One of the greatest movies ever made. The Irishman, in contrast, is really ... really shit imo.
I haven't seen any of those. I'm actually new to Martin Scorsese films. Casino might be my first one.
I plan on watching the Irishman tomorrow.
If you haven’t seen it. Watch Goodfellas. Better than Casino.I haven't seen any of those. I'm actually new to Martin Scorsese films. Casino might be my first one.
I plan on watching the Irishman tomorrow.
"You called my friend a f*ggot?"Love the scene with the pissed off cowboy with his feet on the table.
I've seen Taxi Driver but it was about 12 years ago and for some reason I can't remember it.Watch Taxi Driver and Raging Bull ASAP.
I finally saw Once Upon A Time In America this year and I have to say - I didn't enjoy it. I made sure to watch the best cut too. I couldn't get invested in the story or the characters.
My favorite Leone film I've seen so far is A Fistful of Dollars.
His scenes are all amazing. "Don't you make a fuck out of me!"
I must be one of the very few that despises Goodfellas. Henry Hill comes off as a real asshole with no redeemable qualities and unfortunately the movie revolves around him. In contrast, Casino's characters hold my attention the entire time despite many personality flaws. Not only do I prefer Casino, but I would rather watch 2001's Blow with Johnny Depp as far as drugs theme is concerned.
P.S. The Irishman was a dull film for me and with its de-aging tech and reflective contacts firmly resides in the uncanny valley. The middle segements of Once Upon a Time in America nailed all its themes much better.
I think My Blue Heaven is a perfectly serviceable comedy. I empathise with plenty of characters in Casino and many in Goodfellas, but I find the protagonist in the latter to be insufferable even despite liking Ray Liotta's performance. As far as The Sopranos are concerned, I did not care for any of its characters except Bobby and he had very little screen time.You could always watch My Blue Heaven for another Henry Hill themed movie.
Joe Pesci is great in both Casino and Goodfellas but I just prefer Liotta over De Niro...or should I say De Niro in a supporting role over De Niro as the lead. Neither Stone or Bracco work for me though I find Bracco much more annoying but that's probably the character. Otherwise the casting in both movies are fabulous. I'm not sure you are really supposed to empathize with anyone in these movies. Maybe that's the Soprano effect.
Not related but still a great film.
Leaving Las Vegas
I like Casino. Great film. Though it is now the Casino Vs Goodfellas question
Similar but different films.
Goodfellas edges it out for me.
The thing about Goodfellas is that Morrie's wigs are tested against hurricane winds