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Worst Gamestore Story

Prince of Space said:
Heh, that reminds me of an EB story. It was about 8:45, and me and the manager were closing the store a little early -- it had been a long day and we REALLY wanted to get home -- and this guy walks in and says he's looking for some Star Wars games. We had a Dreamcast running up by the register, and it caught his attention, so he started asking me about it. I told him the merits of the system, and showed him some games for it.

Long story short, we ended up staying about 30 minutes later, convincing this guy to get a DC, and helping him pick out some games for it (this was during the waning hours of the system's life, so it was all cheap). He thanked me for my help, and left. I saw him a couple times after that -- he told how great the system was and bought more games for it. Probably my fondest memory of EB.

It's funny cuz I sorta get off on catching a frustrated people at Gamestops and EB who are not getting straight answers and helping them with the truth. I was once told to leave when I corrected the sales person. Granted, there's a fine line between being a good Samaritan and being a know-it-all, and trying to do the other guy's job, but the clerk in question was telling one guy that Star Fox, because it’s being made by Namco, will be on every system, so a GameCube purchase would have been "pointless."


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
I used to exclusively shop at EB, mostly for reasons of preference... but lately, they've turned to shit. Their used games they try to sell me were in such shitty conditions - I bought ICO with a book reeking of cigarette smoke and all scratches on the back of the CD. And they don't really have much of an interesting selection anymore, the store has seemingly gotten smaller. The local Gamestop employees (Lake Grove, NY) are pretty cool, they're actually nice to my girlfriend when she goes to buy something (instead of treating her like a moron who doesn't know shit about games because she's a girl), and they're all big fans of the Tales and Star Ocean games - the guys there always strike up convos with me about these games, since they know I'm a real big fan. The Gamestop I used to go to in Amherst, NY when I was up in school was fantastic, the guys who worked there were really respectful and all a bunch of hardcore gamers. Like, a lot of places have the people who follow the book to the tee, or are fanboys, or just don't know shit about games (or assume you don't). But every now and then you get a place with good workers.

There are some other Gamestop affiliates that really bother me with their preorder policy. Like, I went to get Prince of Persia a few weeks ago, since it just went on sale there for $20. Then the guy behind the counter is like, you know the sequel is coming out in a few months? So I'm like yeah, I know... And he's like, it's gonna be a hot seller, you should preorder it. And I'm like, no thanks, I'm not really interested in the game anyways. And he starts going on and on about the game, and I told him I don't really like companies holding on to my money and I only preorder when there's an incentive to do so. Then he gives me this long long lecture on why preordering is important, even for more obscure, lower selling games... I felt bad for the poor guy, he had a hearing aid on... but seriously, when I say I'm not interested in preordering a game, it means I'm not interested in it, you don't have to lecture me for hours on end.


FortNinety said:
It's funny cuz I sorta get off on catching a frustrated people at Gamestops and EB who are not getting straight answers and helping them with the truth. I was once told to leave when I corrected the sales person. Granted, there's a fine line between being a good Samaritan and being a know-it-all, and trying to do the other guy's job, but the clerk in question was telling one guy that Star Fox, because it’s being made by Namco, will be on every system, so a GameCube purchase would have been "pointless."

I got in the same exact argument with someone at school once. They didn't understand the idea that Nintendo was just letting Namco use the brand name to make their game so when sales came in, Namco would get a bigger piece of the pie or more recognition.

Took me about 15 minutes worth of arguing until the guy started to back down.


I learned a long time ago to give my opinion only when asked for it. Nor will I correct someone when they say something false ... unless asked of course.



Queen of Denmark
SaitoH said:
I learned a long time ago to give my opinion only when asked for it. Nor will I correct someone when they say something false ... unless asked of course.

You should. Sometimes people are dicks about being corrected (actually most times), but there are instances where they've made an honest mistake and will appreciate being corrected, as it spares them the ignorance of walking around and continuing to believe something that isn't true.
We were pushed to ask for pre-orders when I worked at Funcoland, but now it has replaced cleaners and subscriptions as the basis for employee merit in the eyes of the company. I only preorder games now because it will help my friends who still work at Gamestop.


human5892 said:
You should. Sometimes people are dicks about being corrected (actually most times), but there are instances where they've made an honest mistake and will appreciate being corrected, as it spares them the ignorance of walking around and continuing to believe something that isn't true.

