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Xbox - I need to get my thoughts out..


Im in the same boat. In general im really not feeling this new upcoming consoles.
I miss the OG Xbox times. Before a friend showed me Halo for the first time, i didnt like first person shooters at all and was a full ps2 guy. But man playing Halo in Coop made me a believer. I had to save money to get a Xbox because of Halo and then Fable and other great games.
Same with the 360 and Halo 3.

But nowadays? 343i really buttfucked the Halo franchise almost into irrelevance. I really dont have the feel anymore to get a new xbox.
MSs strategy with releasing everything to PC is cool and all but to me it really killed the meaning of the Xbox Brand and the need to get the console.
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From OP.
Do you want people to buy your new console? Or do you not care? Do console generations matter or not? It's all so unclear from their marketing which is disappointing.

It hasn't seem unclear to me. Their focus is GamePass, not the XSX. They would be fine it if you bought an XSX, but that isn't their priority. They just want you subscribed to GP. They do not care about console generations. They don't particularly care where you play their games. They just want you sub'd to GP. That's the bottom line, something they've made pretty clear, I think. XSX is a nice piece of tech, but it is not their focus.


Of course not. Series x is most powerful next gen console.

As i was saying, Phil has gone all out for next gen. You will think they already give insane value through gamepass, they could skimp and save on the hardware. But nope, Phil made the best next gen console too. :messenger_peace:

Has higher compute number but PS5 have higher numbers for geometry rendering , pixel fill rate & some other stuff.


Both this site and era are just Sony
Rude awakening, both this site, era, gamefaqs, reddit, the world is mostly pro Sony and guess why? Quality talks. These types of comments are so frivolous, look at the sales disparity the consumer world wise have spoken and chosen accordingly 😊💯❤️

As for the op. Idk, you like what you like, hopefully the Xbox of old in terms of pushing great games comes back full swing but with tht gamepass and AA focus I just don't know.
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My frustrations, and I know people won't agree, but this is my frustrations, are the move towards Games Pass and X Cloud.

They're intent on us never really owning games and paying monthly fees to play games. I HATE the Netflix model of the streaming. I love to own my shit and watch it. Netflix can (and do) take away anything so that you don't have it again. I hate this bullshit of having Games Pass and playing games like you're renting them.

As for X Cloud, it sets a bad precedence for me. I fucking loathe streaming games. I want to sit in front of my PC/console and play straight from it, not on my phone/tablet wherever I am to get a laggy experience. Now, if it's only used as a side service for console gameplay then fine, but I can see this shit becoming the future, and I'm dead set against a streaming only gaming future. You go down this path Microsoft, and everyone else follows, I'm out for good.


My frustrations, and I know people won't agree, but this is my frustrations, are the move towards Games Pass and X Cloud.

They're intent on us never really owning games and paying monthly fees to play games. I HATE the Netflix model of the streaming. I love to own my shit and watch it. Netflix can (and do) take away anything so that you don't have it again. I hate this bullshit of having Games Pass and playing games like you're renting them.

As for X Cloud, it sets a bad precedence for me. I fucking loathe streaming games. I want to sit in front of my PC/console and play straight from it, not on my phone/tablet wherever I am to get a laggy experience. Now, if it's only used as a side service for console gameplay then fine, but I can see this shit becoming the future, and I'm dead set against a streaming only gaming future. You go down this path Microsoft, and everyone else follows, I'm out for good.

You have to realize that they are preparing for the future & the future is these kids who are used to just going on tablets & playing any game they want .


  • Their marketing has taken a roll downhill.
  • Do you want people to buy your new console? Or do you not care? Do console generations matter or not? It's all so unclear from their marketing which is disappointing.
  • What games come out at launch outside of Halo? A Series X port of some years old games like Horizon 4 and Gears 5? We are getting a console launch without a NEW flagship racing title, and that seems weird.
  • I don't want to focus on graphics as if the game is "open world" then it is harder to push fidelity then something like 4/5. Outside of 3/Reach Halo has never been a graphical showcase IMO but a flagship next gen title SHOULD look better then upscaled Halo Reach from 2010.
1. I don't really think their marketing has changed at all. They haven't really done any marketing yet? They did a games showcase. They haven't marketed the console cause it has no release date or price.

2. Yes they want people to buy the new console, that's why they're releasing it. What marketing has gone against that?

3. Why do you think there are series X ports of gears and horizon? There aren't. The launch lineup hasn't been announced yet just like there hasn't been an actual launch date and price yet. Also why is a launch without a new flagship racing title weird? The only time they've HAD a flagship racing title at launch was the XB1.

