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Wow... just... wow

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skinnyrattler said:
I think you guys are giving too much credit to the ease of using computers. People go from being stupefied by the on/off switch of their VCRs and DVDs to the complete clusterfuck that are computers. Hell, I know a lil about networking and my best solution to most bad problems is to turn everything (router, pc, modem, etc) off and turn it back on. Oh, and google.

At best, PC customer service is like doctors using medical speak. Except good doctors make an attempt to rid medical language from conversations with patients. Reboot isn't in everyone's vocabulary just like rebound doesn't mean grabbing the ball in medical lingo. Sometimes you have to dumb it down. Somethings SEEM simple when they are not. Just say turn your computer off and turn it back on.

Agreed...great post. Those of us who've grown up with computers just take it for granted that anyone can use one. That said, I can't stand when other people think I'm some sort of computer expert just because I use one all the time. Like Skinny said, the solution to most of my problems begins and ends with rebooting and Google. Anything beyond that, and I'm as clueless as they are.

That doesn't make Discharger's posts any less funny though.

And you people are fucking insane for actually wanting a job like that. It's about as thankless as it gets. I get annoyed when my mom and dad ask me about what I deem to be the easiest of tasks...there's no way I could take hearing that from strangers 8 hours a day, even if it was for money (which I doubt is great anyway).
Shinobi said:
Agreed...great post. Those of us who've grown up with computers just take it for granted that anyone can use one. That said, I can't stand when other people think I'm some sort of computer expert just because I use one all the time. Like Skinny said, the solution to most of my problems begins and ends with rebooting and Google. Anything beyond that, and I'm as clueless as they are.

That doesn't make Discharger's posts any less funny though.

And you people are fucking insane for actually wanting a job like that. It's about as thankless as it gets. I get annoyed when my mom and dad ask me about what I deem to be the easiest of tasks...there's no way I could take hearing that from strangers 8 hours a day, even if it was for money (which I doubt is great anyway).

Shinobi's got the right idea. As much as it looks like you'd have a good time dealing with these type of people, it's not usually a lot of fun. Especially when you're talking to them on the phone. Only certain people are cut out for this type of work. I've known plenty of people that had good intentions but didn't last long because they couldn't handle irates or people who just could not get it no matter how many times it was explained to them. We still have to handle those people whether we like to or not. This type of job can burn you out real quick if you're not careful.
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