WrestleMania 33 Week |OT| The Ride Never Ends.

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Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Nak is still in the ring, hes having a match, apparently? Nope nevermind lol


It so weird for me seeing Harper teaming with randy. Him and Luke are pigeon-holed really badly in that i can only imagine he'll join back up with Wyatt in like 6 months time. And jesus being under Wyatt ain't exactly worth a lot.
Cool to see Nak. Don't think he'll ever be the top star that people want him to be but I think he'll be treated well enough. Id give him the IC title for like a year but jesus that would mean feuding with fucking Dolph Ziggler.
And lol Meltzer saying their building up to Brock vs Strongman? It might be a shit match but fuck i want to see it just for the sheer spectacle.
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