What? Jesus people, I guess i'm indeed out.
I just don't have faith in every single announced title suddenly being some kind of long-awaited masterpiece in the making.
There is a fair amount of information regarding Quantum Break out there. I grant you not enough and there has been very little media for the game. But the developers have talked about the story, gameplay, new facial animation, how the "live tv"-stuff will work, etc.
And it's not like Remedy is an unproved developer.
We know a lot about Project Spark there a lot of media out there about it + there will be a beta for PC before the year ends. Just do a quick youtube search and you'll have days of content to watch.
Kinect Sports Rivals, will get a preseason demo thing at launch. And it was showcased at E3. So... Yeah. hype?
Titanfall; we have all seen it. It's Call of Duty on steroids + Brink + Mechs.
A lot of previews has been done and people have played demos at shows.
I'll grant you that both Halo 5 and Sunset Overdrive is a leap to have faith in atm.
Both are interesting titles that I will most likely buy. The art direction for Sunset is very interesting, and it's made by Insomniac. While Halo 5 is Halo and I'm a sucker for that franchise.

This is my opinion though, you might need more to get hyped, we've all get satisfied at different levels.