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X-Men 3 has a release date. And Avi Arad wants 9 Spider-Man movies.

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Bob White said:
We're up to five Batman movies.

Hell, counting the 60's cheesefest we're up to six movies...and that's not counting the animated movies, which own the live action movies done to date.

Three sets of trilogies for Spidey? It's an interesting idea. I'd rather see two sets of four movies myself (one crew of actors/directors/etc for each), but it'd be pretty ignorant of me to just spit on the idea of so many sequels or a crew change to help keep things fresh. As long as the movies are good, they could make 200 Spidey movies for all I care. I'm one person who couldn't care less if I see or play nothing but sequels, as long as they're enjoyable.


Hollywood Square
For those who know, Secret Wars would be impossible to film since different studios have different characters. And Kingpin does not belong to Sony, so you'll never see him in a Spidey flick.


Last I heard Singer had decided NOT to film X3 & X4 together after having a conversation with Peter Jackson about the process and Lord of the Rings.


Hollywood Square
teiresias said:
Last I heard Singer had decided NOT to film X3 & X4 together after having a conversation with Peter Jackson about the process and Lord of the Rings.

Hadn't heard about that at all. Where'd you read it at?


Can't remember now, it was on the HomeTheaterForum I believe, but I can't remember what the source was the information now, some interview Singer did I believe.


Willco said:
For those who know, Secret Wars would be impossible to film since different studios have different characters. And Kingpin does not belong to Sony, so you'll never see him in a Spidey flick.

Secret Wars would be impossible to film regardless...it was a fanboy-induced cheese fest created to sell toys, and without Spider-Man's symbiote suit and Dr Doom uttering the greatest lines in the history of comics, nobody would give a shit about it.

I wouldn't be surprised if X3 and X4 weren't filmed together...the amount of effort that would take would be ridiculous. And you'd probably have even less margin for error in terms of editing mistakes or whatever. And let's face it, only one set of movies has done that trick to date with any real success...to act like it'd be possible for anyone now would be foolhardy.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Raimi, Maguire, Dunst, and Franco need to just keep doing Spiderman movies and do other stuff in the off years. It's great exposure for them. Seriously, what other stuff have any of them done that's anywhere near Spiderman? Nothing. Why ruin a good thing? And I'm sure Sony would be willing to pay them a huge amount of money to stay on. 20 million for Raimi and Maguire and 10 million for Dunst and Franco seems more than fair. Why do actors always feel like they need to "move on" to other things after they star in a huge movie? Their careers almost always go down the crapper after that. You'd think that they would learn.


Hollywood Square
JC10001 said:
Raimi, Maguire, Dunst, and Franco need to just keep doing Spiderman movies and do other stuff in the off years. It's great exposure for them. Seriously, what other stuff have any of them done that's anywhere near Spiderman? Nothing. Why ruin a good thing? And I'm sure Sony would be willing to pay them a huge amount of money to stay on. 20 million for Raimi and Maguire and 10 million for Dunst and Franco seems more than fair. Why do actors always feel like they need to "move on" to other things after they star in a huge movie? Their careers almost always go down the crapper after that. You'd think that they would learn.

Not really. Maguire is a bonafide movie star that proved that he can carry a film by himself with Seabiscuit. He's one of those actors that picks good roles and hasn't really been in a clunker. I predict he'll be like Tom Hanks, an actor whose presence in a film is indicative of the quality of the project and/or the people around him.

Sam Raimi has had a successful film career forever, albeit not the same kind as he has found in Spider-Man. His following will go see The Gift and A Simple Plan. Smaller movies. And he's a cult icon for the Evil Dead trilogy and Darkman.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Willco said:
Not really. Maguire is a bonafide movie star that proved that he can carry a film by himself with Seabiscuit. He's one of those actors that picks good roles and hasn't really been in a clunker. I predict he'll be like Tom Hanks, an actor whose presence in a film is indicative of the quality of the project and/or the people around him.

Sam Raimi has had a successful film career forever, albeit not the same kind as he has found in Spider-Man. His following will go see The Gift and A Simple Plan. Smaller movies. And he's a cult icon for the Evil Dead trilogy and Darkman.

