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WWII Mod for BF Vietnam out this Friday!!

"Available this coming Friday (8/20/04) from Digital Illusions and EA, the World War II mod for Battlefield Vietnam brings three Pacific Theatre maps from Battlefield 1942 into the Battlefield Vietnam engine. But these aren’t straight ports of the original maps. Instead, they make use of all of the upgraded features of the Battlefield Vietnam game engine.

Grab your sniper rifle and crawl through the thick grass and dense tropical foliage of Iwo Jima. Scoot around Wake Island blaring the Battlefield 1942 theme from your Willy’s onboard radio. Use the new flamethrower to clear defenders from the airfield during your Invasion of the Philippines. All this and more.

World War 2 Mod Features:
Three Pacific Theatre maps: Iwo Jima, Wake Island and Invasion of the Philippines.
Improved player customization using the Battlefield Vietnam-style kit, body and head selection interface.
Flamethrower kits can be picked up by any soldier and used to wreak havoc on bunkers and exposed infantry.
All Battlefield weapons and vehicles from the Pacific Theatre have been rebuilt to take advantage of the Battlefield Vietnam engine.
New animations for all kit weapons, to bring them up to the standards set with the Vietnam-era weapons in BFV.
Battlefield Vietnam gameplay tweaks: 3D Map, capture timer, and use of kit weapons from open positions. World War II Mod
Stay tuned to this web space over the next couple of days as we will have other updates pertaining to the release of this mod.

Tomorrow, that's Wednesday, we'll post some comparison screenshots to show off the mod."

Wow can't wait for this :D, playing on wake island will be awesome!



Ok so Dice makes Battlefield 1942, and people make vietnam mods for it.
Then they make Battlefield Vietnam (which is pretty much like the original) and people make 1942 mods for it?


Excellent. The foliage will bring so many new dynamics to Wake. This mod alone makes a Vietnam purchase worth it.

Ferrio said:

It's fucking DICE CANADA applying the BF:V to a handful of BF:1942 levels, calm the fuck down.
ToyMachine228 said:
Are there any screens of the mod yet? If it's worth it, I just may download the latest patch and play.
Yeah there are. I know I've seen them, can't remember where, but they look pretty sweet. There are new rocks/hanging trees, but the grass really stretches far. Standing from the south west enterance of the Airfield, you can be between the guard towers, and see grass all the way to the hill where the airplanes spawn.

Plus there's a flamethrower!


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Wake Island
Below, one can see that our comparison shots gaze out towards the US Airfield Base at the southeast bend of the island. In the World War 2 Mod, the increase in foliage in this area provides more protection to the pilots taking off from the airstrip, and also provides some cover for the invading Japanese soldiers coming up from the landing beaches. Also of note in the WW2 Mod shot is the higher level of detail on the sandbags. This sort of visual improvement will be exhibited throughout the levels.


Invasion of the Philippines
Below, we are again looking at a US Airfield Base, in this case at the center of the battle area.


Iwo Jima
Finally, on Iwo Jima, we find ourselves looking at the top of Mount Suribachi. In the World War 2 Mod, the battle for Iwo Jima takes place during the fall of night, with torches, moonlight and gun fire providing the primary sources of light.


small teaser pic of a plane:


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Well the weapon animations, character models, vehicles, buildings, etc. have been redone. So it would be really easy for DICE Canada to redo a few more maps (Coral Sea, Midway, Guadal Canal). Likewise, it would be easy for someone else to port the maps over as stated already.


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They are gonna post a WWII mod Q&A tomorrow and of course the release of the mod on Friday :D.

I'm actually really looking forward to the ability to listen to my own music in combination with these classic maps.


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I wish they were my own pics :p lol but they are actually Evil Homer's from PBF. Still, I thought GA would like to see em'. I'll post the Q&A later for you guys to see :).

EDIT: Yeah... too brown lol. I liked the orange of the original (made them easy to see from my plane high up in the clouds). You might wanna check out this link Doom if you're interested in BF2 at all.

Ok, my 56K modem just kicked me square in the nuts for attempting to load some of the pictures in this thread, so I'll have to wait until I get home to do that. However, since this is an official mod for BFV, I am seriously interested in it, since it's so much easier to distribute a mod when it's official, like in the form of a patch. I'm sure if they keep adding more levels to subsequent patches, they might actually sell some copies of BFV. But I agree, it's a fucking joke that they have to mod the game with 1942 levels for it to actually be popular.
Q/A is up

Q: Why did you decide to create this Mod?
A: EA approached us with the idea, and DICE agreed that bringing some Battlefield 1942 (BF1942)content up to par with Battlefield Vietnam (BFV) would be a great way to show the modding community just how powerful the BFV engine is. After realizing the kind of impact the overgrowth system in BFV had on the gameplay, everyone in the studio began imagining how cool some of the original BF1942 levels would look and play. The Pacific maps really show off the improvements in visual quality and level design potential that the new rendering engine and overgrowth systems provide.