4. Halo Infinite is not a flagship next gen title. Halo Infinite is a current generation title that will work on the XSX the same way that Halo 5 will.

Sounds like you've just confused yourself.


Gold Member
1. I don't really think their marketing has changed at all. They haven't really done any marketing yet? They did a games showcase. They haven't marketed the console cause it has no release date or price.

2. Yes they want people to buy the new console, that's why they're releasing it. What marketing has gone against that?

3. Why do you think there are series X ports of gears and horizon? There aren't. The launch lineup hasn't been announced yet just like there hasn't been an actual launch date and price yet. Also why is a launch without a new flagship racing title weird? The only time they've HAD a flagship racing title at launch was the XB1.

4. Halo Infinite is not a flagship next gen title. Halo Infinite is a current generation title that will work on the XSX the same way that Halo 5 will.

Sounds like you've just confused yourself.
1. Marketing includes what your higher ups say publicly IMO.

3. They announced Series X ports of both. Gears 5 was announced forever ago (above Ultra settings @4K/60), and Forza Horizon 4 was announced at the most recent showcase again 4K/60. Series X enhances these games, and work has been put in. They are basically ports.
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For people like OP... after so many years of disappointments.....I think it's just time to join the millions of fellow disaffected who have jumped ship or are jumping ship next gen. There is no bigger voice than voting with your wallet and letting the market work its magic. What you shouldn't do is stay quiet, damage control and act like there is nothing wrong. That 1% of the 1% that continue to do so only hurt themselves while pretending everything is fine, or that Phil's promise land needs more time and all the other nonsense they've bought into, forcefully, because reality keeps hitting them in the face.
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1. Marketing includes what your higher ups say publicly IMO.

3. They announced Series X ports of both. Gears 5 was announced forever ago (above Ultra settings @4K/60), and Forza Horizon 4 was announced at the most recent. Series X enhances these games, and work has been put in. They are basically ports.
They are not ports, they are the same game that you currently play on the Xbox One, but you can download a Series X patch the same way you download a One X patch if you own a Xbox One X.


Gold Member
They are not ports, they are the same game that you currently play on the Xbox One, but you can download a Series X patch the same way you download a One X patch if you own a Xbox One X.
Whatever. Close enough. Still doesn’t make it any better that you only have year old “patches” for games instead of actual new experiences outside of Infinite. Maybe the lineup gets better, maybe not.
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Who said I'm pissed off, I play on Playstation I'm just stating the obvious 🤣

Obviously MS is waiting two years but this is a great chance to show the power of the Series X and Halo will be our first look at what a cross-gen first-party title will look like and I think it's going to blow our fucking eyeballs out.

Everything MS is doing this gen is literally on Halo's shoulders it needs to deliver.

Everything will be alright someday, take comfort here...

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Whatever. Close enough. Still doesn’t make it any better that you only have year old “patches” for games instead of actual new experiences outside of Infinite. Maybe the lineup gets better, maybe not.
Well no, not "close enough". I haven't seen them market Forza Horizon 4 or Gears 5 as Xbox Series X launch titles, where have they done this? Like I said, you've confused yourself through no fault of Microsofts.

What first party games do Sony have for the PS5 launch date?

As always, most of the games for the new generation consoles will be third party multiplatforms. Is this your first console generation?
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Gold Member
Graphics have been awesome this generation so I'm not too worried. My reasons for being excited are fast loading, enhanced BC games(super excited to finally get into Forza Horizon 4), and the launch titles. I'm also getting a PS5 and I'm not really seeing much more when it comes to graphics there. I think Spiderman will be like a remastered version of what we already have. What am I missing? Anyway, the graphic jump is coming, even for XGS. Avowed, Fable, etc

You don't know that, again with the FUD, seems like your thing. Do better.

Honestly, you don't do the same thing? You claim GaaS is all MS is going to make from now on. "You don't know that, again with the FUD, seems like your thing. Do better."
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The new console should “wow” you and make you hyped. It’s going to be an awesome console.
Just do yourself a favor and ignore the fucking mouthpieces like Phil and Aaron and you’ll be fine.

REE Machine

OK, in this case I correct my statement as well:
On PS5 you get a remaster of a 2-year-old game and a new game that could easily be served als DLC of the original game.
Better than getting a dragged out halo game that was supposed to come out on the xbox one a year or so ago and delayed for next gen hardware.
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Honestly, you don't do the same thing? You claim GaaS is all MS is going to make from now on. "You don't know that, again with the FUD, seems like your thing. Do better."
It's a prediction (and an obvious one at that, it's not like they are hiding it). I'm not pretending to know more than has being revealed like our buddy there.

