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Xbox Media Center - Uploading files via FTP

Ok I'm using a program called Ipswitch WS_FTP Pro to upload files to my Xbox. It's fairly simple to use and I have been able to upload my music collection and various videos. But quite often an upload will fail because of the nature of the file name. I have to either shorten the file name or take out a comma, and after I have done that I can upload the file successfully. It's really frustrating though to have to rename files all the time to get them to upload successfully. Anyone know why this would be happening? Is it a limitation of XBMC or the FTP programs fault?



Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
For one, you should use your dash's FTP client instead of XBMC's. I use EvoX or UnleashX. Both have superior FTP functions IMO.

Secondly, there are certain characters and what not that the XBOX doesn't like. I'll try and find a link.
DaCocoBrova said:
For one, you should use your dash's FTP client instead of XBMC's. I use EvoX or UnleashX. Both have superior FTP functions IMO.

And what would those superior FTP functions be?


From what I've encountered, there appears to be a name limit on files, so you might need to shorten them or abbreviate some.

Commas are a no-no as well, from all that I've uploaded, but apostrophes are ok.

Give some examples of files you're uploading that are erroring?


42 character filename limit - it's because of the xbox file system.. quite a pain. That's the main reason why i stream from my PC instead of copying to the xbox hd.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Streaming is the preferred solution for me as well... Putting sh!t on the HD is better for those that take their XBOXs to different places. Mine hasn't moved in years.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Maybe on the newer builds. I just updated to the October build of XBMC. I know for fact that older builds would not let you see the 'E' partition. That's why I never used it for that. It also seemed a lot slower.
DaCocoBrova said:
Seeing the 'E' partition for one...

Maybe on the newer builds. I just updated to the October build of XBMC. I know for fact that older builds would not let you see the 'E' partition. That's why I never used it for that. It also seemed a lot slower.

Never edited or even looked at that FileZilla Server.xml file, have ya?


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Why would I? mediacenter.xml is the only file I ever (want to) look at to make things work.

What does editing that file allow?

Admittedly, I under utilize XBMC. I use it only to stream vids via samba shares and mp3's. I've edited the RSS feed also, but that's it.
Dez said:
42 character filename limit - it's because of the xbox file system.. quite a pain. That's the main reason why i stream from my PC instead of copying to the xbox hd.

demi said:
From what I've encountered, there appears to be a name limit on files, so you might need to shorten them or abbreviate some.

Commas are a no-no as well, from all that I've uploaded, but apostrophes are ok.

Give some examples of files you're uploading that are erroring?

Well looks like these are the reasons. Kind of annoying but at least I know why now. My TV is located in a completely different room from my computer so streaming files from my computer is out of the question. It's a bit of a hassle to have to unplug and lug my Xbox to my computer everytime I want to FTP files to it. But I can live with it.

For one, you should use your dash's FTP client instead of XBMC's. I use EvoX or UnleashX. Both have superior FTP functions IMO.

Secondly, there are certain characters and what not that the XBOX doesn't like. I'll try and find a link

Not sure what you mean. I connect using an FTP program on my computer and it shows me the Xbox HD and it's different drives. How is this specifically related to XBMC? The title of this topic may be a bit misleading. It shows all the partitions either way.

Oh a quick question while I think of it. Is it necessary and/or possible to defrag your Xbox HD? Any links to programs out there that can do it?


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.

All I was saying is that XBMC has it's own FTP host/client module. The dashboards have their own as well.

Anyway, I cannot wait for these new XBMC skins to get finished. I don't like Project Mayhem...





The Inside Track
Red Dolphin said:
Well looks like these are the reasons. Kind of annoying but at least I know why now. My TV is located in a completely different room from my computer so streaming files from my computer is out of the question. It's a bit of a hassle to have to unplug and lug my Xbox to my computer everytime I want to FTP files to it. But I can live with it.
You should give WIFI a try, it works perfectly with Xbox (and XBMC) and nowadays it's getting quite cheap.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Well looks like these are the reasons. Kind of annoying but at least I know why now. My TV is located in a completely different room from my computer so streaming files from my computer is out of the question. It's a bit of a hassle to have to unplug and lug my Xbox to my computer everytime I want to FTP files to it. But I can live with it.

Ethernet can span over 100ft before the signal needs to be boosted... There's also wireless connectivity... I find it odd that you'd have to physically move that big ol' box just to FTP. There's quite some distance in between my server and XBOX and they get along just great.
I don't feel like forking out for Wi-Fi atm and I could probably use a really long ethernet cable but it's more the issue that it would be messy having such a long cable running through the house than anything else. I could go to the trouble of drilling through walls or feeding the cable along the wall and out of sight like the rest of the ethernet cables running throughout our home network but I don't think it's worth the hassle. Atm I just use the ethernet cable from my router that my sister uses to connect her laptop to.

I'm more likely to get a wi-fi capable router in the future then bother with long messy ethernet cables. I just didn't think I'd really need one when I bought my router.
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