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Rocks so far,

I do recommend doing the tutorial because even though its smackdown looking the controls are a bit different.

Most know ima wrestling fan so im going to cater them in this post


Very Nice location damage system (im talking stomps to different body parts even differ depending where it stomped!)

All submissions are like no mercy (meaning they all have meters)

Great grappling system

-TAP A and direction for weak grapples, these are immediate moves with no real grappling, THINK early SD games setup.

-HOLD A to enter an actual strong grapple then u can move them around and such and A + direction does move (X does a go behind FINALLY someone added it!)

-B After grapple initiates strike grapples which were cool, I noticed you can do little mini combo aka tap B B B B B to keep smashing the crap outta them then hit A and direction to finish it off with a move.

-Graphics While some of the modeling may be a bit off, the effects and overall quality is awesome.


This is a little nitpicking but they kind of exaggerated some of the impacts (aka make em super fast and loud, jolt) for effect, and I think it seems a bit unrealistic this is usually when it’s a counter or some running attacks. But it more of a personal preference.

Music- This isn’t Tony Hawk and I don’t think this kind of music idea really fits with the game type of wrestling.

Im still playing so Ill bump later with more stuff

Basically its like they tried to make SD more like No Mercy and did a good job of it (pretty much what the vid interview said when he said "He was influenced by his love for the aki wrestling games).

What the game lacks in roster (and honestly it has RVD HBK BENOIT ANGLE HART, so im fine with the roster) it has in game play.


Is it as good or about as good as No Mercy/Wrestlemania 2000 from what you played? I'm guessing CAW mode is there- if it is, have you tested it, and is it good?


CAW rocks, so much stuff to edit. I love doing my intro lol

I agree, DOR is awesome. I just got to Raw in my Story Mode.
I've got it myself.

I really, really like the Create a Wrestler option- it's downright effing fantastic, you can spend weeks in that thing. i've been spending literally hours on my wrestler Luciferius Magnus. Tons of costume options- my only complaint is that most of the long hair in the game is mostly girl hair. Where's the long, straight guy hair anyway? I think i'll have to make the Dudley's for my game soon since they're not in there.

I pretty much agree with everything that was said above- a few additions though:Game difficulty curve is whack. One minute you're absolutely destroying jobbers and the next minute you're facing guys who counter 80% or more of your moves regardless and the only way to beat them is to bust out tons of counters yourself (which is harder than it sounds)

Also, the hardcore match options are really poorly done. All the objects break after 5 hits and don't respawn as far as I can tell, so it's a "hardcore" match for about the first two minutes and after that it's a normal falls count anywhere match with no DQ. TLC/Table matches do have respawning tables, but only after you break them all and it only respawns one which is beyond lame. you should be able to just walk up to the ring apron, hit X, and voila! neverending tables.

All my pissing and moaning aside though, it's a really well done wrestling title and i definitely recommend it.
god caw the caw intros are on raw calibur meaning you can control the following on 4 different areas

INTRO: (Start of entrance)
Camera: (tell the camera wher to swoop in from and how to react (8 different choices)
Lighting: (the type of lighting effects used, you pick from wrestlers setups not like raw where u chose every little thing)
Effects: basically all the effects control for pyro, smoke, etc.. (aka HBK Stage, HBK Ring) 35+ different ones

STAGE: (where ur guy is at the ramp top)
Animation: (what he does aka goldberg spaz, hogan guiter etc etc)
Camera: " same as above"
Lighting: " same as above "
Effects: " same as above"

RAMP: (as hes making his way to the ring)
Animation: (where like hbk would stop go on his knees and do his pray pose on the ramp)
Camera: " same as above"
Lighting: " same as above "
Effects: " same as above"

ARENA: (at the end of ramp turning to the ring etc)
Animation: (this is like the walking into the ring/ring taunts/end animation area)
Camera: " same as above"
Lighting: " same as above "
Effects: " same as above"

What I am reaaly impressed with is that DOR uses the REAL INTRO setup meaning I can (if I keep setting the camera the same) have my guy walk out and get into the ring all in one motion, and not the "cuts here and there" that smackdown does)
The Faceless Master said:

er I mean they have the metered system (yes I know no mercy didnt SHOW meters) but it have the acutal submission "battle" as it were like dno mercy did

remember in most sd games how submission were like a move and didnt stay locked on? None of taht here its all slap it on and grind the crap outta the move, ala no mercy (albeit with a meter now).


Yea, this game rocks. Next best thing to No Mercy, but not quite there yet. CAW is ridiculously detailed.

Create An Entrance is pretty good but I was pissed that I couldn't get a certain angle I wanted for my CAW. I wanted to do Angle's ramp pose where the camera is facing directly towards the guy like in Angle's entrance but there's no camera angle that does it. You can choose Angle's entrance as a template but only in the basic entrance option where you can't change pyro, lighting, etc. A very minor gripe, but it did piss me off a lot at the moment.

Also, the roster is a bit slim but everyone that matters is there. People on the GameFAQs and GamingRing boards were throwing a hissy fit because JBL isn't in the game. Sure, he's the Smackdown! champ, but still, he sucks.
Where were you guys last year?

XIX had the same CAW options from what I'm reading of your posts. I spent a good hour at the minimum on timing and editing all my intros for my created people so they'd be perfect. I'm not even that big a fan of the gameplay so after a bit it got to the point where I only booted it up to make a guy and give him a kickass entrance. In fact that reminds me, I've put off capturing those onto my computer and uploading them for far too long. I've got something to keep me busy this weekend.


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
i agree with the last post. most of these 'improvements' were in WMXIX last year. I don't see what's so special about them.
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