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Work from home - do you drink booze while working?


Gold Member
No man, that is highly irresponsible. Extremely unprofessional behavior. Anyone drinking on the job is an absolute disgrace.



I was going to finger wag but you know what. . .as long as you aren't ducking below your camera during a TEAMS meeting to take a swig of mouthwash because you forgot to go on a Don Julio run, I say shine on crazy diamond.

. . .also no, no I don't.


Haha no. Of course not. I like my job, I like have a roof over my head and radiators keeping me warm. Let's risk that for a few drinks I can have anytime I'm not working.

Haha what a world.


Gold Member
Absolutely not.. that shit will lead to some awful habits if that's how you're getting through the day.
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Restaurant job, uh yeah. Middle of Saturday night rush and we're pounding them back hard in the kitchen

Edit. It was many years ago
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Gold Member
Works from home for 7 years now and never felt the need to drink while working. In fact I very rarely drink at home unless I have friends visiting.


I did not, but my current company has forced everyone back into the office for "collaboration" which has lead me to more drinking than when I was working from home for 6 years.


Nah, don't really see any reason to. I'm strictly a social drinker. I will have a few to pregame while I'm getting ready to go out, so if a work emergency comes up, that would be the only time drinking and working would overlap.


Gold Member
Nah. There’s a time for that. Can’t imagine getting a teams call and trying not to sound drunk. The shame would be unbearable. I also don’t drink during the day though.

I’m not surprised people do this.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
On occasion. Not to excess, of course, and always right as the day is about to wrap up and I know I won't be on-call.


Nah I don't WFH, but even if I did it wouldn't help in a job such as mine, being moderately hungover to the point of still tipsy though? Thats amazingly helpful ime, I just know the exact right thing to say before the customer can even finish asking the question and I'm so confident about the answer no matter what you say they're satisified anyway :LOL:

I've read of more than a few creatives, often writers, saying they do best in this state so I think its just useful for letting things flow out of you in the perfect order, which is a large part of face-to-face retail sales.

I bought some ultra strong smelling salts for peak there and it was quite funny sniffing them in the morning with the nutter young guy who works there who just wants to get wasted 24/7. I recommend anyone to buy them from amazon just to try it once, its bizarre, like someone is hitting in the head/nose with a metaphorical frying pan, you literally can't think of anything for a few seconds. Good to clear the mind of... well everything lol.

Sometimes I drink a can of alcoholic seltzer in/on the taxi/bus home for hydration + a wee buzz, but I rarely ever continue drinking when I get in, its also good for stimulating appetite since I'm finishing at 8pm at night although I may switch to having dinner at work about 7pm and just have a light snack at night to see how that goes.

There was a guy working there who was a borderline proper alcoholic, he used to drink a bottle of Buckfast (tonic wine with caffeine in it) at the bus stop before the bus even came and then sometimes we'd go to the bookies and he'd drink another half bottle of it, his dad died recently after being very unwell and house bound for a long time, so I think he's a bit lost.
I was going to finger wag but you know what. . .as long as you aren't ducking below your camera during a TEAMS meeting to take a swig of mouthwash because you forgot to go on a Don Julio run, I say shine on crazy diamond.

. . .also no, no I don't.
I once got kicked out of an AA meeting due to an old timer who was pissed that I actually used mouthwash for the right reasons. Needless to say, I don’t attend meetings anymore, but I’m coming up on 15 years in April 🤷‍♂️
Yeah I enjoy a nice beer. Sometimes I have a few but not to the point where I get drunk. I do have limits when consuming alcohol and I stay within those limits.

If a Teams meeting is coming up, I'll save the beers for after.

Winter John

Not now but in my disgraceful days I used to fill a squeeze bottle with vodka and drink it throughout my shifts. At the time I was working in neon hell sports bars and tourist joints. I'd do lines of speed to keep myself from face planting into the bar, then downers when I felt the ole psychotic rage starting to build. Looking back, being ripped to the tits 24/7 was probably the only sane and reasonable choice.


I used to drink and smoke in the office, personal office and nobody bothered me. It was project work so even though I had to be there even though it was off peak time. All I had to do was reply to emails promptly, and send bullshit emails for busywork to look like I was doing something I was good.
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