There can be situations where I'll intervene, otherwise ... nope.
BobbyRobby said:
We're not all assholes. I personally love the company of customers at work. Totally thankful for their presence, because I get bored out of my mind without them.

Edit: I must admit though, if I see a rare game that I've been looking for traded in, I will without hesitation throw it in the drawer and buy it when I get the money. That's just one of the perks of the job. If you care enough, get a job at a game store, or buy games when they first come out.
How about you don't do that? Cause if it's happening in my city, I'm going to reach in that fucking drawer and buy the damn game. And there ain't a goddamn thing you can do about it.

When the fuckers call me "dude" or some shit it makes me want to vomit. As if I'm going to warm up to them and talk about the latest Tom Clancy game with a glossy look on my face as if I'm masturbating. That's why I go to TRU. They always have the games on time and it's never a fucking chore getting the game. It's like you're wearing a flag when you go into those game-specific stores. But I did recently reserve Amazing Island, Pikmin 2 and Donkey Konga at the local Gamestop. Didn't hear a fucking thing, from the employee or the dude buying Halo next to me.


force push the doodoo rock
yo uguys must go to some crazy gamestops.

i never say anything to people when they preorder something. im more concerned with getting some numbers than some guy buying mortal kombat deception.

the most ill ever say to a customer is hwen they trade in something like disgaea ill say "i cant believe youre trading this in!" they usually follow up with "yeah i beat it" and then i say "all right itl get you 20 dollars in store credit"
^^ Exactly. At our Gamestop, we're more concerned about numbers -- I couldn't care less what you're pre-ordering, and I CERTAINLY wouldn't give anyone any shit over pre-ordering a game.

And I think the only time I did give a customer any kind of flak over a decision was when a guy traded in Metroid Prime for BMX XXX.


I walked into EB last week, and I bought Fzero GX and they were like, ok that'll be $34.53 (I'm rounding the cents part). I paid it......They put it in a bag, and I left the store. Yeah, this story was pretty bad. Quite possibly this thread's worst story too.


this is for doom3.

me: where is my free figurine
clerk: what are you talking about?
me: i'm suppose to get a free figurine. my mom picked up the game for me while i was working and told me you told her you didn't what she was talking about when she asked for the figure.
clerk: i don't know anything about these figures
*i grab the preorder box and point to the figure*
the clerk starts walking around with his hands up saying "do you see any figures, i see no figures"
me: call your fucking manager. i didn't pay preorder from you guys for nothing since i have to drive 10 miles when i could have picked it up from a bestbuy which is much closer to home.
clerk: let me check the back
he's in there for a good 10 seconds
clerk:nope nothing in there
me: call your fucking manager
clerk: there is no figurine!

i didn't get my figurine. i'm to lazy to call when the manager is in the store. this clerk is an fat ass and my friends have had problems with him in the past as well.
evilromero said:
How about you don't do that? Cause if it's happening in my city, I'm going to reach in that fucking drawer and buy the damn game. And there ain't a goddamn thing you can do about it.

But the drawers are locked.

I really can't believe people have a problem with this. Its not like I buy every copy of Suikoden II that gets traded in and put it on ebay, but if tomorrow a customer were to trade in Elemental Gearbolt, or some other game I've been looking for, you can bet I'll buy it.
Its not like brand new games are left in the drawers to rot for years. In most cases, they are only put away for a day or two and are usually used games that most customers don't care about.

Besides, as long as pre-orders are filled, customers (almost said buyers, due to my current job) won't know what's in the drawer.


force push the doodoo rock
teepo said:
this is for doom3.

me: where is my free figurine
clerk: what are you talking about?
me: i'm suppose to get a free figurine. my mom picked up the game for me while i was working and told me you told her you didn't what she was talking about when she asked for the figure.
clerk: i don't know anything about these figures
*i grab the preorder box and point to the figure*
the clerk starts walking around with his hands up saying "do you see any figures, i see no figures"
me: call your fucking manager. i didn't pay preorder from you guys for nothing since i have to drive 10 miles when i could have picked it up from a bestbuy which is much closer to home.
clerk: let me check the back
he's in there for a good 10 seconds
clerk:nope nothing in there
me: call your fucking manager
clerk: there is no figurine!

i didn't get my figurine. i'm to lazy to call when the manager is in the store. this clerk is an fat ass and my friends have had problems with him in the past as well.

the figurine is in the box smarty man.


