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Wow, Tribes:Vengeance first player is pretty good.


Who would of thought?




Meh. I didn't like it...found the mission objectives arbitrary and contrived, and derived little pleasure from the slaughtering of bots.

I did like the "arena" level, though. Good multiplayer intro.


I don't know, maybe I"m having fun creaming bots. I can't explain it, I wouldn't even of started up single player if there had been more than like 20 servers....need more people putting up servers. Pings of 150 ain't cool.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Wait, so is it just a "mission to mission" bot match kinda thing (like Quake 3)? Or is there an actual story presented to you (like Halo, Half-Life, or System Shock 2)?


dark10x said:
Wait, so is it just a "mission to mission" bot match kinda thing (like Quake 3)? Or is there an actual story presented to you (like Halo, Half-Life, or System Shock 2)?

It's an actual story. I mean why would I be a little girl flying around in a fighter if it wasn't a story?


The single player indeed does rock very hard and stands on its own as a very fun experience.

The problem with the lack of retail servers stems from somebody's retarded decision to make the dedicated server require the CD to be in the drive of the server. Considering a lot of hosts don't allow physical access to their servers this poses a large problem as uploading 4 CDs worth of content can take a damn long time. Irrational has a free dedicated server program currently in QA at VU, so it should be available for download (hopefully) by the weekend.

Ya, it was a MAJOR screw-up on Irrational or VU's part, and it better get sorted out as soon as possible.


Oh I see, crappy handhelds with screens that you're going to smudge up with your nasty fingers is more important than a second rate FPS?


Beat the game. Some points.

-Story is good, kinda sad, but cliche'd (one of the character's even refers to themselves as a "cardboard cutout villian".
-The trials were cool.
-End fight, although visually really cool was weaksauce.
-Ending is bleh, Either there is multiple endings and I got a bad one.... or there's going to be an expansion.
-Bugs I encountered
1. At one mission I had to guard a base. While I was being told my next task, the audio cut out on their voice, but my mission still popped up. I went and did it, and it didn't complete. So I had to restart, did the same thing and it worked perfectly.
2. (this one pisses me off) The end scene goes black, but audio still plays. I don't know if that's what they intended (seems stupid if they would), but this isn't cool if it's actually not showing me the ending scene.
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