semi-related to what Waffle is asking, just a little report on the last couple of days since Blizz gave me the 7 day pass (which ends on monday):
- so I was leveling my Pali alt and got him to 104 but that wasnt really doing it for me and the prospect of doing all that shit at 110 again wasnt very appealing, especially when im not sure what ill do after monday. So I went back to my Hunter.
My Hunter started off as my expansion main, as I was going to go in fully casual, just solo my way through with the new world quests and tiers back in LFR. But then some old time WoW friends were playing and I started playing with them, eventually raiding with them (not in the guild tho, because I knew what would happen, ppl would stop or I would want to stop and feel bad...both things happened lol) as a healer, first as a Monk, and later as a Druid which was my de-facto "main" when I stopped 7 months ago, shortly before the Nightfal raid came out.
So now all those guys have stopped playing again as usual (as did I) so I thought "welp, maybe its time to go back to the original expansion plan, at least for a few days" and I did. And, well, I still love Beast Mastery (just tried Survival for a bit earlier, its still fun but seems like a lot more hassle for the same shit I can do safely miles away with my dinos eating mobs) so thats a good first step. I love the short rotation (like I said earlier, I think my months playing mobas and diablo have made me like few spell rotations), I love the look of the spec (I'm a big pet fanboy in any game), I love how mobile it is since nothign roots you in place while casting (big no no with most ranged wow classes for me these days, again influenced by other games), so yeah, its fun. Some thingies I noticed:
- Dire Beast has charges now, thats neat.
- You can change back Haty's look finally, so I can have my duo Thokk's out now without having to worry about ruining Haty forever.
- You buy artifact knowledge with 500 resources now instead of researching? Ok, thats cool, got it up to rank 19 quickly. Unfortunately all my art power things I got from world quests werent affected lol.
- Speaking of world quests, I see they are still great to gear up casually, as I quickly went from ilvl 550 to 554 from just doing the 3 emissary cache runs.
- Still no legendary, what else is new lol (my druid and monk both have legendaries, granted I played them a lot more)
- Shit dies fast out in the world even at just 550 (well 554 now) which is fun.
- Invasions are cool but I got disconected in the scenario, and when I came back it was over, it still counted for the invasion quest, but I later found out the scenario boss actually drops a lot of goodies and now im sad. Oh well.
So yeah, im enjoying myself, and I actually have a lot of things to do, so a resub if only for a month would be a no brainer, except for the fact that the Diablo season starts in 2 weeks, and I know for a fact that will be my go to "play for a few hours" or "play for a bit at work" game (speaking of, Legion is still a great expansion to sneak in at work, do a few world quests, no pressure, you can stop whenever, its cool... dont be jelly

), so now I'm thinking if subbing for 2 weeks is worth it.
And looking what I could do in the meantime Im thinking yes? Let's see:
- I still need to get flying
- I need my class mount (I lvoe the hunter one so thats another good reason to play it)
- I havent done Nighthold at all, so I could LFR that quickly just to see it. Same for Tomb which by the time Diablo season starts, should be in wing 3 so I would have seen most of it (and I mean, its not like I cant do wing 4 quickly to see kill jaeden)
- I see those Suramar dungeons and Khara are heroic dungeons now, thats neat, could do those. And there is a new (locked) dungeon also.
- I havent done any of Broken Shore
And of course I would be casually gearing up, nothing amazing obviously but certainly would end up much higher than I am now (Tomb LFR starts at 880 or something?). And how knows maybe a Legendary pops up.
So im thinking that is worth a 1 month sub, even if I end up just playing 2 weeks of it. Is 2 weeks enough to get flying and the class mount for example? Oh and also, did they change it so you can do those artifact quests in LFR or not so much? :/
edit: sorry for the long rant, and Waffle, as someone also popping back after a long absence, at first glance it feels like its worth it, as you can see from my post.