Enter GameStop. I'm browsing around, I don't have much money to spend, but I know I can find a good deal on something. After a minute I spot Eternal Darkness preowned for 18 bucks. So I grab it and head towards the counter. AS I get there someone, doesn't cut in front of me. They were there looking at the candies, but they lean over the register. Then he starts talking to the clerk about Ninja Gaiden. I butt in about 2 minutes in and ask if he's going to buy anything or if he's going to move. So he politley obliges. Anyway, they keep talking and then the clerk says "Some FAG already turned Ninja Gaiden in" (This was like...within a week of it's release). Appearantly the guy that turned it in was browsing the DVDs and was like "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY". This guy didn't look like your average gamer. He looked more on par with your average rapist. So he walks behind the counter and screams at the clerk and pushes him. This goes on for about a minute untill I ask the rapist if he'll go away so I can buy my game. "Oh sorry" and he just walked out of the store...



6.8 said:
I walked into EB last week, and I bought Fzero GX and they were like, ok that'll be $34.53 (I'm rounding the cents part). I paid it......They put it in a bag, and I left the store. Yeah, this story was pretty bad. Quite possibly this thread's worst story too.

What's worse is you got ripped off :p You could've got it for at least $10 cheaper.

edit: sp0rsk, you work at GameStop, so I'm wondering if you have any idea how much I could get for these games:

Rayman 3 GCN
NFL Street PS2
Def Jam Vendetta PS2
ZoE: The 2nd Runner
Jak II

If you do, that's great; if not, eh, that's good too :)


force push the doodoo rock
Bowser said:
What's worse is you got ripped off :p You could've got it for at least $10 cheaper.

edit: sp0rsk, you work at GameStop, so I'm wondering if you have any idea how much I could get for these games:

Rayman 3 GCN
NFL Street PS2
Def Jam Vendetta PS2
ZoE: The 2nd Runner
Jak II

If you do, that's great; if not, eh, that's good too :)

i dont know for sure, but i assume alot more than you would get for GTA3 Madden and NCAA games.
Christ on a fucking CRUTCH some of you guys are fucking crazy little nerdos, aren't you? Yikes.

I really identify with some of these far-out stories though. I worked at a Funco right when Gamestop took them over for about 4 months. It was alright. I tried to be nice to customers and just give them advice when they asked for it. I was always on the internet reading about upcoming shit (just like now) and even though I was a solid DC fan, I never ripped on the PS2 or upcoming Gamecube/Xbox. I even had my own personal PS2 set up as the store's demo unit for a couple days. I took it home because tons of people were playing it and I didn't want my shit getting wore out before there were any games I even wanted available for the damn thing.

That said, there ARE some fucking douchebags at gamestores. One time I went in for Twisted Metal Black and this dude just starts pushing the new Gran Turismo on me like I HAVE to have it. I came right out and said "I don't like racing games." which was a lie, but I wanted him to get off my nutsack already. So then he goes, "But it has cars...just like Twisted Metal...I thought you'd like it. Everyone is pre-ordering it." Well Gran Turismo can suck a fat dick cuz I've got the game I wanted."

Oh and when I worked at Funco there was this fucking NERD that would come in and rip on the Dreamcast whenever possible and praise the shit out of the PS2. What a fucking dick this guy was. Zits all over his face, big stupid glasses, like 6'5 tall, bad haircut. The works. He came in one time was talking all this shit about how Resident Evil: CV for DC sucks and is the worst Resident Evil game of the series. Then he says, "I'll just wait for the PS2 version. Its going to be awesome.". I felt like kicking his ass out of the store. Fucking geek. Best part of the story, two years after I've stopped working there, that same douchebag is behind the counter. Go figure.

Oh and last night I was actually the asshole. I made a Nintendo fan cry. :) Well not really. But they had this Red vs Blue DVD behind the counter and I wanted it. So I said, "Holy shit is that Red vs Blue?" So he walks over to the Pokemon Orange/Green display (next to the RvB) and says, "oh this isn't out yet." So then I go, "No dude, not that, the Red VS Blue DVD next to it. I don't want Pokemon." "Oh.....yeah sorry." he goes.

He seemed pretty bummed that I didn't want the new Pokemon. So as he's ringing me up, I show my true asshole form and say, "C'mon dude. Fuckin Pokemon?" Then I start laughing and say "I'll meet you halfway and order a real RPG. Let's do a FABLE pre-order."

:) His co-worker thought that was hilarious.
I usually shop at places like Target for games. I'm not into buying used games, so I usually don't have a reason to go into a store dedicated to games.


