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Xbox Crystal for US?


Xbox Crystal probably in the USA

20.09.04 - In the USA recently the annual conference of the video game wholesale dealer Gamestop took place, on which hard & software for the forthcoming Christmas business are presented. How tenaciousdave reports of Gamestop, the Xbox Crystal already available in Europe is to appear at the latest in November 2004 also in the USA. There is not a price for the transparent console yet. Microsoft did not announce the Xbox Crystal officially yet for the USA.


Sorry for the bad translation, I'm using babelfish.

About the Crystal edition: http://www.xbox.com/en-gb/hardware/crystalconsole.htm
I might have to break down and get this, if it happens. I've been meaning to pick up a new one (getting sick of my Thompson drive), and missed out on the green one. Hopefully there'll be a price drop to compete with the PStwo (if it's cheaper), or at least a good bundle.


Defensor said:
Great, right after I buy the Jolly Rancher Green XBOX they release this one.

I just bought the big, Incredibly Dark Green But Still Distinguishable From Black Xbox, so I know the feeling. But I wanted to be able to play Outrun 2 on its release day, and that game trumps an admittedly cool limited-edition color scheme.


First tragedy, then farce.
I too am getting tired of my thompson drive.. Morrowind is becoming increasingly a bitch to play through this time. Everytime I finish doing anything (i.e. selling something) I save just to be safe, and it takes a solid 15-20 seconds to save.. its annoying as hell.

Is the PC version any better.. I may break down and buy it.
That looks really nice.

Also, has there been any news on the Xbox Holiday Bundle? I'm ready to order one, but I don't want to see the bundle pop up in a couple of weeks or so.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated

If I had the money, I'd be all over this and the white PS2. I wish all consoles were flat white.

I still think the arctic GBA was the best one.
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