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World of Warcraft |OT9| People still play this? Isn't it from 2004

If prestige was account wide, you would probably focus on getting a high rating on one character, but what would you have to work towards on other characters if everything was already unlocked?

I get that they don't want to make it account wide right now because they want people to stay busy so they keep subscribing, but I'd hope that by the end of the expansion they change their minds and enable things like the prestige appearances and Balance of Power to be account wide.

On the other hand:

The team is looking at a different system that allows you to unlock the appearances by completing Legion content in later expansions.

The exception to this is the appearances from the skill challenge and the +15 Mythic ones.

This would be fine, too, if they actually follow through with it.


Aside from Ahead of the Curve/Cutting Edge for Tomb and Antorus and the rewards

The red infernal mount from Mythic Gul'dan will probably drop to 1% droprate instead of guaranteed one per kill. Not sure about the mount from Sass'zine.

For group activities that will become more difficult to find a group, but actually difficult, I'm not sure. By level 120 mythic 15 should be soloable going by how Legion item lvls have scaled. By the end of this xpac people will be able to solo mythic Nythendra. Hell wouldn't be surprised if a Vengeance DH can now.

At this moment, we're not really sure, like how honor levels will work next xpac. Will they reset and the achievements turn into Feats? dunno. Next expansion is still a ways off. If you want to get rid of long-haul achievements its probably best to grind out 10,000 world quests, fish up all the coins from the Legion dalaran fountain, all class hall questlines completed, 250 legion digsites if that sounds fun to you.

None of that sounds like my cup of tea as a retired raider who has long since given up on achievements (too many daft time sinks ever since MOP).

I really liked CMs, how to I go about doing mythic +15 dungeon runs? Gear isn't normalised so would I be a burden on a group with my mediocre (882) gear?
I really liked CMs, how to I go about doing mythic +15 dungeon runs? Gear isn't normalised so would I be a burden on a group with my mediocre (882) gear?

Yes you would. You probably need to be 910-915 equipped to do +15 now. I would run normal tomb to get your gear up.

Even if you can perform mechanics, on 15+ tyrannical you can just die from stuff like Xavius' Apocalyptic Nightmare. You wont have the health.


None of that sounds like my cup of tea as a retired raider who has long since given up on achievements (too many daft time sinks ever since MOP).

I really liked CMs, how to I go about doing mythic +15 dungeon runs? Gear isn't normalised so would I be a burden on a group with my mediocre (882) gear?
As mentioned, you'd need to gear up a bit. Run lower M+, do LFR/N/H Tomb as your gear allows, and buy Relinquished gear to fill in gaps. Also do the weekly event if it rewards loot.


Well that confirms my fears. As a non-raider I could tank CM gold runs in MOP and WOD thanks to gear normalisation, now the elite dungeon stuff is a side activity for active raiders. I'll try PUGing the normal mode raids, see how I get on.


Modesty becomes a woman
Well that confirms my fears. As a non-raider I could tank CM gold runs in MOP and WOD thanks to gear normalisation, now the elite dungeon stuff is a side activity for active raiders. I'll try PUGing the normal mode raids, see how I get on.

Yeah but you get gear from the M+ that is pretty much raid level so.


Well that confirms my fears. As a non-raider I could tank CM gold runs in MOP and WOD thanks to gear normalisation, now the elite dungeon stuff is a side activity for active raiders. I'll try PUGing the normal mode raids, see how I get on.
Pugging without a guild is also pretty rough these days. A lot of times you'll need to outgear content for people to actually invite you.
EmiPrime plays tank, they can make their own M+ groups and likely have them fill out in short order. Shouldn't take long to get decently geared as a tank running M+.


Oh okay, yeah, tank isn't nearly as bad then.

I've been doing it the hard way, pugging M+ as a DPS. I haven't even been raiding normal since TOV. Even so, I'm able to always hit a plateau around 905-910, getting beyond that is slow going. I switched to my druid and I'm hopeful that it will go better than it did on the warlock.



Kul Tiras expansion confirmed


Yeah with everything else and now this I think it's pretty much as confirmed as it can be without an actual announcement lol


Unconfirmed Member
What I think would be reasonable:

gamescom: Initial announcement of World of Warcraft: The Next Expansion

BlizzCon: Cinematic and more, playable


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
the neck on that art is kind of bad. Jaina aint a snake lady.
Feral spirit feels so weak now that I don't understand why it doesn't have a 30 second cooldown or something to make it at least interesting.


It would be refreshing if she didn't die tbh. I used to like her pre-Mists but she's annoying AF now. Hopefully they pull a Grommash and chill her out a bit. I think they're killing off too many main characters as it stands.


Ran ICC for shits and giggles. Got Invincible. Was doing WQs today when I happened upon an Ephemeral Crystal and after a little bit of hunting I now have the Hippogryph too. Mount gods are smiling upon me.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
My completely unoriginal, stolen from other games idea for a Tinkerer class in the next expansion:

Roles: Tank / Range DPS / Healer (because I think every new class should be all roles so we have more roles available out there)

Replace Tank with Melee DPS I guess if they dont want another tank, or if they want to be cute, add another 4 spec class like druids have. Anyway:

Tank / Melee - Mech mode

You fight in a mech all the time, not unlike the various mech mounts we have been getting over the years. Various melee type skills, rocket punch, death from above style skill, mines, missiles, etc. No pets or turrets.