I stand by my original statement. None of them has done or ever will do anything as big as Spiderman. Raimi has a cult following and that's about it. The average Joe on the street never heard of him until Spiderman. The same goes for Maquire. My point is that none of their careers will ever be as big as they are today (while they are doing Spiderman). It's all downhill after Spiderman is over with.


Willco said:
I'm not opposed to the idea if they do them in trilogies. People would love the idea of NINE Star Wars movies (well, certainly before TPM). Why not nine Spider-Man movies, if they were trilogies?

Again, they'd have to get a good director and cast for each one, though.

Movies tend to suck after two or three sequels. And I'm sure he's talking about doing all these films in the forseeable future. Sounds to me like they're trying to milk it.


I still say nothing Kirsten Dunst has done as a young adult has matched her work in "Interview With The Vampire." Spider-Man may be higher profile, but it's not the same kind of work at all.
First of all cool if there will be more than 3 spidermans yeah go spider go!!!

second, Tim Burton would never do a spiderman flick!

i want to see PJ to a spiderman flick, not that would be intresting!
Willco said:
For those who know, Secret Wars would be impossible to film since different studios have different characters. And Kingpin does not belong to Sony, so you'll never see him in a Spidey flick.

I know, but I can still dream.


being watched
Fuck Ang Lee - after the Hulk I don't want to fall asleep watching another Marvel movie.

Venom trilogy would make sense. One whole movie with Parker in the black symboite costume before it goes to Eddic Brock...obviously they'd have to change the origins, that's simply one event that's too big and outlandish for the average job audience. Probably give the costume some time of scientific basis rather then an alien entity.

Looks like Green Goblin for no.3 - hopefully as Hobgoblin rather then the lamentable Green of the first movie.


Hollywood Square
JC10001 said:
I stand by my original statement. None of them has done or ever will do anything as big as Spiderman. Raimi has a cult following and that's about it. The average Joe on the street never heard of him until Spiderman. The same goes for Maquire. My point is that none of their careers will ever be as big as they are today (while they are doing Spiderman). It's all downhill after Spiderman is over with.

Maguire was in Seabiscut and that was Oscar-worthy. C'mon.


Forget the average joe. Raimi has influenced tons of filmmakers. Whether the average Joe knows of him or not (why do they need toO He's a director) , his influence and acclaim are humongous. He's an indie guy for the most part. Same with Tobey and Kirstin. Mainstream success is not the only success, and it sure as hell isn't the most important.


karasu said:
Forget the average joe. Raimi has influenced tons of filmmakers. Whether the average Joe knows of him or not (why do they need toO He's a director) , his influence and acclaim are humongous. He's an indie guy for the most part. Same with Tobey and Kirstin. Mainstream success is not the only success, and it sure as hell isn't the most important.

Exactly. It's ridiculous how much Raimi's early work with the Evil Dead series inspired other filmmakers. I mean, the guy single handedly invented camera techniques that are widely used today.


^ I hope to see some P.O.V tentacle action in Spidey 2. No tentacle rape though. I don't know how Sam ever thought that shit up. Probably due to the copious amounts of weed they smoked while filming Evil Dead :p


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
>>>I could go for this only if Sam would stick with it though. He has supposedly out done himself with Spiderman 2 and i cant wait for 3.<<<<

After seeing Spider-Man 2 Tuesday night, I'd have to say he HAS outdone himself. And, the three other people I know who have seen it all loved it too. (including the one who didn't like the first one at all)


Hollywood Square
A lot of filmmakers say that Evil Dead 2 is the reason they went to film school. Why? Because Sam Raimi rocks.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
>>>A lot of filmmakers say that Evil Dead 2 is the reason they went to film school. Why? Because Sam Raimi rocks.<<<

I love the story about James Cameron honking his horn outside Bill Paxton's house, telling him there was a movie he HAD TO come with him to see, (Evil Dead 2) although Cameron had already established himself as a bad-ass at that point.
How would they do a Venom story? The suit is supposed to be alive. How are they going to create a suit for the actor to wear without it looking fake?

