I agree lower tiers are more fun.In general, I find the lower tiers more enjoyable. You speed around, use your machine gun canons, and have a fast match turnaround time.
I got a Churchill 1 with 33,000 xp, now the question is should I continue on to the Churchill VII or save up a bit more to jump to the Churchill Gun Carrier?
wow, missed this thread last time i checked when making a thread about 8.0
well now I can hang out in here.
Clan recruitment frowned on in here?
*cough*Banzai Institute for Advanced Armored Warfare*cough*
Well the thread isn't really active enough for anything to be frowned upon at this point.
The Churchill GC is depressing. I think it is the worst tank in the entire game and people on the WoT forums seem to agree. I am trying my best to get one good win but it seems virtually impossible without having some type of lucky game/situation. I am curious how people are getting some games with over 1k experience with this thing.
This tank has no armor whatsoever; you will not last long enough to survive more than 3 hits. The best way to play it is to shoot and get into cover immediately, because anything is going to penetrate you. Even if you get shot once, you are likely to get your gun destroyed or the gunner dies. The limited gun arc means you have to literally aim directly at your enemy. With its poor camo values and limited view range, it's easy to get shot without seeing anything in front of you.
The ONLY good thing is the 32pdr gun but even that cannot save this tank. It has some random accuracy/terrible impulse where your shot can often go outside your reticule. The penetration is high but I noticed a lot of bounced shots. I also noticed my damage being -25% most of the time (as you know WoT uses a damage randomization of +/- 25%). Regardless, the tank is so slow that by the time you get into firing position, turn your hull, and aim, the enemy is likely already killed by your team or too late to make a difference in the game. I am starting to get games where I am dealing over 1k damage but it seems rare with how easy this thing gets spotted and killed.
After all that, I hope you make the decision to go with the Churchill VII. It's not the best tank, but it is worth it to get to the Caernarvon and Conqueror. As soon as I can research the AT-7, I am selling the CGC. If you want to play the new British TDs, you should probably play the entire line because the CGC has no guns that carries over to the AT-7 anyway. I will just use free experience eventually to get those guns once I get the AT-7.
Fraid not!
In other news, the models and textures are outstanding when you pump up the res (3840x2160, SMAA Ultra, Bicubic Sharper Downsampled):
so i've been grinding my way up the Brit TD line and have to say.. so far, its been quite the ride. Though whomever came up with the first gun "upgrade" on the AT8 surely had to be trolling the userbase!
ETA: the stock gun on the AT 8 was bad enough at tier 5. at tier 6 a stock AT 8 make you want to go out and kick puppys!! But when you make it to the top gun upgrade, night and day difference in the tank...
Wow this damn game. Kv-2 i'm in using the big derp gun can only hit things at close range I drove up behind a vk3601 less than 1 1/2 tank lengths away from his behind I shot aimed even aimed at his behind and it did zero damage. I was so shocked i just stood there typed out in general chat go and and kill me that was such an utter bullshit no damage shot. I let him drive around get behind me 4-5 tank lengths and just kill me dead by his 3rd shot at my rear I finally turned my turret around again fired at him from the front this time didnt' care at this point again hit him and zero damage.
Died, just quit out of game to post this and now go play something else no way no way that shot at him at his rear did no damage.
Matchmaking is so fishy anyways no way everyone is so close to 50% win/loss no way.
This game is streaky so consistently that I'm starting to believe fishiness
After i get the final third gun on the KV-2 for 14.4k exp, it will cost me another 123k in exp. Right now no way I can see myself doing it and right now I'd hate it with a passion. Freaking wall of exp hitting my face and laffing.
Edit: On top of that at exp wall with all 4 french tanks. AMX 1390/tier8 the heavy 45 50, the tier 5 or 6 french TD i forget its name need 55k to elite that and move on, then the tier 6 Lor Arty 100+ k exp needed to elite.
New Map Revealed: Moon
World of Tanks is proud to announce the release of a brand new map: Moon. Set on the face of our nearby celestial neighbor, Moon is an exciting locale that defies the norms of map design and will be your next 'must see' tanking destination. With breathtakingly luminous terrain and a backdrop of a myriad of stars to illuminate the skies, World of Tanks' realistic rendering system will enable the light to reflect off the metal surfaces of your tank--you'll really sparkle.
As we continue to produce new content for World of Tanks, it's become clear that many of our players are interested in the obscure (but creative) tank designs that came out of the World War II era. We did some serious digging, and are pleased to announce a new vehicle for the Soviet forces: the ST-2T spherical tank!
As most of you are well aware, Wargaming prides itself on portraying vehicles with a great deal of historical accuracy. Even if it existed only in blueprints, we take the time to do our research before we deploy it to our battlefields. The ST-2T did see one instance of combat, but was never mass produced. Expect the vehicle to peform the same role a lot of medium tanks typically adopt. However, it, and a few others, will be situated on an offshoot of the Soviet heavy branch. They'll be fast moving and pack a mean punch.
World of Tanks 2nd Anniversary Weekend Extravaganza
Two years! Two whole years World of Tanks has been rolling along here in North America. It's been an amazing journey so far, and we've got our amazing community to thank for that. Our players are what make this game incredible, and one of the ways we're showing our appreciation for all your enthusiasm is to throw down a mountain of discounts and bonuses for this weekend's special. It's party time!
