Link to the video: Dolan’s videoclip for Indochine’s College Boy stirs up controversy
Have you seen the clip for French rock band Indochine’s latest song College Boy? It’s included here but please make sure this is not to be viewed by young kids and anyone who’s not ready for some real disturbing violent images.
The video is directed by hot-shot Quebecois filmmaker Xavier Dolan, the man behind the acclaimed arthouse hits J’ai tué ma mere, Les amours imaginaires and Laurence Anyways. And it’s a powerful piece of work that’s already generated an enormous amount of controversy in France.
Montreal actor Antoine Pilon plays a high-school kid who’s bullied by his classmates, is beat-up, appears to be urinated on by other kids, and is then quite literally crucified by his school-mates. They nail him to the cross and then start shooting at him. When the police arrive, they too start shooting at the teenager on the cross.
Meanwhile the other kids are filming all this on their smart-phones wearing blind-folds.
‘Disturbing’ doesn’t even come close to describing the impact of the clip. Obviously Dolan and Indochine are using these heavy images to make a strong statement about bullying and they seem to be more specifically making a point about homophobic bullying.
But I remain very uneasy with any artists who depict school shootings. Still there’s no denying the emotional force of the piece. And anything that gets people seriously grappling with the concept of teen bullying is clearly a good thing.
The clip has already been censored in France. In fact, it’s even censored on YouTube here. You go to the clip, it begins and then it abruptly cuts and switches to a video of Indochine performing the song.
In Le Figaro, Dolan unsurprisingly objects to the censorship.
“It seems absurd to me that the clip is censored,” said Dolan. “Is it really more violent than all the movies that arrive on our screens every day? The question shouldn’t be – did I go too far? It should be – what’s stopping a group of teenagers from going this far, given how powerful the gun lobby is in the U.S.”
Fighting words. And it looks like the controversy has crossed the Atlantic. MusiquePlus has already said it will not air the clip.
Here it is. Be warned, it’s disturbing stuff. crucifixion music video shocks censors
A music video by French band Indochine, which features the staged crucifixion and shooting of a bullied schoolboy, has caused outrage in France. The country’s TV and radio regulator said on Thursday the "extremely violent” video should be censored.
French rock band Indochine have provoked an angry backlash with the graphic video for their new single ‘College Boy.’ It shows a bullied teenager being beaten, urinated on, crucified and shot in a schoolyard.
Regulators said on Thursday that the video was likely to face censorship in France.
“It shows images whose violence is immeasurable, and there's enough of this kind of violence already” Françoise Laborde, from the Conseil supérieur de l’audiovisuel (CSA) told Europe 1 radio.
“Death is not stylish. Violence is not stylish. Torture is not stylish,” Laborde added, describing herself as 'outraged.'
“Since it is extremely violent, it can’t be broadcast on satellite TV. At a minimum, it should be banned for anyone under 16 years of age, and maybe even 18,” she said.
The six-minute video for ‘College Boy’ features black-and-white, slow-motion scenes from the troubled school day and unhappy home life of a bullied teenage boy.
The video shows him having paper and a basketball thrown at his face, and moody, stylistic shots of him looking upset.
However, the second half quickly descends into a disturbing cycle of violence and torture at the hands of a group of schoolyard bullies.
The video shows graphic images of the boy being thrown down a set of stairs, punched and kicked, urinated on and then nailed to a cross wrapped in fairy lights before bring shot.
All the while, fellow pupils are shown capturing the scene on their mobile phones.
Despite such imagery, those responsible for the video reject suggestions it will lead to copycat incidents in real life.
“To say that this encourages violence is completely stupid,” the video’s Canadian director, Xavier Dolan, told French daily Le Parisien on Thursday.
“Is it really any more violent than the movies that are constantly appearing on our screens?” he added.
Dolan reacted angrily to the prospect of the video being banned during daytime hours on music channels in France, .
“That really bothers me. On these kind of channels you see situations that are racist, violent and degrading – particularly to women.
“So it seems absurd to me that this video should be censored," he added.
While French regulators may be shocked by the video, Dolan and Indochine have received significant support from French users of social networks. Radio and TV host Emilie Mazoyer summed up the view of many Twitter users, saying:
"Some people find Indochine's music video 'violent.' Yes, it does turn your stomach for six minutes. But bullied students go through that 300 days a year. Imagine that."