I'm not coming up with lies to try and sabotage any MS game, I wish them luck, even with their GaaS and F2P, despite those games clearly not targeting me as an audience. If they end up being good I get to play them for pretty much nothing so I want them to be good.
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Good post, OP. We've had Halo threads, but we haven't had so much in the way of calling Microsoft out for as much of a cluster as this has become.

There's time to turn it around, as the hardware itself still looks incredibly promising, but we're getting closer and closer to Microsoft's awful promotion of it sinking the whole thing and turning it into a niche, or failed, console.

They have got to show us what that hardware is capable of, outside of paper, or people are going to assume that the competition has the technically better box. Likewise, they have got to stop ending up with their foot in their mouths at every opportunity.

The Xbox brand is on shaky ground. X and other initiatives brought it back some, but not enough to withstand this all-out assault from Microsoft themselves.

I hope somebody there reads Gaf, because you guys can either get it together, or end up a mention in the history books along with Atari and Sega.


Gold Member
It's a prediction (and an obvious one at that, it's not like they are hiding it). I'm not pretending to know more than has being revealed like our buddy there.

I'm not coming up with lies to try and sabotage any MS game, I wish them luck, even with their GaaS and F2P, despite those games clearly not targeting me as an audience. If they end up being good I get to play them for pretty much nothing so I want them to be good.

Well, since the new Spiderman isn't out, he is also making a prediction. Isn't it true that Spiderman: MM will be $40? I don't expect charity from Sony so that doesn't instill much confidence in me. Packing in the PS4 version doesn't either. I'm totally getting them, but I don't think Mile Morales will be a full fledged next gen title when it comes to graphics. I hope I'm wrong.

They have got to show us what that hardware is capable of, outside of paper, or people are going to assume that the competition has the technically better box. Likewise, they have got to stop ending up with their foot in their mouths at every opportunity.

I think it's obvious what is going on, they said as much, their XGS games will be cross gen for the next couple of years and it comes down to supporting the people who maybe bought a couple years of Game Pass for the current consoles. 3rd party games will help show that the XSX is very capable. Resident Evil Village for example. Sony and MS have different initial strategies. The next gen games are being worked on. After the first two years all of this concern will be nothing but a distant memory. Does anyone fault Sony for the first two years of PS4? Besides Bloodborne, I don't remember much that I bought and loved in that time.
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Well, since the new Spiderman isn't out, he is also making a prediction. Isn't it true that Spiderman: MM will be $40? I don't expect charity from Sony so that doesn't instill much confidence in me. Packing in the PS4 version doesn't either. I'm totally getting them, but I don't think Mile Morales will be a full fledged next gen title when it comes to graphics. I hope I'm wrong.
He didn't make a prediction, he state multiple things as if he knew it, you will not be able to fool me or anyone else with your false equivalence. Get real, It's too easy to see what you are trying to do.

The follow up of Sony's best selling game on PS4 hitting PS5 on day 1 gets you xbox fans like this:
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Gold Member
He didn't make a prediction, he state multiple things as if he knew it, you will not be able to fool me or anyone else with your false equivalence. Get real, It's too easy to see what you are trying to do.

The follow up of Sony's best selling game on PS4 hitting PS5 on day 1 gets you xbox fans like this:

I'm spending up to 600 dollars on the PS5, I'd hope there is something good for launch, but the price, how quickly it's coming out and the fact that we haven't seen any real gameplay has me cautious. I'm a fan of good games on any platform, not just a fan of Sony, like you. I'm soooo worried for MS, on the contrary, I'm confident that the competition will be fierce from here on and I, as a consumer of both platforms, will benefit. Keep fighting with your gifs, though! It's precious.


I'm spending up to 600 dollars on the PS5, I'd hope there is something good for launch, but the price, how quickly it's coming out and the fact that we haven't seen any real gameplay has me cautious. I'm a fan of good games on any platform, not just a fan of Sony, like you. I'm soooo worried for MS, on the contrary, I'm confident that the competition will be fierce from here on and I, as a consumer of both platforms, will benefit. Keep fighting with your gifs, though! It's precious.
Good for you mate, stay cautious. I can see trough your charade. Why dismiss Spider-man MM while giving any other game the benefit of the doubt? Odds are it going to be pretty good.
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Does using cuck make you feel cool?

Love doesn’t always mean what you think it means. I don’t associate Xbox with my being or my identity. I love Xbox because they put out things that I love. Doesn’t mean I pledge allegiance to them.

But maybe I’m just a cuck, right? Your pathetic.