Range DPS - Summons baby (im a pet fanboy as some of you know)

This would be all about summons. Turrets and pets. Gun turret (max 2 out), Missile turret (max 1 out), robot pet (max 1 out, dps or tank variety). You do more damage if you are near your turrets. Skill to relocate them for movement fights because they are stationary.

Range skills would be sniper rifle type shots (to direct all damge to the mob you want for example), and some granades or missiles and whatnot. Maybe air drones doing a strafing run. Big cooldown skill to overcharge your gadgets to do more damage / faster attack speed.

Healer - gadgets healer

Kinda like the range, except with healing turrets. No pets tho. Healing turret (max 2 out so you can have one in range, one in melee), these would last a long time, 20 secs or so? Healing drones, max 1 out, maybe more with talents. Long duration HOT that is a drone that sticks to a character (like a tank) and constantly heals him throughout the fight, you can relocate the drone to another character (visually like the healing drones from the Old Republic healer because I fucking LOVED tht visual). And now the big one, which I love and would never work because players are idiots.

Health packs, you can drop healthpacks throughout the combat zone and people need to walk over them (I wont even say click) to heal themselves. Very short cooldown (1 sec?), no limit, or a big limit, like...I dunno, 10 or 15 out there.

Races I guess Gnome and Goblin, even if I hate the idea of just 2 races. Humans and...orcs also maybe?


Ran ICC for shits and giggles. Got Invincible. Was doing WQs today when I happened upon an Ephemeral Crystal and after a little bit of hunting I now have the Hippogryph too. Mount gods are smiling upon me.

You don't happen to have a way to share some of that luck so I can get a Mimiron's head?!

Also, fuck new class, gimme new playable race! Vrykuls. Female Vrykuls for Horde, Male Vrykuls for Alliance. Female can become Valkyrs because they are cool as heck, males can become those ugly bronze looking shit they have up in Halls of Valor.

Otherwise they can give Alliance those bipedal bears, the Furbolgs while the Horde gets the Vrykuls/Valkyrs. Up to Blizz how to get it to fit in. I could settle for Nagas too if Lady S'theno is their leader and I get to keep having her as a follower.
So when are we expecting 7.3? And since they said artifact slots and ak power unlocks immediately at 110, will I still need to empower my weapon?


Still think it's more likely we get 7.3 trailer at gamescom for release at end of the month or early Sept, and expac at blizzcon


Really Really Exciting Member!
I'm tempted to resub to WoW after being on a break since Zelda & Mass Effect came out, my only question is... how easy is it to get 136k on a monthly basis to pay that WoW token? :p I'm guessing doing those Class Halls gold missions aren't going to be enough.

And damn, 136k? Last time i played, it was like 80k or something. Has the price been going up every weeks or what, or has it been at ~130K for the past few months?


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I'm tempted to resub to WoW after being on a break since Zelda & Mass Effect came out, my only question is... how easy is it to get 136k on a monthly basis to pay that WoW token? :p I'm guessing doing those Class Halls gold missions aren't going to be enough.

And damn, 136k? Last time i played, it was like 80k or something. Has the price been going up every weeks or what, or has it been at ~130K for the past few months?

136k? it was over 300k last time I check on my server.

Destiny 2 shot the prices up a lot


Just when I thought my warlock's crazy run of luck was done, he got a 910 Tome of Unraveling Sanity from the weekly cache, a warforged tier piece, and the Master fucking Harvester. I don't even. It's like the game senses when I'm almost done with it.
Subraces before new race or class pls

Not just subraces but customisation for all races on par with what Demon Hunters have. There are dwarves with tatoos, it would be nice to have upright orcs and trolls, more than 11 shades of white dudes for humans, forsaken with greater or lesser amounts of decomposition, etc.


I'm tempted to resub to WoW after being on a break since Zelda & Mass Effect came out, my only question is... how easy is it to get 136k on a monthly basis to pay that WoW token? :p I'm guessing doing those Class Halls gold missions aren't going to be enough.

And damn, 136k? Last time i played, it was like 80k or something. Has the price been going up every weeks or what, or has it been at ~130K for the past few months?
It's been around 120-135K for a while. At least the last 6 weeks or so.


what I want more than anything at this point is more skin colors.

I so wanna have a brown orc so i can roleplay in nagrand.


Gold Member
Not just subraces but customisation for all races on par with what Demon Hunters have. There are dwarves with tatoos, it would be nice to have upright orcs and trolls, more than 11 shades of white dudes for humans, forsaken with greater or lesser amounts of decomposition, etc.

Man, if I could get upright trolls and orcs I'd be so fucking happy. I just want to look like Gary Hellscream


what I want more than anything at this point is more skin colors.

I so wanna have a brown orc so i can roleplay in nagrand.

Maybe we'll get cool stuff like that as a "big expansion feature" or something when they don't wanna add a new race or class

I feel like if next expac is South Seas as I'm expecting, there's going to be a new race added and maybe Worgen/Goblin model updates
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