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WWE RAW 6/21

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Anyone watching this segment can safely agree with me:

I haven't watched in LONG time and just flipped to it, so I don't know what the hell is going on....

Kane is fucking Lita?
That was....that was....holy crap, I think I've seen better acting on Skinemax at 1 in the morning.

Hell, one of those infomerical crowds was more convincing than THAT.


keep your strippers out of my American football
It wasn't half as bad as I thought it would be when I read about this angle a couple of months ago. But why in the hell are you having this Matt-Lita-Kane thing going on while they are prepping for a Kane/HBK fued?

Has the Eugene-HHH match happened yet? I am predicting Kane to interfere in that match. It is Kane night.


keep your strippers out of my American football
That was weird booking. Made HHH look weak as hell. He didn't get the win, didn't beat the hell out of anyone, put Eugene over. He looks like a fetch boy for Eric. That last segment did nothing for anyone.


First tragedy, then farce.
If you are going to have Eugene beat the hell out of HHH just let him win the match... if they want to put both over you need to have a even match and then have flair interfere for the pin.. not have Benoit and Evolution run out..

this was the first really poor Raw in a while.. I mean, I dont want to watch the Rock run his mouth for nearly half an hour with no payoff... for what? to set up a tag match that went no where in a hurry?

in other news, I have to give props to Batista and Y2J.. for about 30 seconds I thought Batista may have actually hurt Jericho... about halfway through the commercial break I realized that if Jericho were actually hurt a guy dressed up in a set of surgical scrubs would not be the man to run out :p

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Loved the part with the Rock in the beginning, especially when he started walking "out" of the arena. great stuff. Other than that, awful. The HHH-Eugene match just didn't come out right.

I have to wonder if the show's script was completely messed up since they gave The Rock almost 30 minutes of speaking time. :\

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
dskillzhtown said:
It wasn't half as bad as I thought it would be when I read about this angle a couple of months ago.

I'd hate to see how bad you expected it to be cuz its already making my eyes and ears bleed.

EDIT: Watching the tape now. WOW only took them 32 minutes to get to the first match. Which happened to be a shitty womens match. Which happened to end 1 minute later beacause of a run-in.
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