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XBLA: Fatal Fury Special


I think this will be one of those games that people will only like if they have played it in the 90s or are a big SNK fan, I can't see many people new to the series who will enjoy it. I actually prefer this Fatal Fury to the later releases, even MOTW.

I have a great fondness towards this game and I can't believe they have actually put this out on XBLA...especially as I've just bought it via the Garou Collection 1 last month on PS2 and the day this was put up on XBLA this was on my doormat.


Geese's face on that cover...cracks me up every time. Cheesy and smug so you are off guard...and then BAM with a Raging Storm to the face. >_<;

Back in the day of '93 (p0se), arcades were plentiful even in the UK. Video shops, Chip Shops, Markets, Newsagents...everywhere! I miss those days! :( Anyway, the main games that were doing the rounds back then were Street Fighter 2 and whole host of scrolling action games and beat em ups such as Shadow Dancer and Final Fight.

Playing Street Fighter 2 back then...and I can't believe I thought it, where there was tons of competition about at different venues from different faces...started to get a bit boring. Out of nowhere, a Newsagent up the road from me whacked in 2 arcade cabinets in. One of them was Fatal Fury Special and the other was SFII Championship Edition.

Graphics, music, colour and sound of this game blew my head right off.

For £1 we got 12 credits! So between 2 or 3 of us with a nugget each, that would be a whole afternoon of games! :lol: We THRAPED this game all summer in single and multiplayer. I believe the "trick" we would employ was to let someone get as far as they can in single player and when they were about to die hit the 2P button. :D

Fatal Fury Special was probably one of my first played Neo Geo games, and ever since I have been a fan of both Capcom and SNK fighters. It was such a crazy time back then for fighters and I am glad that I lapped it up while I could, because I sure as hell miss them days. :( The same shop also ended up getting Samurai Showdown (AMAAZING...seeing Earthquake for the first time and the zoom in and out feature :eek:) and World Heroes 2 (don't laugh...it's ace!)

This is why I love it when a new 2D fighter gets released with online, as it takes me back to those times. :)

Fatal Fury Special just had so much in terms of animation, backgrounds, moves and weird characters; it was certainly refreshing to see some cool new designs as the SFII characters had got a bit boring as we played that all the time.


It played really differently to SFII which was the main draw for me. Combo wise, special move execution, throws etc. I started out using Andy as he had a Dragon Punch and Fireball, but it wasn't as effective to use him like that. :) Especially as most characters had some crazy block strings and pressure games. Fireball\Dragon Punch would only get you so far.

This game had tons of little touches such as taunts, background interaction (boss stages), the 2 level fighting field (not really a fan of this, but back then it blew our mind :lol:), crouch walking as well as the Stage Intros! Tung's stage panning down from the heavens, Geese's stage with the wooden screens opening up to the wooden floor of his dojo with a dragon emblem on it. Class.

Oh and of course the Desperation Moves. No one back then had Internet, so finding out a Desperation Move by accident was one of the only ways we got to see them.

They were quite hard to do even if you had a move list tbh, I remember struggling all afternoon trying to pull off a raging storm! Took me forever to learn how to pull one off when I wanted. ^_^

That's enough of my rubbish...for now.


Anyway, the XBLA version has the notable extra of online play, and for the 50 or so games I have played online has been a great lag free experience.

A lot more stable then my plays on SFII Turbo, and even that was great. There are two modes online. Player Match and Ranking Match. Player Match has some kind of Winner Stays on deal going on, I'm not sure if the 3rd player in line gets to be a spectator as I've not seen it myself.

There are not really that many people playing at the moment. My first match was a bit disappointing, as the other player thought it would be a good way of farming wins by setting it to 1 round...except that he lost all of them. :D Then he quit. :(

Ranking Match is even deader, with the same few people battling out last night, but that has changed tonight, seen quite a selection of different tags now. :) Unlike Player Match, there’s only 1 slot to be filled in by your opponent. You get to see how good the connection is by Ping. Generally, every match I've played under 200ms is good enough.