Some of these stories are pretty messed up. But when I hear the flip side stories, what this all boils down to is that people are people and it makes me hate the general populous all the more. When I see people ignoring other people's rights... I really have to stuff my irritation down deep inside so that I don't spout off at the mouth. My best friend has always said that one day my mouth would get me into trouble. Well, not yet, but damn close.

What I hope you all can realize is that companies like GameStop and EB don't have videos like the one on the Chapell show. They don't tell their employees to hate the customer or give the customer a hard time because they don't like the same games that the employee does. In fact, it's quite the opposite. They want the customer treated with the utmost respect because a happy customer is a return customer. Why would you want to go into a store to pre-order a game when you hate the rat-faced girl behind the counter? I've always strived to hire people who don't have a superiority complex. But they do leak into my stores from time to time.

There are times, guys and gals, when people's general lack of knowledge and/or common sense really drags me down and I don't want to do my job anymore. Managing a game store was one of my better ideas and I enjoy it a lot more than my last job. I've been playing games since 1978 if my memory serves me correctly. I didn't get my first system until the Intellevision came out. But you should roughly get my age. I've had more than a passing interest in games due to their ability to remove me from situations that would require another person to be in the room with me. I could spend time by myself and enjoy the challenge of a good game. Over the years, I've come across a good amount of knowledge about game systems, how they work, and how many of the games play and whether or not they're fun. I enjoy talking to customers much like yourselves who get frustrated with stupid people and just want to enjoy games. But when you hear things like I've heard, been witness to situations that I've witnessed, you would tend to not want to be in any kind of service industry. Case in point:

A woman walks into my store and asks my senior game advisor about the PS2 and PS One. She is asking the usual questions... price, accessories needed, and games. But then she asks the clinching question for most people to go ahead and pick up a PS2 (who have no idea what gaming is) " Does the PS2 play PS One games?" We of course reply that it does, in fact, play PS One games thereby increasing the gaming library to thousands of games (of which 5% are decent and not based on Mary Kate and Ashley). But what came out of this woman's mouth next has had me laughing to this day. She said, and I quote, "So lemme get this straight. You can play the PS One games on the PS2, but you can't play the PS2 games on the PS One? Well.... THAT'S dumb!"

What I don't get is why is that dumb? Can a cassette player play a CD? Can a DVD player play a Laser Disc (the one the size of an album)? Do 8-tracks play in cassette players and cassettes play in 8-track players? Can a CD be played on a record player? Can you shit dog food to save money? The answer is no! It makes no sense. Even if you are completely technologically stupid. You must at least understand what it takes to make money. If your new games played on the old $50 PS One, then why in hell would people pay upwards of $300 to buy the new hardware? And this is the mildest of cases. There are those who want employees to hold their hand through their purchasing experience. There are those who push other customers out of the way, literally, to be one ahead in the checkout line. Some customers are thieves and so are some employees. Welcome... to the real world.

My point is, there are stupid customers and there are stupid game store clerks. One thing is for sure... You guys are all going to shop where you're comfortable. You're not going to pre-order a game you don't want and you're not going to subscribe to a magazine you don't want to read. Why get hostile if they continue to ask you if you want to subscribe? They don't remember you from each time you visit, and if they do then maybe you should try being friendly and get to know them a little so they just acknowledge that you don't want the stupid magazine? Do you have to walk into a store with a chip on your shoulder? If you work for one of these stores, do you have to be so condescending?

My father showed me a saying at one point in my life that is as true today as the first day I read it: "When problems descend on my brow, it helps to remember somehow, that one hundred years latter, these problems won't matter.... in fact, they don't matter now."

I've said my piece and I hope it falls into capable minds. I'd like to think that you aren't all 10 years old with the attention span of a hummingbird.
Ferris said:
What I hope you all can realize is that companies like GameStop and EB don't have videos like the one on the Chapell show. They don't tell their employees to hate the customer or give the customer a hard time because they don't like the same games that the employee does. In fact, it's quite the opposite. They want the customer treated with the utmost respect because a happy customer is a return customer. Why would you want to go into a store to pre-order a game when you hate the rat-faced girl behind the counter? I've always strived to hire people who don't have a superiority complex. But they do leak into my stores from time to time.

I used to be the assistant manager of a retail store, and all I can say is that when you have sales people who are rude or obnoxious, 99% of the time, it usually stems from management. Generally speaking, most employees at any job following the example of their boss; if the boss is unprofessional, so are are the people working below him or her. That being said, I've noticed 100% of the time, it's always more than one employee acting the fool behind the counter of a Gamestop or EB, and one of them is always the manager.

