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WWE Battleground '17 |OT| A Canadian, Bulgarian, and Maharajah walk into a bar...

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"


2 AJ vs. KO matches. 2 shitshows.

KO says he just doesn't have great chemistry with some people. He said he had a couple of matches against Bryan Danielson that he didn't consider particularly good at all because he didn't work well with him.
I never understand people saying Jinder has a good look. The uncomfortably veiny arms, the backacne, the saggy pecs, I always just feel weird when seeing him. When in the suits it's better.

God remember that Cena promo on Tuesday


I never understand people saying Jinder has a good look. The uncomfortably veiny arms, the backacne, the saggy pecs, I always just feel weird when seeing him. When in the suits it's better.

God remember that Cena promo on Tuesday
When people say "Jinder has a good look" what they really mean is that "Jinder has a look that Vince thinks is good".
It's pretty fucking astounding how bad WWE is given the level of talent they have under contract. Like I don't think any company outside of like 2000 WCW could do this poorly with this much talent.


Good Art™
KO says he just doesn't have great chemistry with some people. He said he had a couple of matches against Bryan Danielson that he didn't consider particularly good at all because he didn't work well with him.

Except he had amazing matches with Styles, like that iron match one in some house show. But for some reason they cant do complex things together anymore.
Couldn't be more ashamed of our country right now. Booing a successful immigrant in Jinder, and cheering rah rah patriotism from Cena with one of the dumbest men in the country as President.

I hope the US flag gets burned to a crisp tonight.
It's pretty fucking astounding how bad WWE is given the level of talent they have under contract. Like I don't think any company outside of like 2000 WCW could do this poorly with this much talent.

WWE roster is basically "I want to root for these guys, why are they making it so hard to?!"



Uhh Triple H is not involved in creative. Smackdown main guys are Road Dogg, the former nxt writer and Michael Hayes and then Vince over sees it all.

They have a problem with booking ending to matches.


WWE is fucking garbage lol.
Yo for real. Is creative so fucking scared to let KO or AJ win clean that they need to have these horrible finishes every televised match? Can they not just have a solid back and forth fued with great matches? Kenny still looks strong as fuck after back to back clean losses to Okada.

This shit is frustrating as someone that really loves both of these guys' work. I just want them to be cut loose, but no one will wrestle beyond the WWE style until Vince is out of the picture.

I firmly believe they have the largest pool or incredible talent that they've ever had, and they're doing fuck all with it. You'd think the G1 would push them to try harder with the product but they'd rather just continue to be stale and coast on bad ratings until USA finally forces their hand for a better show.

Holy shit am I frustrated with WWE lol. Thank god for the G1


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
I had forgotten what these matches were like... It's literally a CTF match
I firmly believe they have the largest pool or incredible talent that they've ever had, and they're doing fuck all with it. You'd think the G1 would push them to try harder with the product but they'd rather just continue to be stale and coast on bad ratings until USA finally forces their hand for a better show.

Holy shit am I frustrated with WWE lol. Thank god for the G1

WWE does not care about NJPW and the G1, stop trying to compare the two. When people say crap like this it's what makes fans dimiss anything from NJPW



I can't bring myself to care about the rest of the show, hate myself for watching it through this far, half baked feuds ending with crotch shots, what a waste of time, cancelling my sub tomorrow
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