LOL all I hear is "Wah Wah Wah" crying

Take your whining to a sanctuary site like reeeeeee LOL


3rd party games will help show that the XSX is very capable. Resident Evil Village for example.

Bingo. Where are they? Meanwhile, we're getting Craig stuffed down our throats.

Perception is reality for many customers.

Microsoft needs to show truly impressive (visuals and gameplay) content on this system, or the world, a Playstation and Nintendo world right now, is just going to pass it by. If Digital Foundry comparisons are the first thing that actually show the Series X doing something, I'm not sure most people are going to care anymore by that point.

They don't have the mindshare to be botching their marketing to this level.


Gold Member
Good for you mate, stay cautious. I can see trough your charade.

Have you seen the screenshots? Besides the up close view of his face, it looks like the PS4 version? You're seeing a generational leap? Seems that you're only harsh when it comes to anything Xbox. I think it will still be fun despite looking current gen. It just doesn't excite me too much quite yet. I still haven't beaten the PS4 version.

Bingo. Where are they? Meanwhile, we're getting Craig stuffed down our throats.

Perception is reality for many customers.

Microsoft needs to show truly impressive (visuals and gameplay) content on this system, or the world, a Playstation and Nintendo world right now, is just going to pass it by. If Digital Foundry comparisons are the first thing that actually show the Series X doing something, I'm not sure most people are going to care anymore by that point.

They don't have the mindshare to be botching their marketing to this level.

Shoved down our throats by the Fanboys on here. Do you think the casual gamer even knows about that meme? Nope. These forums are a bubble. They don't matter in the grand scheme, if they were representative of public perception the Xbone would have sold 10 million if that. They haven't botched anything. Besides, Halo was one game, there were plenty of good looking titles in that showcase, I feel as if people forgot them all because of the 100 Halo threads.

Halo was really the only "bad" showing the Xbox event. There was plenty of wow games there and some really diverse and unique titles being backed as well. They'll always be third party games shared and huge leaps through the next few years of the hardware and engines. Overall Halo took the wind out of the sails but can also put it back. At the end of the day I want great games solo and shared with my buddies/family. Game Pass is a massive win in this department, my family and I are playing more games than ever for lower prices. We're also getting to trial them, keep them within GP and buying more games for ones we like the most.

Genuinely they've created a great hardware and services platform, showed some promising games and we will have to see how Halo turns out at launch and again over the next 1-2 years.

^And this is how the majority see it. A reasonable post. Sony fanboys try to get everyone to forget that overall, their showcase was good.
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Halo was really the only "bad" showing at the Xbox event. There was plenty of wow games there and some really diverse and unique titles being backed as well. There'll always be third party games shared and huge leaps through the next few years of the hardware and engines. Overall Halo took the wind out of the sails but can also put it back. At the end of the day I want great games solo and shared with my buddies/family. Game Pass is a massive win in this department, my family and I are playing more games than ever for lower prices. We're also getting to trial them, keep them within GP and buying more games for ones we like the most.

Genuinely they've created a great hardware and services platform, showed some promising games and we will have to see how Halo turns out at launch and again over the next 1-2 years.
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Have you seen the screenshots? Besides the up close view of his face, it looks like the PS4 version? You're seeing a generational leap? Seems that you're only harsh when it comes to anything Xbox. I think it will still be fun despite looking current gen. It just doesn't excite me too much quite yet. I still haven't beaten the PS4 version.
We moving goal posts now? I don't have the time, have a nice life mate. Freeman out.
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Gold Member
We moving goal posts now? I don't have the time, have a nice life mate. Freeman out.

When you all have nothing to say, you speak of these goalposts. I asked a question and you can't answer it without dissing on something coming to PS5 and you can't bring yourself to do it. The trailer for Mile Morales looks like the trailer for Spiderman on PS4. Fact. I just watched both trailers back to back. You guys only come down hard on current gen looking games for XSX, the PS5 is exempt.
I think a lot of Xbox fans are like you OP.
I woulnd't call him "xbox fan"😁
More like a faux-concerned dude spreading FUD

They announced Series X ports of both. Gears 5 was announced forever ago (above Ultra settings @4K/60), and Forza Horizon 4 was announced at the most recent showcase again 4K/60. Series X enhances these games, and work has been put in. They are basically ports.
Oh, and yeah, OP, as a genuine "xbox fan" you should have known that forza horizon 4 and gears 5 ain't getting no "port"😁

They are getting FREE enhancement updates, as will many other games xbox fans may have, including a substantial part of even older generation games, 360 and og xbox.
In fact, if I'm not mistaken ALL of them will be getting HDR through machine learning

For "new games" they've now own 15 first party studios (and they are still buying and building),
plus an enticing platform for all third parties, which happens to be the most powerful one too,
plus a system that is also enticing for third parties to throw games in, while they'll throw in absolutely everything they make too, for your benefit

Sooo cry me a river please, wont you?