Event Begins: 04:30 PDT (07:30 EDT) April 12, 2013
Event Ends: 04:00 PDT (07:00 EDT) April 15, 2013
5X Experience for the First Victory of the Day in Each Vehicle
50% Credit Discount for Equipment
50% Gold & Credit Discount fo Crew Training and Retraining
Gold Discount for Premium:
3 days for 350
7 days for 650
360 days for 21,600
180 days for 12,150
Medal Hunt: Top Gun
Earn an extra 25,000 every time you obtain the Top Gun Medal
30% Credit Increase Per Battle & 30% Credit Discount on the Following Tier VIII Tanks & Tier VI SPGs
T28 Prototype
Jagdpanther II
AMX AC Mle. 1948
AT 15
AMX 13 90
M26 Pershing
Centurion Mk. I
Panther II
VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. A
Pz.Kpfw. Tiger II
AMX 50 100
GW Panther
Lorraine155 50
15% Gold Discount on the Following Premium Vehicles
T26E4 Super Pershing
FCM 50 t
8,8 cm PaK 43 Jagdtiger
100% Credit Increase Per Battle for the Following Vehicles
M10 Wolverine
AT 2
S-35 CA
M4 Sherman
Pz.Kpfw. IV
Pz.Kpfw. III/IV
Type T-34
T1 Heavy Tank
Churchill I
50% Credit Increase Per Battle for the Following Vehicles
M24 Chaffee
VK 16.02 Leopard
AMX 13 F3 AM
(in capital letters)
After inputting the bonus code, you will receive all of the following:
1 Day of Premium Account
5x Case of Cola
5x Chocolate
5x Improved Combat Rations
5x Pudding and Tea
5x Strong coffee
5x Extra Combat Rations
what server r you on?
US server.
So ends my x5 weekend.
Content Changes
Added new branch of German medium and light tanks:
VK 20.01 (D) (MT Tier IV)
VK 30.02 (D) v1 (MT Tier VI)
Aufklarerpanzer Panther (LT Tier VII)
Indien Panzer (MT Tier VIII)
Prototype der Arbeitsgruppe A (MT Tier IX)
Leopard 1 (MT Tier X)
Added new branch of USSR light tanks:
Т-60 (LT Tier II)
Т-70 (LT Tier III)
Т-80 (LT Tier IV)
Added new map: Pearl River
Changes and improvements for after-battle statistics screen
Added a display of team status as a list of vehicle types icons at the top of the screen
Gameplay and Game Mechanics
Added gameplay and visual fixes for the following maps: Redshire, El-Halluf, Karelia, Prohorovka, and Sand River
Added improvements for Assault mode for the following maps: Malinovka, Karelia, and Sand River
Premium consumables (med kits, repair kits, etc.) are now available for credits (according to gold/credits exchange rate similar to that of premium shells)
Creation of platoons for 3 players is now available for basic accounts
Creation of tank companies is now available for basic accounts
Added new Match Maker rule for the balancing of light tanks:
All vehicles marked as Scout will be balanced according to the currently existing SPG rule: balance weight of Scouts in both teams wont differ on more than +/-20 balance weight points
The following vehicles will be marked as Scouts:
VK 16.02
VK 28.01
United States
M24 Chaffee
AMX 12t
AMX 13 75
AMX 13 90
M5A1 Stuart
59 16
WZ 131
WZ 132
Reduced credit cost for temporary camouflages, emblems, and inscriptions
Reduced terrain resistance when driving a tank on some destroyed objects
Improved visual models for the following vehicles: IS-3, Valentine AT, Pz V Panther, Pz IV/V, Object 263, VK 3001H, Conqueror, IS-4М, Matilda Black Prince, IS-7, ARL-44, and Black Prince
Reworked graphics for the following maps: Siegfried Line, South Coast, and Malinovka
look me up in game. same name
gah! thanks for reminding me I suck
anyways.. that equipment sale was expensive! musta spent over 3 mil creds!
So I was on my AMX 45 50 tier 7 right, it was a Tier 8 match with 3 tier 8. We had a ELC AMX platoon with a clanmate, the clanmate apparently at the last minute picked the AMX 40 right ..... only thing was said was "fail Platoon" I didn't realize at all during the 30 second countdown it was a AMX 40. Match Started one of the tier 8's just starts driving forward turns his turrent to the right it was sorta on my screen to my left and BLAM! the Tier 8 just one shots the AMX 40 and kills him with friendly fire. Then Launches into a 3 line insult screaming at the AMX 40. The other platoonmate defended the AMX 40 by saying he had queued before he knew his teammate picked the the AMX 40. But it was shocking sometimes when its silence and you can hear someone else get shot and utterly penetrated like this the game sounds = good.
Needless to say I reported twice for team damage and insult and provocation against the Tier 8......
Most of the time, everyone will just kill the lower tier tank regardless. It happens often that some low tier tank will platoon with higher tiers as some sort of joke. It really puts you at a disadvantage when you are on that team with a wasted tank slot.
Yay, I got 1300 gold today. http://www.alienwarearena.com/givea...hc3NpZ25lZCBhIGtleSBmb3IgdGhpcyBnaXZlYXdheQ==Guys, change your password, NAOW!
You will get 300 gold.
Yay, I got 1300 gold today. http://www.alienwarearena.com/givea...hc3NpZ25lZCBhIGtleSBmb3IgdGhpcyBnaXZlYXdheQ==
Also, for anyone that wants to try it out, here is an invite code:
Not sure how long the code lasts.
Dangit. Was not fast enough, they are out of keys.