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Worthy upcoming co-op games


There has been a lot of recent discussion about the lack of co-op where it could have made a good game great, so my question goes out... what games are coming down the pipe that look to deliver on actually providing good/great co-op (and not just a VS mode). Off the top of my head I'm keeping an eye on:

Timesplitters 3
Splinter Cell 3
Halo 2


The co-op is Splinter Cell 3 should be awesome. Dont have a xbox for Halo 2:(. But if they released the first one for the pc, I dont see any reson not to release 2 :)

4 players co-op. How about that?
Pikmin 2. Already proven to be a blast. I love it and it simply crushes any FPS co-op I have ever played.

And don't forget Star Fox 2. It will include a co-op mode as well. And Doom 3 for the box. You just listed all the boring titles.


HALO 2.. I'm praying it's got something crazy like 4 player Co-Op. My friends and I still play the first game's co-op to this day.

Just finished Assault on the Control Room for the 18.7 billionth time this weekend w/ a friend (on legendary of course :) )


Sony will have to license the Queen song "Champions" to go with that gay title, its a perfect fit gay title, gay song, gay band. Maybe they can get a tie in with Viagara. At least the game will probably be good.
AeroGod said:
Are they improving the online aspect for Return the Arms?

No. They are actually making it worse. ... What do you think? :p

One of the biggest and buggiest problems to interfere with CoN was the online play. This was in part to the poorly designed lobby and game creation interface that SOE chose to deploy with the final product. Having learned a lesson the hard way, RtA promises to fix all those annoying issues and potential gameplay exploits by taking the step of storing all data on its own servers. This means that PS2 memory card exploits are now a thing of the past, so money and item duping should be irradiated completely this time round.

A new lobby interface will make it much easier to find buddies and create and host games. The game is only supported by a broadband connection which should mean that the action keeps moving in a suitably fast and furious manner. Of course, Voice over IP (VoIP) chat is still a welcome feature in-game, and is now also included in the lobby environment. There will be all manner of game stats tracking too, so expect to see some Best of the Best-style leaderboards popping up -- bragging rights must be earned! Possibly to coolest new feature of RtA, however, is the Medal Rounds. These are cool mini-games (which can also be enjoyed online) that consist of various skill-based challenges. When completed, these challenges will open up new areas, online-specific maps, items, and rewards -- all of which can be used to trick-out your character! Each Medal Round offers a bronze, silver, and gold medal to be won, and depending on your skill level, the better you perform, the more impressive the reward will be.

The multiplayer component remains just as important and just as much fun as the single-player game, and for RtA, you can all look forward to some brand-new PvP blood-and-guts action. While I'm not at liberty to divulge too much information at this point, let's just say that there are numerous different PvP game styles, making room for some truly epic multiplayer "rogering" sessions. It's all good clean fun, y'know.

Battlefront,as great as its shaping up to be,would be that much more awesome if it had cooperative play. Its a longshot but heres hoping.


wipeout364 said:
Sony will have to license the Queen song "Champions" to go with that gay title, its a perfect fit gay title, gay song, gay band. Maybe they can get a tie in with Viagara. At least the game will probably be good.
What the hell does Viagra have to do with being gay? And the song is called "We Are the Champions" you idot. And Queen rocks.


SyNapSe said:
Well, I haven't heard anything in a while, but yes, Pikmin 2 was supposed to support a co-op play mode.
Yes, it does have a co-op mode, but unfortunately you can't play through the story mode with a friend, I think it's just a challenge mode in which you complete dungeons / levels together.


Tag of Excellence
Great idea for a thread Limedust, I'll watch this one very carefully since playing co-op is a very important factor for me.
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