The proof being Sony silence on power.
Understandably so, we've seen precedence in such differences from the pc arena for years :messenger_peace:

No you haven't because like I said Xbox has higher compute but PS5 has the edge in the other rendering components outside of the compute units because of the higher clock rate , it's not going to end the way you think it is but keep ignoring the signs.


Hey... I'd take Halo over Miles Morales DLC. At least you've got a launch title. I'm still waiting for Sony to tell me what they're showing up with.

We're all just going to be playing Cyberpunk anyway.... at this point I might just buy whichever console I see available to pre-order first.
No you haven't because like I said Xbox has higher compute but PS5 has the edge in the other rendering components outside of the compute units because of the higher clock rate , it's not going to end the way you think it is but keep ignoring the signs.
Higher clockrate for how much time?
And how much lower will the cpu clock be while gpu runs at its highest variable speed?
With what overall outoutcome?

Now, if I was you I wouldnt bet on ps5 having a better performance than xbox, but hey, its your money, and there are guys like me who would take them, if your "signs" say so and you feel like it ;]
Hey... I'd take Halo over Miles Morales DLC. At least you've got a launch title. I'm still waiting for Sony to tell me what they're showing up with.
If you don't know what Sony is capable of making over the entire life of their consoles, after this many years, then nothing would convince you. Sony already told you what they will do by what they have done historically; releasing 1st party AAA exclusives all through the console's life. If you are still in doubt then you weren't paying attention.


No you haven't because like I said Xbox has higher compute but PS5 has the edge in the other rendering components outside of the compute units because of the higher clock rate , it's not going to end the way you think it is but keep ignoring the signs.
This is just grasping at straws lol.

A constant clock speed is better and easier for devs, and the XSX has 2TF more power plus faster RAM. It’s more powerful across the board. A slightly faster clock speed *sometimes for the gpu or the cpu but not both* doesn’t negate the other much much bigger differences.
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Shoved down our throats by the Fanboys on here. Do you think the casual gamer even knows about that meme? Nope. These forums are a bubble. They don't matter in the grand scheme, if they were representative of public perception the Xbone would have sold 10 million if that. They haven't botched anything. Besides, Halo was one game, there were plenty of good looking titles in that showcase, I feel as if people forgot them all because of the 100 Halo threads.

^And this is how the majority see it. A reasonable post. Sony fanboys try to get everyone to forget that overall, their showcase was good.

I think someone is in a bubble, but it isn't who you think it is. I also think if things don't meaningfully change by launch, you're going to have that bubble popped hard.


Higher clockrate for how much time?
And how much lower will the cpu clock be while gpu runs at its highest variable speed?
With what overall outoutcome?

Now, if I was you I wouldnt bet on ps5 having a better performance than xbox, but hey, its your money, and there are guys like me who would take them, if your "signs" say so and you feel like it ;]

You seem to have more confidence than Microsoft right now because they haven't showed any games running on Xbox Series X since the Gears of War & Minecraft demos.


This is just grasping at straws lol.

A constant clock speed is better and easier for devs, and the XSX has 2TF more power plus faster RAM. It’s more powerful across the board. A slightly faster clock speed *sometimes for the gpu or the cpu but not both* doesn’t negate the other much much bigger differences.

We will see when the full spec breakdowns happen & when the games come out.


We will see when the full spec breakdowns happen & when the games come out.
The full spec breakdowns have been out for a long time lol.
It’s ok, just accept that once again the PlayStation isn’t the most powerful console. In the end power means very little.

You seem to have more confidence than Microsoft right now because they haven't showed any games running on Xbox Series X since the Gears of War & Minecraft demos.
I guess that means you think those ps5 demos were actually running on retail PS5s do you? Lol pretty much every pre-release video of any game, especially when none of it is actually in game gameplay controlled on stage, is running from a dev PC. It means nothing.
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Neil Young

I don't mind MS being behind. It makes them scramble to please their customers. I think all the backwards compatibility, Game Pass, xcloud, and OS updates are a reflection of that. Sony seems to be pouring their dough into their first party studios and that's great too. Relax, there's something for everyone. All this concern for what? Be concerned for Nintendo, what the fuck are they doing?


