Well Liu some DON'T know how things work behind the scenes. To me you seem to come off a bit pretensious. There was no "argument" over anything. Just tossing opinions around about what could and probably is wrong with something a few members here enjoy.
Jobber ok, sorry I misunderstood you. Heyman does give ideas,mostly shot down. Which is a shame the guys is a freaking genius when it comes to handling talent. Just don't let the guy near money though. Only idea that seems to have stuck lateely was the idea of an insane Heidenreich. I kinda like it, it fits the character and has some potential. Now the matter of giving him some in ring ability.... he has some but it's limited.
The Paterson stuation DOES bring up a bit of suspiscion, at least due to the timing of his report. And Patterson is right, HHH does take up WAY too much of the spotlight. No matter WHERE he is on the card, his segments seem to be the focus of the show. As a paying fan I really don't want to sit through the same rmabling promo over and over again.
Now granted the last couple weeks have been pretty good TV, mainly because the rest of the talent is the focus and dominating force. The "inmates running the asylum" idea is pretty decent and should make for a decent match at S. Series. I guess I'll see, I'll be in attendance.
As for Taboo Tuesday, too bad PPV was crap save the Jericho v. Benjamin match and to a lesser extent Michaels carrying HHH on his injured back. HBK may be a little past his prime, but damn it, he can work a crowd like no other. It was a great idea, just failed in execution.
I'll be rdering the TNA Victory Road PPv, maybe this will give back the competitive spark he had back in 97. Anyone whos watched for years knows Vince kicks it up a few notches when he has some one to compete against. We'll see I guess, should be a fun ride going into WM21.