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X-Men 3 has a release date. And Avi Arad wants 9 Spider-Man movies.

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Hollywood Square
From those loveable guys at SuperHeroHype!

Spider-Man 3? "I think it will be the same team, and more important it's the same director. Way too early to tell you anything about it." Spider-Man 4 or more? "Sure. We wanna go to nine. You're looking at something that started in 1962, became on its own in 63, and thriving. Every time we do it, I think this movie, in my opinion, is better than the first one. I think we get the story. It's not about planning 6, 7, 8. If we all sit around and get stuck, we say we really don't have a story to tell, then we'll stop. Spider-Man and Peter Parker are too valuable just to put them out there. I hope the characters don't age too quickly. I don't think so, they seem pretty young. Again, we shouldn't think that far. But opportunities for material and stories within the Spidey universe, technically you can go on for a long time. We did 65 half-hours of an animated show, and we threw away something like 30 scripts when Fox at the time decided 65 half-hours was good enough."

What's coming soon for Marvel? "Well we are in the middle of shooting 'Elektra,' we are prepping 'Fantastic Four,' we are in pre-production on 'Ghost Rider' for Sony, and are moving ahead with 'Luke Cage' for Sony, and 'X-Men 3' will be out May 2nd, 2006. They give us release dates and we go running."


Hollywood Square
Desperado said:
w00t w00t. Why stop at nine? ;-)

My guess is that Avi Arad is planning on doing Spider-Man films in trilogies. Each trilogy with a new cast and director. That's why.


6 whole years between X1 and X3...grrr(expected, but grrr nonetheless). I hope the stories of them filming X3&X4 back-to-back are true though. I do not want a half-assed Phoenix storyline.


Keep sam on from what i understand he really got his crap together from Spiderman 1. And i cant wait till monday night so i can see the second one. Long live Sam, long live Spiderman.

As for Xmen 3 they've taken long enough of a break start working on the next one i want my pheonix saga damnit.


Hollywood Square
Sam Raimi's Trilogy deals with THE ORIGINS of SPIDER-MAN.

[enter director here] Trilogy deals with THE SYMBIOTE SAGA.

[enter director here] Trilogy deals with THE CLONE SAGA!

I'm not sure who they could pick as director after Sam Raimi to keep me interested. Spielberg would never do a trilogy, but I'd be interested on his take.


Hollywood Square
B'z-chan said:
Keep sam on from what i understand he really got his crap together from Spiderman 1. And i cant wait till monday night so i can see the second one. Long live Sam, long live Spiderman.

As for Xmen 3 they've taken long enough of a break start working on the next one i want my pheonix saga damnit.

Sam Raimi, Tobey Maguire and Co. are signed, sealed and delivered for Spider-Man 3. After that, the whole franchise get's a makeover.


Hollywood Square
Tim Burton is way too dark.

Although they are unorthodox picks, I think I'd see Spider-Man again if Marvel got either Sam Mendes or Michael Gondry to direct.

EDIT: p.s. i am joking about the clone saga


Willco said:
Sam Raimi's Trilogy deals with THE ORIGINS of SPIDER-MAN.

[enter director here] Trilogy deals with THE SYMBIOTE SAGA.

[enter director here] Trilogy deals with THE CLONE SAGA!

I'm not sure who they could pick as director after Sam Raimi to keep me interested.

I could go for this only if Sam would stick with it though. He has supposedly out done himself with Spiderman 2 and i cant wait for 3.

But like all good things a fresh look at things might just give it enough freshness to keep it alive. So who knows how it will go from here.

And if Xmen 3 and 4 are back to back and they are the true Pheonix saga i will be so happy. That was some of the best comics i ever have bougthen. It might just do the comics justice if X2 was any sign of things to come.


I vote boo! to nine spidermans. Maguire has already stated that he would need a great deal of persuasion to even do a fourth film. I don't mind a director change (I want Raimi to do something else now) as much as I would mind a lead change, but they would never get Maquire to do that many. If he did you better believe he'd be doing cartoon voice acting after that run is over.


Hollywood Square
Pattergen said:
I vote boo! to nine spidermans. Maguire has already stated that he would need a great deal of persuasion to even do a fourth film. I don't mind a director change (I want Raimi to do something else now) as much as I would mind a lead change, but they would never get Maquire to do that many. If he did you better believe he'd be doing cartoon voice acting after that run is over.

Did you not read? I said already they plan to replace the CAST and CREW.


Hollywood Square
Manders said:
Nine Spider-Man movies?!? That's a horrible idea.

I'm not opposed to the idea if they do them in trilogies. People would love the idea of NINE Star Wars movies (well, certainly before TPM). Why not nine Spider-Man movies, if they were trilogies?

Again, they'd have to get a good director and cast for each one, though.


Hollywood Square
Pattergen said:
I read. I'm just saying Maguire, for me, would be crucial to any further sequels.

Maguire's a great actor, but he's not Spider-Man. Spider-Man is an icon that will live on well past Maguire's days on Earth.

Cast I'm not as concerned about, because if you can find a great director, one that will really be involved like Sam Raimi, I think you'll get a good cast around that person.

I'm hesitant of more Spidey sequels, but I say I will be open-minded about another trilogy if they get a talented director. Sam Mendes already adapted one comic book, I say ask him to adapt another!


9 Spider-Man movies? ...Okay. I'd still like there to eventually be a movie (or trilogy) on the whole Symbiote saga though.