Microsoft is really good at backwards compatibility. They should focus on bringing more games from the past playable. I have a ton of Xbox 360 titles that I would love to play such as SoulCalibur IV and V, etc.

Microsoft has disappointed my with its selections of first party. All they have for exclusives is Halo Infinite, looks disappointing, Gears, meh, Forza, they have one like every year so meh, and Mincraft, I don't even play it.

Microsoft needs to bring the hype such as Banjo Threeie.
I'm not an Xbox fan. My love lies with PlayStation but i can honestly say Xbox 360 was one of my favourite consoles ever.

The games and that whole launch period was so magical. I ended up having 2 Xbox 360's over that generation and thoroughly enjoyed heaps of hours of Gears online, Forza and other games like Crysis 2 (which i will never forget playing because i got it as a birthday gift one year).

Xbox has it within them to deliver incredible content. Don't know how they can get back to 360 greatness but it has happened before so there clearly is something there. They probably just need the right leaders to lead the brand.


The full spec breakdowns have been out for a long time lol.
It’s ok, just accept that once again the PlayStation isn’t the most powerful console. In the end power means very little.

I guess that means you think those ps5 demos were actually running on retail PS5s do you? Lol pretty much every pre-release video of any game, especially when none of it is actually in game gameplay controlled on stage, is running from a dev PC. It means nothing.

Your idea of full spec breakdown is a lot different from mine.
You seem to have more confidence than Microsoft right now because they haven't showed any games running on Xbox Series X since the Gears of War & Minecraft demos.
Hey, I'm preeeetty sure that both these things you descibe, both the gears 5 running on 4k/60 locked with 2080ti maxed levels of detail, and the 120fps multiplayer, plus the fully pathtraced minecraft demo at unlocked 60, are benchmarks that ps5 would really sweat a lot to catch, no matter how "the high tide raises all boats", and no matter how premature they were, but what do I know? :messenger_beaming:
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Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
Before I even start, this is NOT a hate thread. If anything my frustration comes from love. Really I've just been thinking about this a lot since the showcase last month, and needed to put my thoughts into words. I'm going to put my thoughts into categories starting with the current console.

Xbox One: Gonna make this relatively quick. They fucked up, and fucked up early giving the generation away before it started. The last few years though got me hyped again. They released two great consoles in the Xbox One S and X, and Playground gave up 2 of the best racing games ever made with Horizon 3/4. It gave me hope for the next console, along with the ridiculous value that GamePass holds. They really turned it around bringing me to my next point..

Xbox One was a disaster since pre-launch and they simply never recovered. Forza Horizon 3 and 4 are by far the two best arcade (if not in general) racing games regardless of platform. Gears 4 was great and Gears 5 was excellent. Quantum Break was great. Ryse was good and im sure Ori 2 is excellent but I won't play it until it's updated for Series X as I traded in the Xbox One X after Gears 5. Xbox One X is the generation's best console. Game Pass is insane value. Since Spencer was given full control over Xbox in late 2017, the brand has been trending up ever since and it's going to keep going that way because they see the future and are preparing for it as opposed to being 3-5 years behind.

Series X: I feel let down. The beginning of the marketing was great. That initial reveal trailer got me pretty damn hyped, and the thought of a next gen Halo (one of my favorite franchises) was so enticing despite 4/5/MCC being a letdown personally in many ways (though great in others).
  • Their marketing has taken a roll downhill. They seem to contradict themselves left and right making it confusing as to what is actually the truth. They have hyped up showcases only for them to come out and be completely underwhelming. Their ecosystem strategy is on one hand pretty cool, but on the other frustrating. I think it's great for some people that especially in these times may not have the money to shell out for a new console, and they've stated that their first party games will be cross-get for awhile (2 years maybe?). I think it also just removes a lot of the hype for a new console. New consoles should give up new things to be excited about, new things possible by developing specifically for a new console (especially a console without a shit CPU, and slow HDD). But what is true? Multiple games have be shown as Series X exclusive from their 1st party studios so the question is: Are these games simply just so far out that they aren't part of the original statement? Or are you picking and choosing and therefore confusing people?
  • Do you want people to buy your new console? Or do you not care? Do console generations matter or not? It's all so unclear from their marketing which is disappointing.
  • What games come out at launch outside of Halo? A Series X port of some years old games like Horizon 4 and Gears 5? We are getting a console launch without a NEW flagship racing title, and that seems weird.

I personally have been hyped for Xbox Series X since The Game Awards reveal and am the most interested in the brand and eco-system for the first time in almost a decade. I'm super hyped for Xbox Series X because I know im getting the best gaming console for the upcoming generation with what has already been announced, far better console exclusives than the entire Xbox One generation and having all my multi-platform titles which is like 80%+ of my entire completed gaming list once the generation ends is fucking great because I want the best versions from day one.

