I put the scores PS4 and WiiU got from the verge on one image to compare. Where do you think Xbox One will replace in respective category's?
Here are the reviews for both if anybody wants to read, they're quite in depth.
Verge PS4 Review - 7.7
Verge WiiU Review - 7.0
Design- 6.5- Should get knocked for being so large. I don't care if MS did that to prevent another RRoD, it's still a downside. Aesthetically it's ok.
Software- 8-9- Depending on well the different apps work. It should be higher then both PS4 or WiiU, since it has the most apps at launch.
Game Selection- 8-8.5- Good lineup, depends on game scores.
Controls- 7.5-9- We know the controller will be well recieved, but if the kinect dosn't work as well as advertised the control score could take a big hit.
Performance- 7-7.5- Should take a big hit for lack of power, could make up or lose ground depending on how smooth the UI is.
Heat/Noise- 8-8.5- Probably similar to the PS4 since the Blu-ray players are the noisiest parts of them, maybe a little cooler.
Final score- 7.2-8.2