Bob White

How would they do a Venom story? The suit is supposed to be alive. How are they going to create a suit for the actor to wear without it looking fake?


You honestly think they won't be able to pull it off?

Look at Doc Ock or Nightcrawler.
Tim Burton can't direct traffic.

The man has no firm grasp on action or drama. All he has to offer is a "twisted" style. In otherwords his production artists build over the top sets and costumes and then a soap opera director comes in and Tim calls action.

Watch Batman again after all these years because that film has dated just terribly.

Planet of the Apes was punishing to watch. Simply punishing.


Can anyone tell me what the Secret Wars were? Is that different from the infinity gauntlet or whatever? Or if you have a link to some comic book site that could be cool. Maybe they have a collection of it at my local comic shop.


being watched
Teh Hamburglar said:
How would they do a Venom story? The suit is supposed to be alive. How are they going to create a suit for the actor to wear without it looking fake?

I'd imagine it will be changed from an alien symboite. To something like a nanotechnology fibre used for camoflage - with AI capabilities to allow it to monitor and adapt to users / environment. Possible OsCorp connection as a bridge from the first trilogy?


Teh Hamburglar said:
How would they do a Venom story? The suit is supposed to be alive. How are they going to create a suit for the actor to wear without it looking fake?

A few friends and I had this conversation after the movie today.

We reckjon what'll happen is that the Astronaut himself will become Venom. He'll hate Peter because Mary Jane has chosen him over himself. He'll come back from space, maybe there will be no 'Black Spidey' peroid, and just have the Symbiote attack the Astronaut directly.

It'll probably go by the cartoon storyline rather than the Secret Wars series.


being watched
Rlan said:
A few friends and I had this conversation after the movie today.

We reckjon what'll happen is that the Astronaut himself will become Venom. He'll hate Peter because Mary Jane has chosen him over himself. He'll come back from space, maybe there will be no 'Black Spidey' peroid, and just have the Symbiote attack the Astronaut directly.

It'll probably go by the cartoon storyline rather than the Secret Wars series.

Yeah that's a good idea, but I'd love to see a whole black suit movie, with Venom appearing at end of beginning of 5.


Rlan said:
A few friends and I had this conversation after the movie today.

We reckjon what'll happen is that the Astronaut himself will become Venom. He'll hate Peter because Mary Jane has chosen him over himself. He'll come back from space, maybe there will be no 'Black Spidey' peroid, and just have the Symbiote attack the Astronaut directly.

It'll probably go by the cartoon storyline rather than the Secret Wars series.

i agree it will probably follow the cartoon storyline, but you gotta have the black spidey period to show to show the true nature of the symbyote. I think it should go like this:

S3= goblin2 and jj goes into to space...

S4 = jj crashes with the symbiote onboard, spidey makes save and black suit hijinx insue, hopefully this movie will introduce rhino as a black suit punching bag, battle of wills and spidey gets rid symbiote, and the suit is drawn to jj because of his hate for peter.

S5 = birth of venom and venom stalking spidey and tormenting him and maybe the intro of a lower scale villian to distract spidey while venom closes in on him.

S6 - full on spidey v. venom
I'd imagine it will be changed from an alien symboite. To something like a nanotechnology fibre used for camoflage - with AI capabilities to allow it to monitor and adapt to users / environment. Possible OsCorp connection as a bridge from the first trilogy?

Things that happened in Spider 2 lead me to believe that wouldn't happen.


If John Jameson becomes Venom, then I will refuse to watch the movies.

Eddie Brock is Venom. No one else.


Warm Machine said:
Tim Burton can't direct traffic.

The man has no firm grasp on action or drama. All he has to offer is a "twisted" style. In otherwords his production artists build over the top sets and costumes and then a soap opera director comes in and Tim calls action.

Watch Batman again after all these years because that film has dated just terribly.

Planet of the Apes was punishing to watch. Simply punishing.


Edward Scissorhands
Ed Wood
Even Sleepy Hollow
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