I don't see their marketing as confusing at all. First, people only read the headlines and never the actual articles and because of that, they seem dumbfounded and confused but then wonder why. SMH. Second, their marketing and messaging has been very clear for those who actually read and follow it all.

Cross-gen games are for the first year, maybe two at most. So basically between 3 to 5 games. Halo Infinite, Gears Tactics, Forza Horizon 5, Forza Motorsport 8 and Flight Simulator 2020. The two Forza games may not be cross-gen at all. Hellblade 2, Everwild, Fable, Avowed and State of Decay 3 are all games that are 2022 and beyond so it makes sense every way you look at it. Cross-gen overall is normally for the first two years of a generation as developers/publishers slowly shift over.

Look at PlayStation 4, until Ratchet & Clank in April 2016, what was really there that was amazing and worth playing? For me, until then, it was only The Order: 1886 that was worth playing and completing and while it was good, it wasn't great. For Xbox One, the first major exclusive was Halo 5 two years after launch.

The first two years for every console in history especially as technology advances and games take much longer to develop and actually complete is very slow. There's a reason why Super Nintendo still has the best launch year to this day because well, look at their first year. Nothing comes close. That should probably tell everyone something.

I have no issues with what Microsoft is doing in regards to their direction for Xbox. It makes sense for what they want to do as a brand, as an eco-system and as a company. People can either adapt or get left behind. It's that simple. I prefer to adapt but that's just me.

Halo Infinite will simply run at a higher resolution, higher frame rates, have Ray Tracing and much faster load times on Xbox Series X while the Xbox One X will be at a lower resolution, no Ray Tracing, less visual effects and longer load times. I truly don't see what the issue is here.

Microsoft does NOT care where you play their games. They just fucking don't because the industry is changing and moving into a different direction because at the end of the day, it's not about the plastic box, it's about the eco-system. Buying a console actually loses money for Microsoft. Look at their game sales right now on Steam. They have 4 games in the top 6 or some such shit like that. That's far more important than selling a few extra consoles. Microsoft is going all in with game streaming via X-Cloud in addition to having their games on either Windows 10 store or Steam. Plus, they have consoles for those who don't want to spend the money on a top tier PC rig or have any interest in game streaming.

Simply, Microsoft is giving the consumer options as to where YOU want to play YOUR games. It's for YOU. It's for each and every individual. It's not for anyone else.

For me, im a console only gamer. I'm day one for Xbox Series X and that is where I will be playing all those console exclusives I listed earlier as well as all my multi-platform titles. I don't fucking care that those same games will be available to play on PC (via Windows Store or Steam) or via Game Streaming (via X-Cloud). Honestly, why would I when I don't play games that way? I don't care what other people do or play or buy because it has nothing to do with me.

As for launch titles, that's still be finalized but im expecting Halo Infinite, Gears Tactics (console) and Flight Simulator 2020 (console). How many games do you truly need at launch? You can't play them all at the same time so why would you want it to be over-saturated which would only hurt the lesser games? Add in third party multi-platform games and launch is literally stacked.

Game showcases: Some great games have been shown in these but overall were pretty underwhelming. I remember liking some games but outside of The Medium I can't actually pick out a single game that I'm like oh fuck yeah lets go. First one was a "Gameplay Showcase" almost completely void of gameplay. Then they hyped up a First Party showcase which let a lot of people down. You have Rare's game that they don't even know what it is yet. Then you have Fable which was a short teaser and completely CGI. It's like that ESVI teaser. Just why? If it's so far out that you can't show us anything more then CGI teaser then why show us anything at all? And then ...

Halo: I love Halo despite getting a late start on it. I've read the books, I've spent hundreds of hours playing, hundreds of hours reading lore and watching lore videos. The world of Halo is just so rich.
  • I don't want to focus on graphics as if the game is "open world" then it is harder to push fidelity then something like 4/5. Outside of 3/Reach Halo has never been a graphical showcase IMO but a flagship next gen title SHOULD look better then upscaled Halo Reach from 2010. BUT my problem is they kept this under wraps for soooo long which built up hype so so high despite 343i's other games being looked down on by many (I have my problems with those but that's not the point of the thread).
  • We are 3-4 months out from the launch of the consoles, they are on bug fix duty at this point. This won't be fixed by launch, and it reminds me of MCC which has the worst launch of any game I can think of. You can't delay Halo without delaying Series X and it's too late to delay the console. If they had shown us that in like March or April it wouldn't have been nearly as big of a disappointment to see a game that looks much worse then Halo 5 on XBO X. Gameplay looks pretty good but animations and effects just quit and disappear immediately. It's just obvious it's not ready for release. But then 343i tells us they are aware of the criticisms but remind us that it's pushing a new audio engine? What?
  • The announcement of F2P Multiplayer (and 120fps as well on Series X) got me hyped initially but then I remembered what goes hand in hand with F2P games...microtransactions. You could point to Warzone as a way to not ruin a F2P game with them but COD has never really been about deep customization. Halo has been and I can see them ruining it with micro transactions. You want this cool shoulder armor? Well pay for it. This visor? Pay for it. Does it affect the gameplay? No but it is integral in what makes Halo MP customizable without attachments and weapons like in COD.

