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XCOM: Enemy Unknown |OT| Neo GAF is Under Alien Control


I had a bug where a soldier was wounded for a negative number of remaining days. But I was available to take him into combat and it reset afterwards.

Way back in my abandoned Classic Ironman game, I had a soldier who was in the barracks who was KIA. He wasn't listed in the memorial, but instead he was listed with those who were wounded, except... he's dead. It was fucking weird.


Do you have a high level sniper in place? Because a guy like that can drop over 20 health points if he has double tap, and high teens if he doesn't, in a turn. That goes a long way.

I don't suppose you have a sniper with Double Tap and a Plasma Sniper Rifle? Or, if not, two snipers with a Plasma Sniper rifle each?

I have a couple of plasma snipers, but unfortunately, after a few bad outings, I don't have any high-level guys left. And it seems like I can't do more than a mission or two without seeing one. :-/
Went back to my Classic game tonight and messed around, trying to earn some achievements. Got the Lone Wolf achievement by sending in my psychic badass with an alloy cannon and just wrecking shit through mind control and general badassery. Got the Like A Scalpel achievement through a seriously chaotic mess of a battle. It was one building, there were Chrysalids, Sectopods, Cyberdiscs, the works all blowing shit up inside a single building, while civilians were running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Somehow I managed to pull off that mission only losing two civilians and not losing a single soldier, though I think my entire team ended up on medical leave after that battle. It was chaos. I love it.

Tried to get the
Flight of the Valkyries
achievement but a bug/glitch ruined my day. A Muton Berserker ran right into the middle of my team, which was fine because he couldn't attack....except it glitched and a Muton that shouldn't have been able to get that close just appeared in the middle of my ranks. He threw a grenade, blowing up the cover some of my units were using, which allowed the other Elites to blow them away. That sucked ass.

I have to say, just doing missions randomly after you've got a full badass team is pretty freakin' fun just by itself. I don't foresee myself tiring of this game any time soon.


I have a couple of plasma snipers, but unfortunately, after a few bad outings, I don't have any high-level guys left. And it seems like I can't do more than a mission or two without seeing one. :-/

How about some ghost armor? I'm not saying that you need to resort to it, but sectopods are tough. Just hearing them moving around on alien turns is unnerving.

On another topic, cool thing that works seamlessly, that I just did again: Blowing up corpses that have been impregnated by cryssalids totally works. Maybe I'm just grenading dead civilians, but at least it seems like it works?


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Woooow.... I even dreamed about my failed 25h ironman run.

That's it!

I'm going to rise above this, adapt, learn from my lessons and and frigging win! New game let's go!


Do you just sprint everywhere?

Lol nah man, overwatch crawled all missions.


Yay, my second psi capable soldier. The final squaddie out of my 30 soldiers. I tested like 10 colonels and nada (including a sniper with 91 will). My final untested colonel just went in and I hope so much that she's gifted.

I ran into a pretty crazy bug today. I completed an abduction mission and returned to base with the $200 reward. I then proceeded to spend the money on excavating a spot, building another power reactor, and building another access lift. I still had well over a hundred bucks left after this, but as I was moving through the interface to get back to Mission Control, the entire screen bugged out and went full zoom out, with all the rest of the interface missing. I couldn't click on anything. But the esc button still worked, so I made a new save, and I tried to load that save. That fixed the interface and everything was back to normal... except.... I noticed that I had $-5 now. Not $5, but $-5. Lol. Wtf.

I've had it go to the negative hundreds a couple of times when I didn't notice it. On the third time when I caught the bug in action it seemed to take money away every time I went backwards in option levels, like from foundry -> engineering.


I think I'll do another game on Normal before kicking it up a notch. Maybe go for soe achievments along the way. Flight of the Valkyries should be doable, maybe try for Ain't No Cavalry Coming, but that one is evil.

Plus, you know, try out a SHIV. Didn't get around to building any in my first game. My squad was badass enough as is. But a good SHIV could be what the doctor ordered if you need to train up some rookies later. I think the next game will have me start in Asia for the Foundry bonus. Cheaper SHIV upgrades, and quicker Squad Size in the OTS.


Yay, my second psi capable soldier. The final squaddie out of my 30 soldiers. I tested like 10 colonels and nada (including a sniper with 91 will). My final untested colonel just went in and I hope so much that she's gifted.

I'm thinking, I got really lucky. Sent in 3 of my top guys, 2 came back psi-ready. The next 3 all failed and there was no real need to go beyond that.

A sniper with psionic abilities basically eliminates all the vulnerabilities that come with that class.


Terror Mission. Chrysalids only. I counted at least ten. Guess what?
Dishonored needs to get here already, I need to experience some joy again.

How the hell? I dumped all my money into satellites and uplinks from day one, no tutorial. Lost 1 already and almost half of the others are in various states of yellow/orange.
I think doing the Alien Base as early as possible will help keep panic low. I've failed to keep panic down with satellites, too.


You can do it with ghost armor, but abusing ghost armor feels like an exploit because it breaks the whole way encounters are designed.

80 levels spread out across different combat scenarios. How many maps are there for say VIP or terror missions? I'd say not many, because I keep seeing the exact same levels. And I see the same or extremely similar maps on downed alien spaceship levels too.

