I can't believe they made Hassan a terrorist leader :s
Mike Works said:If they wanted, they could have him turn around and get mad at his manager for fraternizing/sympathizing with those kind of people, which would turn him into a face when he stands up to his word in wanting people to accept him as an Arab American while he literally fights terrorists. If done properly, it could get him over majorly.
But knowing the WWE, we'll probably just see him make paper airplanes and throw them into the crowd.
:lol :lol :lolMike Works said:But knowing the WWE, we'll probably just see him make paper airplanes and throw them into the crowd.
Ghost said:Isnt Davari really some Italian American guy?
Minotauro said:Can someone please explain to me how the WWE exploiting terrorism is any different than when a television show like 24 does it?
123rl said:Wait, the WWE has an Arab-American as a TERRORIST? What the hell? I'm glad I stopped watching it's disgusting that they would even think of doing such disgraceful characterisation
Bacon said:I'm sure they're done in the same tasteful manner.
I think this terrorist guy should have sex with a coprse.
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:The problem with all of you people getting offended by these racial things is that you ignore that the person of the actual race itself that participates in these storylines has no problem with it.
You think he doesn't get mistaken for an Arab outside his job? This was on Daivari's site when they debuted:Minotauro said:Hassan is Italian.
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:You think he doesn't get mistaken for an Arab outside his job? This was on Daivari's site when they debuted:
Shawn Daivari who plays Khosrow Daivari in the vignettes with Mark Magnus (Muhammad Hussan) posted the following on his website in regards to Internet fans ripping the Arab angle:
"A quick comment to internet folk that are always dogging on the distastefulness of the WWE's new Arabs. None of you are Middle Eastern. I am. There's not a thing fabricated about what I say on TV. I mean what I say and the scenarios actually happen to me on a daily basis. When it happens to you, then start talking."
A quick comment to internet folk that are always dogging on the distastefulness of the WWE's new Arabs. None of you are Middle Eastern. I am.
Fake tan, beard, increased workout regime and head gear.jobber said:I still don't get how this![]()
ended up looking like this
Damn, son! :lolKeyser Soze said:When I left Smackdown for Raw to be with the whore, sorry, Amy
3kuSaS said:Hey, theres a little more to Shannon than spots. Besides, he'd fit in great in ROH fighting the other spot monkeys...including the king of spots, Jack Evans!
"You Got Served!!"
I'm thinking it's Haas and Gayda. ROH needs Haas bad, he'll be fucking huge there.Keyser Soze said:ROH Signing (soon) two of the Released Stars!
July 8th: ROH officials had very good discussions with two talents that have recently parted ways with WWE. You can definitely expect to see some new faces in 90 days. Both talents were very excited about competing in ROH on a regular basis. One even wants to train at the ROH Wrestling School.
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:I'm thinking it's Haas and Gayda. ROH needs Haas bad, he'll be fucking huge there.
Well of course when they give Morgan a stuttering gimmick, how the hell can he have charisma?Bowser said:Both Haas and Morgan were fired due to WWE believing they lacked charisma and didn't have room to grow. said:*listens to Hassan's music* :lol
Wrestlezone is half cut-and-paste from the big sites and half fake news to get your attention. Don't bother with any wrestling site that ends all their headlines with "CLICK HERE 4 DIVA PICS" or doesn't site a source.Bowser reporting that Matt Hardy turned down WWE's offer...
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:Wrestlezone is half cut-and-paste from the big sites and half fake news to get your attention. Don't bother with any wrestling site that ends all their headlines with "CLICK HERE 4 DIVA PICS" or doesn't site a source.
Bowser said:Well, that's the site I've been using for the past few years, the other big sites cost money (the ones that I know of ) for premium news![]()