The May Xbox showcase was a good 7.0/10 for me. Bright Memory Infinite along with The Medium stole the show for me. I'm day one for both games. Plus, im day one for Second Extinction and The Ascent so overall, I got 4 games out of the 13 game showcase. As for the July showcase, it was a great 8.0/10 for me. I added 5 games - Fable, Avowed, State of Decay 3, Stalker 2 and Crossfire X story campaign. Already had Halo Infinite, Hellblade 2, The Medium and Everwild on my list.

Granted, there was minimal at best gameplay shown but Sony's June showcase had less gameplay shown so anyone who bashes the Xbox showcases should also bash the Sony showcase for the same reason. Sony's June showcase was the same for me as Xbox July showcase - an 8.0/10 with me having the same complaints - not enough gameplay and too much filler in the middle of the showcase.

Fable was already known by vast majority and needed to be officially announced and confirmed. I'll give you Everwild as that shouldn't have been revealed at all yet but it is what it is. Spider Man was mostly CGI with a few snippets of in-engine gameplay. Horizon 2 was all CGI. Demon's Souls Remake all CGI. If it wasn't for Ratchet, Returnal and parts of Gran Turismo 7 with a bunch of issues, none of their major games had any gameplay. So again, if you're going to bash one, the other needs to be bashed as well because otherwise, why even waste your time with the brand that you're only going to bash.

As for Halo Infinite, I have watched the gameplay trailer at least 5 times. It's not the graphical showcase that majority were expecting but for me, it looks to play and run very smooth at a locked 60FPS. The gunplay, combat and overall gameplay looks great. I'm all in as long as the single player story campaign is good which im expecting it to be. Plus, it will be the first Halo game I ever play so I can't compare it to any of the previous titles. Considering that 343 dropped Unreal Engine and built their own game engine in SlipSpace plus Covid, I believe people are expecting way too much.

As long as the overall gameplay, story campaign and online multi-player all hit, the visuals being "underwhelming" at worst is perfectly fine and acceptable at least for me. Launch is very important for Halo Infinite and I believe that it will have a far better stable launch than MCC did. As for the free online multi-player, I can't comment since I don't play online but I would expect them to have a lot of cosmetic items.

I want Xbox to wow me so badly. I want to go out and buy a Series X and play an epic mind blowing Halo game. I want to play a gorgeous 60/120fps racing title. I want competition back. I want Xbox to do something great, and make Sony do better as well. Now I have issues with PS5 as well, and honestly neither of the new consoles are really making it known why I should buy them this fall.

I am frustrated because I love Xbox as a brand. I don't want this to turn into console war bullshit, but I just felt like I needed to put my thoughts into words.

Honestly, NOTHING has wowed me at all thus far for next generation. I'm in for Halo Infinite and a bunch of other console exclusives but im not expecting to be wowed until maybe 2022, if that. Xbox is about the eco-system and some live service games. Both Microsoft and Sony are going in different directions.

For me, Xbox Series X is going to be my primary gaming console because it's 1) overall the better console including the controller (fucking hate the PS4/PS5 touchpad), 2) multi-platform titles and 3) Game Pass. Exclusives would be 4th but majority of them are 2022 and beyond so got some time.

Both consoles will be amazing but it simply comes down to which direction you prefer. If you're not happy with either, there's nothing wrong with waiting months or years to jump into next generation.
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Hey, I'm preeeetty sure that both these things you descibe, both the gears 5 running on 4k/60 locked with 2080ti maxed levels of detail, and the 120fps multiplayer, plus the fully pathtraced minecraft demo at unlocked 60, are benchmarks that ps5 would really sweat a lot to catch, no matter how "the high tide raises all boats", and no matter how premature they were, but what do I know? :messenger_beaming:

Nothing they showed look like it would give PS5 a hard time running but ok lol
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