i'd write dream matches all day, but as big as NJPW is, it's still nowhere near the beast that WWE is. I guess they could do like when ECW was on WWF way back in the day, but I doubt it. WWE values storylines and promos, and you can't really do that with a bunch of those guys.
Except Shinsuke. Who is bilingual. Because he's amazing.
I keep hearing NJPW is so big again. If thats true why haven't they had a game since 99-2000?
I loved the NJPW influence in the Danielson Cena match the slaps, the reversals the bootleg Masa Chono STF. Cena did good work tonight surprisingly.
He really needs to lock his hands when doing an STF his looks so week. Was that Bryan knee supposed to be a shining wizard? Hate how Cena Magically had a hurt arm. When I saw that I new Bryan would win. Why not give him a clean win When they pulled that shit at the end with HHH & Orton? At least he took multiple finishers.
Sad that Christian lost but his spear looked very weak. Good matched loved the black eyes & bloody noses I hope WWE goes rough strong style.
Brock shouldn't have come back hate how they are using him that match was terrible. In 06 until around 2011 CM Punk was one of my favs but he has been terrible for a while. He can barely pick other wrestlers up if at all. But he is damned good on the mic a little less so than a few years ago. Also he needs to stop doing that Macho Man Randy Savage "Tribute" Elbow he can't do it right it looks like shit. He is just a bootleg Kenta stealing his whole move set. Fellow smaller wrestler Austin Aries is a far better wrestler & D.B. IS WWE 's best wrestler by far.
Those funkettes have the worst team name ever but are both gorgeous especially the chocolate one with the biiiiig booty.
AJ also like punk she is weak (cool finisher though.) but a decent actor if annoying, She is so ugly they should stop pushing her & start pushing Kaitlyn, Funkettes , Layla & Hooooot burguendy red hair girl....