Oh god, I know. They lasted quite a while too, so secret deals start breaking out for protection. Remember one when I was Christian and put up in the AA by Cena and my friends CAW brogue kicked Cena right in the face with his special. After I got up, we taunted together, my taunt was shorter so I hit him with the Unprettier and pow, KO'd.
It's what Christian would've done in real life as well.
My main memory was from a match where I was already eliminated and it came down to my underdog friend who never wins versus the master masher of the A button, after a gruelling back and forth brawl our underdog got off a solid KO hit with the title belt and judging by the speed the countdown meter was depleting he had this in the bag, in the final two counts he sets down the controller beginning to raise his hands in triumph, he'd finally won a match...
Except never underestimate the power of mashing, it was like witnessing a controllers autofire function in person done manually, there was no 10 count as at the last possible tenth of a second the seemingly defeated CAW rose to its feet through the power of mash and the sheer deflation on the part of our underdog player was just priceless, he then got swiftly Brogue Kicked as well funnily enough (it's clearly the CAW choice of running special) and lost.
Thinking back that was the most Cena thing possible on my friends part, not putting over the underdog, overcoming the odds, never give up and lol cena/sheamus wins finisher moment.