Q: How soon after release of BFV did work begin?
A: Work began on the WWII Mod in early April of '04, so less than a month after BFV launched.

Q: What do you think the BFV engine brings to the classic BF1942 maps you’re including?
A: Well, the rendering engine allowed us to create some beautiful new vehicle, weapon, and soldier textures, making the battlefield really come alive. But the biggest impact here has got to be the overgrowth system. The grass and trees make for a much more immersive experience, but they also have a big impact on the gameplay. There's a lot more cover for infantry, making it really dangerous for armoured vehicles to go off-roading. You never know when a landmine is hiding in the bush! The trees not only give extra cover during infantry fire fights, but they give the ground pounders a little more protection against aircraft fire. In BFV, you have essentially 8 different kits to choose from, compared to only 5 in BF1942. We have created an interesting mix of kits that should really expand on the core BF1942 balance without stretching it too much. For instance, we’ve added the mortar to a kit, which really opens up a ton of new strategies on the Pacific maps. And of course, adding armed passengers to vehicles like the jeeps, landing craft, and PT boat rafts makes these vehicles much more fun to use. The radios blasting out the BF1942 themes we’ve all come to love is a really fun addition!

Q: Tell us a little about the flamethrower. Which class can use this? Just how devastating is it in combat?
A: The flamethrower kit is a spawned object that can be picked up and used by any soldier, just like the jet pack in Secret Weapons of WWII. The flamethrower is devastating in close combat, but its range is also the main weakness. It’s the perfect weapon for clearing houses and bunkers, but not the best choice when out in the open. Any object the flame touches will burn for several seconds, making it useful for sealing the entrances and exits from key locations.

Do you have a planned date for the release of the Mod?
A: You bet we do! Check this web space tomorrow morning (8/20/04) and you'll be able to download it

Additional Info on the Mod (tips & hints)

Just as they were important tools in BFV, mortars are just as deadly in the WWII Mod. Have a spotter give you a target (which is available via binoculars for assault and sniper classes), and hold back enemy advances. An example of this is holding the enemy down with mortars as they try to make their way down Iwo Jima’s Mount Suribayachi or across its Landing Beach.

These add a new dynamic to CP defense. A soldier can hide near the flag next to an ammo crate (like in a nearby house), and put down some good defense…via continual flaming of the flag (to avoid enemy capture). This can work against this tactic however, since flames do indeed travel through walls. Knowing this, an enemy flame throwing soldier can douse this building’s exterior and eliminate this particular defender. Flamethrowers must be used with caution. Their range is short and can easily kill fellow teammates if they are nearby your targeted area.

The WWII Mod uses physics from BFV. With that, the Japanese Panzershrek and US Bazooka share splash physics with BFV’s RPG and LAW. Panzershrek and Bazooka can be shot at your enemies feet and send them flying in the air.

WWII Mod allows players to listen to classic BF1942 music in their vehicle via radio (or listen to their mp3’s). Knowing this, enemies can also hear this music. Avoid using radio upon stealth approaches in order to avoid giving your position away.

The WWII Mod bots react just as they did in BFV. Players have the ability to request bots to follow them, cover them, among other things.

All the classic stunts from BF1942 return (some of which were difficult to do in BFV). WWII Mod players can wing walk across plane wings, ride atop the hoods/roofs of vehicles, and pack TNT in the back of the Black Medal jeep for kamikaze approaches.

BFV’s landmines would explode the moment they were placed on vehicles. In the WWII Mod, this has been changed as they didn’t do this in BF1942. You can once again booby trap vehicles as you did in BF1942…by placing mines on them.

The medic indicator function has returned, for players who missed out in BFV (only was available for BFV’s Special Forces team). Medic classes in the WWII Mod will see health number indicators above teammate nametags. If enabled on the server, soldier will get warnings on their minimap (and via voice over warning) indicating enemy flag capture attempts, just like BFV. This feature can be turned off on the server to get a true BF1942 emulation (not getting a warning when an enemy is trying to attack your flag).

Seeing as the medic class has a highly inaccurate weapon, and the Type 5/M1 Garand are slow firing…the work horse kit for your team will be the BAR and Type 99. These guns have decent range and aim when your soldier is stationary, and cause most damage to the enemy.

3D Map
The 3d map. This feature returns from BFV, and is helpful to see any kinds of traps to avoid that are set by your teammates. Make sure to enable this to avoid running over your teammate’s mines or TNT.

The jeeps (Black Medal and Willy) and transport boats (Daihatsu, Higgins, and US/Japanese life rafts) now include exposed passenger positions. In this case, its seat #2 for the Black Medal/Willy, seat #2 for the life rafts (which spawn upon sinking of the PT boats in Invasion of the Philippines), and seats #4 and #6 for the Daihatsu/Higgins. Soldiers sitting in these seats can repair them (via wrench), or put down cover fire (via BAR/Type 99) while the vehicle is moving.


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Thanks for posting that :). I'm looking forward to pissing people off on Invasion of the Philippines by strafing the axis landing craft... muahahaha.

[One round I played I made sure no landing craft made it to shore... many people left the game.... I laughed lol].