Hollywood Square
AniHawk said:
9 Spider-Man movies? ...Okay. I'd still like there to eventually be a movie (or trilogy) on the whole Symbiote saga though.

If they're planning on doing two more trilogies, you bet your ass the symbiote saga is one of 'em.


I'd really rather just have 3 spectacular movies and be over and done with it before 'batman syndrome' takes hold.


Hollywood Square
Cyan said:
Huh. James Bond style, sounds like. That's cool with me.

Eh, more like Star Wars. Each trilogy would have their own cast and crew, but it would remain the same for the films. And there'd be continuity too.


as long as they are good movies, it could be 90.

i wonder if they plan on developing venom into its own movie property?


Willco said:
I'm not sure who they could pick as director after Sam Raimi to keep me interested.
Oh, c'mon. Admit it, the only reason you're hestitant about non-Sam Raimi Spiderman films, is because Bruce Campbell cameos wouldn't be guaranteed. ;)

Avi Arad must be rolling in the money becuase of all the movies. "Comic books? What are those?" ;) I'm most intertested in seeing how X-Men 3 turns out.


but you can't always expect increasing ticket sales for every movie.

but then again there's harry potter...but that's a different story.


neptunes said:
but you can't always expect increasing ticket sales for every movie.

but then again there's harry potter...but that's a different story.

i dont think it will be a problem as long as they try and keep the budgets around 250mil or lower.

dont they plan like 7 potter movies?


God let it die. The problem with Western comics is they never want shit to end. As great a character as Spidey is, his comic has been stuck in a world of suck & redundacy for who knows how long. Nine movies will not work. I guess it was too much to hope they didn't go the way of Batman.


karasu said:
God let it die. The problem with Western comics is they never want shit to end. As great a character as Spidey is, his comic has been stuck in a world of suck & redundacy for who knows how long. Nine movies will not work. I guess it was too much to hope they didn't go the way of Batman.

yeah, god forbid you would want to keep a good character around.

to each, his own i guess


Are there enough enemies to keep the Spider-Man series going for 9 movies?

I mean, Who would be in Spider-Man 3? Spider-Man 4 would have Spider-Man finding the Symbiote Suit, but who would he fight against? Spider-Man 5 would be Spider Vs. Venom, Spidey 6 would be Spider Vs. Venom Vs. Carnage, what else?

How about X-Men? How many enemies can hold up movies? Batman? Superman?
Rlan said:
Spider-Man 4 would have Spider-Man finding the Symbiote Suit, but who would he fight against?

He'd be fighting Dr. Doom, Magneto, the Wrecking Crew, Echantress, Lizard, Absorbing Man, and a whole bunch of other villians on Beyonder's puzzle world.


Dr. Doom would be in the Fantastic Four movie, I don't think they want to cross over villians like that. Same with Magneto.

It's such a shame that the Kingpin was already used in DareDevil, considering he basically ran half the Spidey enemies. They should try and forget DareDevil exists [Despite being a not-too-bad movie] and just bring back a WHITE Kingpin.


Rlan said:
Dr. Doom would be in the Fantastic Four movie, I don't think they want to cross over villians like that. Same with Magneto.

It's such a shame that the Kingpin was already used in DareDevil, considering he basically ran half the Spidey enemies. They should try and forget DareDevil exists [Despite being a not-too-bad movie] and just bring back a WHITE Kingpin.

a white kingpin played by who?

i still dont get why they cant have crossover villians

Seth C

Spider-Man has lots of villains, though not all of them are that great. Kingpin, Venom, Carnage, Doc Oc, Green Goblin, Green Goblin II, Hobgoblin, Lizard, Vulture, Sandman, Electro, Rhino, Kraven (If they did his Last Hunt it could be FANTASTIC) and of course the Sinister Six.


Chili Con Carnage!
I thought spiderman 3 would cover Venom...? If they are introducing JJs son as an astronaught in Spidey 2.

I guess it would be a pretty tough story to tell in one film though, there would have to be potter esque holes in the plot.


G4life98 said:
yeah, god forbid you would want to keep a good character around.

to each, his own i guess

Plenty of good characters have survived without a new release coming ot every month/every few years. Indiana Jones for example.


karasu said:
Plenty of good characters have survived without a new release coming ot every month/every few years. Indiana Jones for example.

my only point is if they still have good stories to tell and they can find a good crew , I welcome them.
I'd love to see Ang Lee do one of the trilogies. I didn't particularly like Hulk (too much drama, little action for my liking), but I did think his directional style for the movie was quite brilliant. Really did feel like I was watching a comic book unfold on the big screen.


tracky_dacks said:
I'd love to see Ang Lee do one of the trilogies. I didn't particularly like Hulk (too much drama, little action for my liking), but I did think his directional style for the movie was quite brilliant. Really did feel like I was watching a comic book unfold on the big screen.

he is way too serious for spidey


and I hate that he feels we need to be reminded that it's a comic book movie. Like the not so Jolly Green Giant isn't enough of a clue.


i thought the comic-panel like transitions were cool, but there were just way too many moments were he just zoomed in on rocks or sand.


lol I have a dream that comic movies will be every bit as respected as your everyday drama or adventure film. Spiderman is 3 steps in the right direction I think, but nearly everything else can die.
OmniGamer said:
I hope the stories of them filming X3&X4 back-to-back are true though. I do not want a half-assed Phoenix storyline.

I hope those rumors are true, too. 2-3 years between movies is a long time to wait. And if anything, LOTR and Harry Potter have proved that as long as the movie is good, they can still make a ton of money with releases a year apart.
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