Just been sticking to my main characters of Tung and Jubei Yamada at the moment. I think this game is when I decided that old blokes in fighting games = WIN. If only these 2 dudes were in Street Fighter III with Oro. xD My attempts to play as Duck King have not been fruitful so far...every time I've played as him I’ve lost. :lol: But he still rocks from a character perspective. I just need to remember how to play as him. :)

I've had the usual torrent of abuse on this via unhappy players losing such as receiving a few messages to say I was a cheater, as well as some abuse over the mic. ;( I love fighting games! ^_^ One of the many reasons I only use the mic when playing people I know.

There’s no stage select online, so you just fight on the challenger’s stage, which probably would end up being Kim's stage going by the range of characters I’ve seen so far. Seen a few Geese players which made me happy, although I can't use him for shit on FFS at the moment, so I will need to brush up on the Evil sKaNk. Last time I used him properly was in CvS2 and he is too different in that. Still a beast though...and THE bad ass of ALL fighting games imo...


Love this stage music ever since I first heard it on FFS. :ph34r:

Someone post the pic of him sitting down in a throne already!!!


the backgrounds in that game were AMAZING.

Fatal Fury 2 and Fatal Fury Special are my favorite 2D fighting games other than the SF2 and Samurai Showdown series.
And I always prefered FF2, FFS to the King of Fighters series.




Krauser's Stage was EPIC. Although Ryo's stage is probably one of the best, as it had every single AOF character doing a cameo somewhere on the stage. :D Never seen it on the Arcade\Neo Geo, just on the SNES version. Don't even know if you can select Ryo on the XBLA version actually

Oh yeah...DUCK KING'S CLUB! "LOOK TO LOOK"...what? Tung's, Billy Kane's, Geese Howard's and Krauser's are fantastic though. I'm getting fed up of Kim's stage already online. :p Although, it never gets old smashing someone into an oncoming motorbike. :D
Sadly enough, my first FF/KOF game was Capcom vs SNK 2...which really isn't.
But I've been going back and picking up as many compilations as I can find. Totally forgot this was out, I'll be downloading now.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Good game, but one of the Real Bouts would have been so much better.

It's fun to compare FFS with SF2 Turbo, though, and see how much more advanced FFS was at the time. The game had more characters, multiple backgrounds, more animation, and most importantly, more game play elements, like the line sway, rolling backwards, crouching advances, super moves, etc.

Singho said:
Krauser's Stage was EPIC. Although Ryo's stage is probably one of the best, as it had every single AOF character doing a cameo somewhere on the stage. :D Never seen it on the Arcade\Neo Geo, just on the SNES version. Don't even know if you can select Ryo on the XBLA version actually

I'm not sure if Ryo is playable yet. I got to him and beat him yesterday, but I lost one round to Ryo, so it wasn't a lossless victory. I got the "unlock Ryo" achievement, but he's not there, and I forgot to try the old Neo-Geo code to play as him in 2P matches.

Ryo's stage doesn't have every AOF character...it's just Todo, Lee, and John acting weird. Love the stage; it's so unique and the music rocks!

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Whoaness said:
I'm not missing anything.

~Gropes Fatal Fury Special Neo Geo cartridge~

Mmmm yeah that feels good doesn't it.

Yes you are. You're missing online play. :p


Lyte Edge said:
Good game, but one of the Real Bouts would have been so much better.

It's fun to compare FFS with SF2 Turbo, though, and see how much more advanced FFS was at the time. The game had more characters, multiple backgrounds, more animation, and most importantly, more game play elements, like the line sway, rolling backwards, crouching advances, super moves, etc.