Maybe I've played with some of you.. I go by


(man my stats suck for BF:V now :( )


TheQueen'sOwn said:
Thanks for posting that :). I'm looking forward to pissing people off on Invasion of the Philippines by strafing the axis landing craft... muahahaha.

[One round I played I made sure no landing craft made it to shore... many people left the game.... I laughed lol].

Heh, I love doing that. It's amazing how many times the Axis people will just keep trying to make it to shore in the landing craft, getting sunk each time. And then they get pissed at US because we're not letting them get to shore.

There's two big things that they always do wrong that makes it all that much easier for the allies, too...

1. Even after the planes are wreaking absolute havok on their landing craft, nobody ever gets on the destroyer's machine guns to give the landing craft some cover. A machine gun taking chunks out of a plane will force a pilot to fly more evasively, making it harder to take out the landing boats. If the plane doesn't evade, then he's all the easier to shoot down, giving the next landing boat a much better chance of making it to shore.

2. Even worse is when somebody on the Axis team takes the destroyer extremely far away from the islands, presumably in an effort to hide it or something. For one, this ain't Midway. The destroyer is always really easy to find, as there's not THAT much water on the map. Not only that, but it means that the landing boats have to spend that much more time in the water on the trip to an island, with the later part of the trip being too far from the destroy for it to provide cover for the landing boat.


Just play Joint Operations, the net code is much better than BF: Vietnam, and the game is a lot more fun.


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Vlad said:
1. Even after the planes are wreaking absolute havok on their landing craft, nobody ever gets on the destroyer's machine guns to give the landing craft some cover. A machine gun taking chunks out of a plane will force a pilot to fly more evasively, making it harder to take out the landing boats. If the plane doesn't evade, then he's all the easier to shoot down, giving the next landing boat a much better chance of making it to shore.

2. Even worse is when somebody on the Axis team takes the destroyer extremely far away from the islands, presumably in an effort to hide it or something. For one, this ain't Midway. The destroyer is always really easy to find, as there's not THAT much water on the map. Not only that, but it means that the landing boats have to spend that much more time in the water on the trip to an island, with the later part of the trip being too far from the destroy for it to provide cover for the landing boat.

This guy knows what he's talking about :)!
But play in an Invasion server with me for a while and I'll force you to change your strategy as an Axis player. After awhile they started shooting me with everything they had.... so I strafed the gunners and then proceeded to bomb their spawn points on the ship (I have all the spawn points memorized lol).

Even if they do make it to the large island closest to the ship... they are still isolated. AA gun on that island? Pfft. They still have to cross over in boats again :D! Or they can walk across to the base joined by bridge to the airbase... which will also be hard because they stick out like a sore thumb on the islands and the water on the way there.

citan said:
Just play Joint Operations, the net code is much better than BF: Vietnam, and the game is a lot more fun.

Maybe better netcode... but it isn't more fun than BF:V. All IMO of course so there is no point arguing this (just as there really wasn't any point in posting what you originally did in this BF:V thread).

Dr.Guru of Peru said:
Can you play CTF on Wake?

And do they intend to release other maps from 1942?

In BF1942 you can play CTF on Wake. No word yet on whether it's in the mod. (The mod will be out in the next few hours so you can find out then).
Once again, no word yet on other maps being released (although I wouldn't doubt that there would be future releases).


Time ta STEP IT UP
citan said:
Just play Joint Operations, the net code is much better than BF: Vietnam, and the game is a lot more fun.

Hmmm my fps was way too low in the Joint Ops demo, and I have a very decent rig. I'm not sure I should buy the game with the possibility of that issue not being fixed... The game did seem pretty fun though, but hey, I already bought BF:V months before Joint Ops even came out so, why not download the WWII mod anyway?


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Just got back from lunch... gonna download now!!

Impressions will follow in about 7 hours (now let's be realistic here... I'm a bf nut lol).

So far I have only played Invasion of Phil and its good! The new thopson is tight! Its hard to take screens in this game so only one scree from me :D



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This mod is great! Combines the awesome gameplay from the original with the rich and detailed graphics of 'Nam.

There seem to have been a few changes to the original's gameplay though... such as:

(1) The sniper rifles are 100% accurate. You hit what you shoot at. In the original it was rather.... hit or miss lol.
(2) The addition of the flamethrower. People... try the flamethrower on planes that feel like flying low to the ground!! This thing is unstoppable!

and a few changes pertaining to 'Nam:

(1) Less slowdown than BF:V (for me.. but maybe others?)
(2) The grass that I see far away doesn't pop-up... people who are hiding in the grass don't have to worry (hopefully this isn't just occurring on my machine lol).

Overall an excellent mod!!

oh... and music blaring out of speakers on the aircraft carriers... is awesome lol.
I downloaded it, but I'm having some problems...Anyone have a Battlefield Vietnam CD Key that they don't use anymore that they'd be willing to give to me? If you do, Private Message it to me please. And no my problems with BFV have nothing to do with piracy.
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