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Wow, they showed the entire MGS3 E3-2K4 trailer on Xplay


works for Gamestop (lol)
And damn it looks so much better than that crappy streamed version that Konami has on their site! Wow!

Ok, so they didn't actually show the whole trailer. Some small bits in the middle were missing, and they didn't show the part after the MGS3 title at the end. And there were some commericials in between, but other than that the whole episode was pretty much devoted on the trailer. I didn't even know they were airing this (Tivo rox). It should be repeating again tomorrow if you guys missed it. Looks even better in perfect quality!


Maybe on the next Document or rerelease they'll have all the trailers. Funny, I watched the whole thing again today on my comp. I can't wait for the various takedown moves.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Damn it, i still want a direct-feed non-streaming version of that trailer. Someone go find it for me. Now.


Still Tagged Accordingly
SolidSnakex said:
Konami actually put up a slightly higher quality version that you can download directly from them instead of streaming.
wtf? since when? and where can I get it? kcej.co.jp or konami.com?

edit: nevermind :p


works for Gamestop (lol)
Metal Gear Solid Retrospective; MGS3: Snake Eater Trailer (episode 260)
Tune in as we take a look at the history behind one of the biggest sneak-fests, Metal Gear Solid. Plus, tune in to watch the full MGS3: Snake Eater trailers that we picked up at E3 2004.

Tuesday June 22
4pm ET / 1pm PT

Saturday June 26
11pm ET / 8pm PT


works for Gamestop (lol)
I would, but I have no idea how to rip the contents off a Tivo box. I don't have it modded or anything, or even have the HDD upgraded. My bro bought it and he's paranoid that I'd fuck it up...go bother :|

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Well, I was just on the phone with a friend who could record it (digitally) if he happens to be at home at that time. However, he's not sure if he'll be there, and in that case, the duty falls on his wife, so we'll see how that goes...


It wasn't the full version of the extended trailer. That thing was much longer. Plus, they took breaks for commercials every two minutes, so it was kinda crappy.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
We should just wait for the Famitsu DVD with the direct feed video. I'd really like to get my hands on the VOB and burn it on a DVD that I can watch on my TV. Watching DVD videos on a computer always looks worse for some reason :\
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