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World Series Game 7 was the most watched MLB game in 25 years, 40 million viewers

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Thanks to the GOD Theo.


Meanwhile, everyone will tune out next year when it's Giants vs Red Sox.

I wanted to come in here and try to claim a Wrong moment, but I'm pretty much guilty of tuning out the WS when the "Regulars" are involved. Usually it takes one team unexpected or uncommon to get me in which for the most part has been a majority of recent Series.


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Baseball more popular when the Braves were in the playoffs every year, CONFIRMED!

Not surprised honestly. Braves have the single largest area for a team in any major sport. There is zero competition for fucking like a 500+ mile radius.
Not surprised honestly. Braves have the single largest area for a team in any major sport. There is zero competition for fucking like a 500+ mile radius.
It's the same for a lot of things just not sports lol

A reason why they are the most busy airport in the world.

Watching the Braves in the ws was always really good. The pitching and such were quite nice.

They went on to be the biggest chockers unfortunately.. Year after year always giving up wins and leads in decisive games.

I'd love a Yankees, braves we soon.


Not to be a party pooper to the "Baseball is back!" crowd, but considering this World Series involved a team that hasn't won a title in over a century, and another team that has almost just as much "cursed" history, it was going to draw ratings without question.

If this was the Orioles vs the Nationals, no one would give a shit. :p Or regulars like the Red Sox and Giants. The only regular that always seems to draw big ratings in the WS regardless seems to be the Yankees.

But with that said, I'm glad the NFL is getting its ass kicked. About damn time they lose watchers with the BS the commish has been pulling for years.
Awesome, baseball making a comeback. NFL taking a nosedive.

Yeah, I can't say that doesn't feel nice. I enjoy football, but the NFL has lost the plot imo, and they're in dire need of a big slice of humble pie. I hope the trend continues for a while.

And baseball, for me, has always been great, but I won't lie, the strike of '94 put a sour taste in my mouth and I stayed bitter for a while.


As nice as it is to see baseball front and center again, the entire reason for this ratings spike was because it was game 7 against two teams that collectively hadn't won a championship in almost two centuries. One of which was a major market team.

Washington vs Toronto wouldn't remotely do ratings like this. Hell I don't even think a Cubs/Indians rematch would even touch this.
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