.

For his momma. How quaint.
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Gold Member
It… doesn’t look that bad, honestly. Sort of a crossover with Mary Poppins. The vibes are good and he seems to nail at least part of the character, unlike the complete psycho Johnny Depp played in that awful Burton movie.

Hugh Grant seems to have gone on a Nicholas Cage-like rampage of taking just any role he can, lol.


Could be worse I guess but I'm not buying the Dune kid in this role.
At least Oompa Loopma Hugh Grant should be fun.

Make new things please. Not everything has to be a pre/sequel or remake. No one asked for a Willy Wonka origin story.

But that would require Hollywood to take a risk and invest in new ideas, and the audience to take a risk and go watch something new that isn't attached to a franchise they know.
And neither group likes doing those things.

John Bilbo

Meh, looks like mostly harmless fun.

The oompa loompa looked bad though.

Could've just made a new IP with its own unique twist


Gold Member
No you will take your prequels and your character deconstruction. Every story and character has to be deconstructed until you know exactly what made them tick, mystery must be removed from every story and you will like it. It is important you understand the cause of every quirk and concern a character ever had.

Fuck ,The post modern deconstruction of every pop culture character is the death knell of all creativity

The only good thing that can come from this film is a soundtrack by Neil Hannon...i cant think of a person better suited to make it and i look forward to it....though im sure its all gonna be wasted.

Neil Hannon on drinking

Neil Hannon on Love

Neil Hannon on Sex

Neil Hannon on riding a train


Pretty cool that Willy Wonka apparently had an indentured servant that he cast away when he went straight to the source and got a bunch of slave Oompa Loompas.

Look, the writers of these remakes have about five brain cells between them to rub together.

Give them some slack.


Gold Member
That it's from the Paddington director is about the only saving grace going for it IMHO.

And how did WB get this? I thought Netflix paid like a bazillion dollars to just straight buy the Dahl estate?


That it's from the Paddington director is about the only saving grace going for it IMHO.

And how did WB get this? I thought Netflix paid like a bazillion dollars to just straight buy the Dahl estate?

They bought the rights to Willy Wonka in 2016.

So it's just like Spiderman and Marvel. Only there haven't been any Roald Dahl crossovers. Yet.


The acting seems all off, even the good actors, and the casting choices... well let's just say are very obviously in line with Hollywood these days.

I'll give it a watch, but it already seems like a wasted opportunity.


Yeah, he’s not convincing as an eccentric. At all. Has the same energy as Zuck‘s smoked meats.

So much this.

Willy Wonka is supposed to be an eccentric, full of playful delight and wonder, both himself and what he prescribes (imposes) on others, with a mischievous streak. And a hint of sadness and even evil. In other words, full of energy.
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