Yeah, IIRC...when FFS came out Hyper Fighting had only just been released or it was about to. So there was still SSFII to come out before Super Turbo. SNK also had games like AOF2, Samurai Showdown 1 + 2 and KOF 94 released before ST. All great games, but it's amazing to think that even to this day that Super Turbo is still being played competativly today. :D

Also, it's sad to remember that SNK went bankrupt a few years later. ;/ I was so AMPED to hear news of CvS though, I was hitting MMCAFE everyday for tiny bits of news and the same again for CvS2. :lol:

As for the other Fatal Furys, they were fun but I never got into them as much as this one. The whole 3 fields of play on FF3 didn't really sit well with me. Real Bouts looked great but I wasn't really a fan of the whole canned combo lark, although they really looked impressive especially the ones which shifted your opponent in and out of the background.

Still played them as I love the characters and to see what was new gameplay wise. Amazing to go back to this game and see how far as characters and move sets they have progressed since then in games such as CvS2 and the more recent KOFs. Not had a chance to check out the older characters in NGBC and KOFXI. Interested to see how Duck King plays from his Real Bout variant.

Ryo's stage doesn't have every AOF character...it's just Todo, Lee, and John acting weird. Love the stage; it's so unique and the music rocks!

Only 3? ...same thing. ;p


oooooo... fatal fury, 400 points too. Does it have online play? Even though its a bit archaic 400 points with online seems quite good.


Lyte Edge said:
It's fun to compare FFS with SF2 Turbo, though, and see how much more advanced FFS was at the time. The game had more characters, multiple backgrounds, more animation, and most importantly, more game play elements, like the line sway, rolling backwards, crouching advances, super moves, etc.
FFS could some speed, but otherwise it was indeed a technical achievement for SNK. Geese's super is such a bitch to do :p


Jirotrom said:
oooooo... fatal fury, 400 points too. Does it have online play? Even though its a bit archaic 400 points with online seems quite good.

Yep and I didn't experience much lag during the matches I played.


It's just a damn shame that both player match and rank match modes are constantly dead. :(

I've had the 360 on for about 2 hours and i've only got in about 5 games. :/


I dont remember the arcade version being this hard.

do I just suck more now that i'm older?

I have no problem with the street fighters and can still pull a 36 hit combo off in KI...


"I'll chisel your gravestone, sleep well!!" -Krauser

Awesome game, played the hell out of it back when it came out. Still have the cart at my parent's house, I think.


I don't think this game has aged well. I used to play it in the arcade, and downloaded it for xblah thinking it a reasonable time killer. But instead I pretty much hated every second I spent in the game.

Still, it's only 400 points. Not like I wasted a lot of money or anything. Will be fun at parties.


It's out? I feel this is the most playable of the old SNK games, kind of SNK's Super Turbo. I'll grab this ASAP.

If anyone wants to fight - Grifter 181.

I played Jubei, Mai, Bear, etc. but I'll try to warm up w/a Bogard.


Narcosis said:
This is one of those games I missed out on years ago, think I'll try it out when I get my 360 back.

that's too bad because while you might enjoy it now, you probably would've enjoyed it much more back in the day when it was one of the best games of its kind (well it still is but probably won't be appreciated as much in a world of 3D games).


makes good threads.
Just picked this up the other day and gave it a good couple of hours of my time. I used to play the hell out of the Fatal Fury series in the arcade back in the day. The game holds up about as well as Street Fighter 2 does: not impressive by today's standards but has enough "little touches" to the backgrounds and character moves to make it unique. This is something that I always felt SNK excelled at over Capcom. SNK's characters, while not as impressive looking as Capcom's, exude alot of personality. Each character is unique enough to entice the player to try them out at least once.

I played about 20 matches online and experienced 1 game of lag which delayed all my moves by 2 seconds. I know I'm preaching to the choir but I really, really, hate the 360 Dpad (even on the MadCatz controller) as it's a bitch to pull of simple charge moves. I really need to find a controller with a Dpad that clicks.

Anyways, I'm looking for some Gaffers to fight against tonight so if anyone is interested my gamertag is 'Sam Sawyer'.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
I'm so awesome with Bllly Kane

low strong = ultimate cheese and I'll use it as long as it works...even online.
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