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XBMC: Adventures of Novice


Disclaimer: I don't know jack{I have zero technical knowledge}!

Project 1: Skins
Having XBMC installed in my modded Xbox I wanted to see what I could do with it without having it hooked up to a computer.

The first thing I wanted to do was create skins for Evox. Unfortunately XBMC and it's updates don't have any programs that allow you to do that...sigh! While playing around with XBMC and taking screenshots of various movies; I realized that existing skins could be manipulated using a GHOSTING technigue. Ghosting is basically just copying files and renaming them. Since I had over a hundred skins I decided to change some of them.

For example:
C:\Skins{Which contains the skin name and it's content}
E:\{XBMC file}screenshots{move or copy screenshots into desired skin. Rename it to what's in the file. The skin ini is not touched or else the skin won't show at all}.

Note: Original loading and main files must be rename or else renamed screenshots won't be recognized. Also XBMC screenshots are pretty big in size at 1012.6kb and turning them into thumbs degrades their quility. Bmp files can change to .jpg and .png picture files.

Project 2: Music
Being happy that with some of my updated skins I then wanted to rip soundtracks from games. Again something that is not possible with XBMC. The major problem is that it's very hard to find soundfiles that could be converted to .wma format.
In anycase I played around with games{PGR2} that had .wma soundfiles. I created 12 small tracks with the original msdashboard and GHOSTED 12 PGR2.wma tracks. Now I can listen to Project Gotham2 music in the regular msdashboard or utilize it in other games that feature custom soundtracks.
Note: This could done with any game or source of music that contains .wma files.

Project3: Game Manipulation
So ok I can rip soundtracks from games that contain .wma files...can I do the reverse? The answer is YES! I can GHOSt my soundtracks into games that contain .wma files!!!
This is not big deal if said game has a custom soundtrack feature but if it doesn't it's good to know there might be a way around it.

For example: Apex's racing custom soundtracks skipped during racing. It might be possible to GHOST the original soundtrack with your own and not have that skipping problem.

So in theory any game that gives you access to it's sound files and contains .wma files can be permanately changed with your own soundtrack. Imagine playing your favorite 2D fighter with your favorite movie score/techno/jungle music...it's cool to know that it can be done even if the original developers didn't want you to.

All the stuff you can do with XBMC without a computer...

Takes pics{screenshots}!
Ghost your skins!
Rip music from games with .wma files!
Copy movies{.vob, .vot files} into your HD.
Copy games{not pirated of course} into your HD.
Manipulate sound files in games with .wma and copy it into your HD.

Although it might be more work then what it's worth. It's definately some fun stuff!
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