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WTF is that noise coming out of my ear?

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OK, so my right ear has been giving me problems for over a month, and I thought tonight that maybe if I tried to unpop it by holding my nose and blowing out it might fix the problem.

So, I do that, and my left ear made this weird squeaky noise.

I thought it might do it again, so I got my microphone near my ear ant tried it. Listen to the sound that came out! Jebus!
it's 123KB


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I don't think holding your nose and blowing is the best way to handle these type of things. How do you feel?


I feel fine.

My right ear has been giving me a lot of problems lately. I don't know if it's a wax buildup or what.

sometimes it feels 'squishy', and then sometimes it feels like it's releasing fluid. When I clean it with a q-tip, it feels like i'm hitting my eardrum or something when I don't even go very far in at all.

I just thought there might be a chance it wasblocked due to pressure or something, so I tried that, and then the left ear started making funny noises.

I'm scheduling an appointment with the doctor to get this thing checked out.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Your ear has been giving you problems for over a month and you're just scheduling a doctor's appointment now? That's the kind of thing I'd get checked out quick. Hearing and sight are two things I will protect at great lengths.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
I've heard that sound from someone before... you're going to die.... have a nice day.
Get a doctor to take a look at it. Getting your ears washed out is actually a really good experience. You won't believe just how much crap can exist in your ears! Also, the water method is less painful than the tiny doctors vacuum method, though the vacuum method works better for the deeper stuff. Thing with the vacuum is that it is loud (especially considering where he is putting it) and if the doctor isn't still it can touch your inner ear and it hurts.


You just have too much wax bro, I went through the same thing a few weeks back - they'll flush your ears and your hearing will be hyper-sensitive for a while and the noise should go away.


Unconfirmed Member
For some of us, i.e. me, the water method isn't available. My eardrums have ruptured in the past, so they won't spray water in your ear.

I tell you what, though. Having wax ripped off of infected tissue on your eardrum (my eardrum was trying to eat a hole in itself!) is quite possibly the most painful experience of all time.
Fusebox said:
You just have too much wax bro, I went through the same thing a few weeks back - they'll flush your ears and your hearing will be hyper-sensitive for a while and the noise should go away.

It is actually amazing how good your hearing can get after you get it done. You can hear the air blowing by your ears for the first few days!


Grandma's Chippy
I swear people don't use doctors anymore :D

Sounds like you just have an ear infection and had some air trapped in there behind the swollen tissue.

Get some ear drops or GO see a doctor man!
Ecrofirt said:
OK, so my right ear has been giving me problems for over a month, and I thought tonight that maybe if I tried to unpop it by holding my nose and blowing out it might fix the problem.

So, I do that, and my left ear made this weird squeaky noise.

I thought it might do it again, so I got my microphone near my ear ant tried it. Listen to the sound that came out! Jebus!
it's 123KB

Hm. Well that about wraps it up for you, sounds like what you've got is Gremilins using your inner ear to spawn their race.


Knows the Score


The sound you heard was air. Every human has sort of a pipe (dunno what it's for) between their ear and their nose, you can squeeze air through that pipe (also seen ppl blow smoke out of their ears).


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Maybe you just have a narrow ear canal. I know I do. I have to flush my ears ever few months, or I can't hear well.

Have you tried using Murine?


Holding your nose and mouth closed while blowing hard through your nose (as if you were trying to push your nostrils open with the air) is called the Valsalva technique. If you are hearing strange noises -- kind of a gurgling or squeaking -- then you probably have fluid or mucus in your outer ear. (If the outer ear is filled only with air and the technique is successful, then you hear a single "pop" and the pressure equalizes.)

I would see a doctor as soon as you can, and DON'T use the technique again until you do. It is possible to rupture your eardrum by doing it if the space is filled with fluid and you blow forcefully enough.

For what it's worth -- don't screw around with your ears. I found out the hard way about all this stuff when I flew for business with a bad head cold. I couldn't get the pressure equalized on descent, suffered some AWFUL pain (dizzyingly bad -- I was staggering around the terminal), and I'm not sure that my ear has EVER quite recovered 100% from the experience. Thankfully, I haven't flown much lately.


I ended up gonig to the doctor about my ear.

He said there's no wax in my ears, and he thinks the weird feeling my right ear is giving me is due to fluid behind the eardrum. He gave me nasonex and zyrtec to see if that would help.
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