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WTF is up with totally spoiler commercials by movie studios...

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I just saw a commercial from Sony for Spiderman 2 on MTV and it totally spoiled everything. Sure most people that are going to see it have already watched it, but there are those that haven't, and I'm sure some that haven't gotten the chance.

I hated that Universal did the same thing with The Lost World (and actually the trailer to Jurassic Park 3 spoils a lot more than I appreciated).

big spiderman 2 spoiler:

when I saw the trailer to Spidey 2, I wasn't sure that he would actually be unmasked, and in the TV ad just shown, he's totally talking to Mary Jane for the longest time without the mask. not only that, the ad is misleading because one assumes their struggle about being together while Jane being supportive is a theme throughout the movie, when it's really the last few minutes of the film...)


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
A couple days before Spider-Man 2 opened I saw an ad with
Spider-Man unmasked during the train sequence
and I was quite shocked that they revealed it. Especially with big movies like these, is there a reason to show everything? People are already going to flock to the theater without showing off 90% of the film's set pieces. Leave some surprises and audiences will leave providing better word of mouth.


Junior Member
I started avoiding ALL movie previews after seeing the Spiderman 2, and I, Robot trailers. I avoid everything. You should do the same, what with Collateral, Manchurian Candidate and Bourne Supremacy coming out and all.


This has become a big sore spot for me. Trailers not only spoil parts of movies, but spell out the entire plot. Something like a new spiderman movie doesn't require that. Just show a bunch of action clips and voila ... people will go. I don't want to what the storyline is going to be.
Yeah, I saw that trailer last night on one of the networks. HUGE spoilers aplenty, and I said to myself "WTF?"

(NOTE: I didn't actually say the letters "WTF;" rather, I said aloud "What the F*ck.")


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
I make it a point to not watch movie trailers...actually these days since the only TV I really watch is TIVO'd stuff I generally blaze past the commercials/trailers anyway....


The Manchurian Candidate trailer gives away the biggest plot twist in the original
(the mother is in on it)
. Idiotic.


Oh yeah well some dumb bitch reporter on FOX Five news in NYC totally ruined The Bourne Supremcy for me. She said in her report that:

the reason bourne comes out of hiding is because someone kills his girlfriend. The same chick from the first movie.

I mean WTF!!!!!!!!!
Sometimes it works. The Castaway trailer abbreviated the movie into a 2 minute blurb, saving you the displeasure of actually watching it.
Acutally, the biggest spoiler ever came from What LIes Beneath. All suspense that was supposed to be in the first 3/4 of the film was utterly obliterated by the trailer. I think it might have been a good movie if it wasn't for the fact that all of the plot twists were given away by the trailer.


Don't forget the Kill Bill volume 2 trailer that was shown on Entertainment Tonight a few days before Volume 2 opened.



Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Thank god the Spider-Man 2 ads weren't as bad around here before the movie opened. During the past few weeks they have been HORRIBLE. They showed just about everything in the trailers lately. I feel bad for people that haven't seen the movie yet. :(


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Yeah I just saw that on TV, I'm glad I saw the movie a week ago.
This has been a point of contention for years. IT makes me want to strangle the people in charge of creating the trailers. grrrrr I've pretty muched stopped watching all trailers.


Guzim said:
Don't forget the Kill Bill volume 2 trailer that was shown on Entertainment Tonight a few days before Volume 2 opened.


To be somewhat fair, this was alluded to at the end of Volume 1. But yeah, why is that necessary?


Yeah i was abit underwhelmed by spiderman 2. I think it was because i knew what was happening :(

Stupid news channels and trailers on tv and cinema.
Ha, the worst was still the one with Harrison Ford and Michelle Pfiefer where she says something along the lines of, "I'm not your wife.."

That was awesome.


Here's a spoiler for the I, Robot commercial: It gave everything away, story was shit, all the action scenes = in the trailer. -.-
This reminds m ehow I wished TPM didn't show off that Maul had 2 blade on his lightsaber. I wish they had done what they did for Yoda in AOTC and give it some time before spoiling the whole big scene.


I remember Superman 3's trailer...it was a summary of the entire movie in 3 minutes, with full narrative telling you everything.

If you have the Superman Movie DVD set it's on there.
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