Ferris said:
There are times, guys and gals, when people's general lack of knowledge and/or common sense really drags me down and I don't want to do my job anymore. Managing a game store was one of my better ideas and I enjoy it a lot more than my last job. I've been playing games since 1978 if my memory serves me correctly. I didn't get my first system until the Intellevision came out. But you should roughly get my age. I've had more than a passing interest in games due to their ability to remove me from situations that would require another person to be in the room with me. I could spend time by myself and enjoy the challenge of a good game. Over the years, I've come across a good amount of knowledge about game systems, how they work, and how many of the games play and whether or not they're fun. I enjoy talking to customers much like yourselves who get frustrated with stupid people and just want to enjoy games. But when you hear things like I've heard, been witness to situations that I've witnessed, you would tend to not want to be in any kind of service industry. Case in point:

A woman walks into my store and asks my senior game advisor about the PS2 and PS One. She is asking the usual questions... price, accessories needed, and games. But then she asks the clinching question for most people to go ahead and pick up a PS2 (who have no idea what gaming is) " Does the PS2 play PS One games?" We of course reply that it does, in fact, play PS One games thereby increasing the gaming library to thousands of games (of which 5% are decent and not based on Mary Kate and Ashley). But what came out of this woman's mouth next has had me laughing to this day. She said, and I quote, "So lemme get this straight. You can play the PS One games on the PS2, but you can't play the PS2 games on the PS One? Well.... THAT'S dumb!"

What I don't get is why is that dumb? Can a cassette player play a CD? Can a DVD player play a Laser Disc (the one the size of an album)? Do 8-tracks play in cassette players and cassettes play in 8-track players? Can a CD be played on a record player? Can you shit dog food to save money? The answer is no! It makes no sense. Even if you are completely technologically stupid. You must at least understand what it takes to make money. If your new games played on the old $50 PS One, then why in hell would people pay upwards of $300 to buy the new hardware? And this is the mildest of cases.

Sorry, but now you're sounding like the average, bitter, know it all, game store boss. Yes, the question the woman asked was very stupid.... at least to us. We take much of what we know, and I'm not just talking about video games, but technology, for granted. Not everyone has the benefit of knowing as much as we do. Plus I'm sure you've asked a question that was total nonsense to those you asked, but to yourself, seemed fairly logical.

A vital component of your job is to answer questions, no matter how "asinine" you feel they might be. Lord knows I got plenty at my store job, but I did my best to humor them (so long as they weren't rude of course). But here's the thing... I never assumed all customers are dumb. And that's the underlying problem with most Gamestop/EB employees. This whole attitude that "we are so much smarter than you" and than everything you say is automatically going to be wrong.

Ferris said:
You're not going to pre-order a game you don't want and you're not going to subscribe to a magazine you don't want to read. Why get hostile if they continue to ask you if you want to subscribe? They don't remember you from each time you visit, and if they do then maybe you should try being friendly and get to know them a little so they just acknowledge that you don't want the stupid magazine? Do you have to walk into a store with a chip on your shoulder? If you work for one of these stores, do you have to be so condescending?

If sales people just asked once if you wanted to subscribe, and could take no for an answer, there wouldn't be nearly as many complaints. But the bottom line is that they simply badger you with endless criticisms for not joining. I shouldn't have to lie by saying "I already have a subscription" to stop get hassled. And on a similar note, I shouldn't have to be fucking buddy, buddy and be any "friendlier" to the employee to get decent service.

Ferris said:
I've said my piece and I hope it falls into capable minds. I'd like to think that you aren't all 10 years old with the attention span of a hummingbird.

Once again, your typical game store manager attitude.


Heh, I never get badgered about signing up for a subscription or anything. In fact, I went yesterday to get Madden, and here's my convo:

Me: "Yeah, I'd like to see how much I can get for these games"
GameStop Employee: "Alright, let's see."
*GS Employee checks the games*
GSE: "Pretty good, with the 30% extra, you get $67.70."
Me: "Alright, I'd like to do that"
*GSE checks them in*
Me: "Yeah, I'd also like to get Madden 2005."
GSE: "No prob"
*GSE grabs Madden, scans it and gives me my receipt, store credit slip, and game in bag"
GSE: "Have a nice day"
Me: "You too."

It was a very pleasant experience :)
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