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Wrestling news: Bret Hart/WWE meeting, Ultimo Dragon return

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Bret Hart will be meeting with Shane McMahon at some point today.

The purpose of the meeting is to figure out a deal where a Bret Hart DVD can be produced by WWE.


Ultimo Dragon will be returning to World Wrestling Entertainment in November of this year. Upon his return, he will be wrestling without his mask, working as under his real name.

<bish_Beta> what's Ultimo's real name? Bob?
<bish_Beta> "now challenging for the IC title: BOB!"

evil ways

That's a shame about Ultimo, his masked, high flyer gimmick is real easy to get over with fans if only he was given TV time aside from Velocity and booked properly. Without the mask or the Ultimo name he will get lost among the Kenzo Suzukis, Akias and Sakodas, with the mask at least most fans would recognize Ultimo from WCW and the time he carried around like 7 Jr. belts with him.


Junior Ace
Yoshihiro Asai.

You've heard of the Asai Moonsault right? Yeah, that's named after him.
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