I only used Ghost armor for my Snipers, guess I should've used it for everyone.
Yeah the camera SUCKS indoors sometimes. I shot down a large alien craft earlier, and when my guys were inside it, the camera would keep trying to display the roof of the ship even though I manually lowered the elevation. Really fucking annoying, and made it a total clusterfuck to play, especially when there were 6 floaters inside, and 6 floaters outside.

Had this happen to me to. Made trying to move and aim so annoying.
Also, when using the mouse to move can be frustrating sometimes. I try to select a wall to move to and the cursors likes to move to the other side of the wall I want. Had one of my guys run outside the ship because of it.


The very end of the final mission is a giant asshole. 4 of my 6 guys were all mind controlled in a single turn.

I reloaded it once when it went bad. I mind controlled one of the baddies and stayed away from the main dude's range. managed to kill him in the first 3 turns and it was over after I killed the other 2 guys. no backup arrived.


The very end of the final mission is a giant asshole. 4 of my 6 guys were all mind controlled in a single turn.

I got so lucky with that part.
I entered the room and positioned one sniper just in the entrance without triggering the cutscene (I didn't know what was going to happen but he had ghost armor).
Then I moved my Assault up and the cutscene triggers, the Ethereal spawns 2 mutons and mind-controls my assault. My turn starts, so I move my heavy up to give vision. I decide to use my sniper to hit the Etheral, he crits twice and boom, he is dead, no damage reflected.
Final cutscene, lol.


My main mistake with the final mission last night was assuming that
ghost armor wouldn't 'start the encounter'. I thought I'd be able to get my guys in position, but nope the big bad just walked forward and mind controlled my sniper (who was all the way at the back of the damn room). Of course that went poorly for him because he got in range of my Assault who killed him in one rapid fire, but man that would have been bad news if I'd missed. What's odd is that on my normal run I swear I was able to move my stealth guys around the back before it activated the enemies. Weird.
I thought double tap was nasty, but In the Zone may be even more ridiculous. There are plenty of enemies that end up outside of cover, and flying enemies and chryssalids never use it. Combine an In the Zone sniper with an explosives heavy and/or some other grenade users, and you can wipe out whole mobs of enemies in one turn.


I thought double tap was nasty, but In the Zone may be even more ridiculous. There are plenty of enemies that end up outside of cover, and flying enemies and chryssalids never use it. Combine an In the Zone sniper with an explosives heavy and/or some other grenade users, and you can wipe out whole mobs of enemies in one turn.

In the Zone is grand. one Sniper took out 3 dudes in one turn. wish there was a replay button. so awesome.


I thought double tap was nasty, but In the Zone may be even more ridiculous. There are plenty of enemies that end up outside of cover, and flying enemies and chryssalids never use it. Combine an In the Zone sniper with an explosives heavy and/or some other grenade users, and you can wipe out whole mobs of enemies in one turn.

Yeah I've really taken a shine to dealing with Mutons by blowing up their cover (even more fun when you have MC, because you can use THEIR grenades). Explosives would soften them up to ensure a kill with each shot too. I got so much use out of Double Tap disabling shot that I didn't really think of trying In the Zone, but I'm definitely gonna try it next time.

Edit: Oh shit Shredder Rockets would be perfect for this and I never used those either.


Well I think I'm on the final mission of my normal ironman game

I just shot down the overseer UFO. Said something about Final Objective and the hyperwave relay revealed Etherals in the mission

Unfortunately I didn't realize you had to use the psi abilities to level them up so I only have 2 guys with psi and neither of them are leveled. Also no psi armor. This might suck. On the bright side, I wreck. We'll see how it goes.

edit: I like the discussions about the different skills. It really does seem like they've done a great job making almost all the skills viable and desirable. It's a real choice. Fantastic.
I restarted my game last night and I lost Mexico early. I had a satellite I could have launched there but I didn't realize if a country's panic meter was at 5, they leave at the end of the month so I sent it to Japan. Damn. I hate when I make stupid mistakes because I wasn't aware of the way things work.


Don't have a gaming PC, so I played the demo on 360. Wow. I don't think I've ever been so engaged with a strategy game before; or played one that was so fun. It's one of those games that made me want to go out and buy it as soon as I finished the demo. Great stuff.
I thought double tap was nasty, but In the Zone may be even more ridiculous. There are plenty of enemies that end up outside of cover, and flying enemies and chryssalids never use it. Combine an In the Zone sniper with an explosives heavy and/or some other grenade users, and you can wipe out whole mobs of enemies in one turn.

My "In the Zone" sniper nearly solo'd a Muton-heavy map. He was my runaway MVP of the last quarter of the game. Pairing him with a "Double Tap" sniper meant the final boss went down in a single turn.
I just lost my in the Zone sniper because I was so focussed on trying to capture the Muton commander, never really saw what he could do.

There seems to be a steely eyed sargeant rising through the ranks, hoping to join in the fun though, so hopefully I'll get to try that before the end.

Hari Seldon

Fuck I got my main dude killed in the last mission on my Normal Ironman. But it allowed me to restart the mission thank god. I have no idea how I'm going to get past the part with two of those uber tank things.


Fuck I got my main dude killed in the last mission on my Normal Ironman. But it allowed me to restart the mission thank god. I have no idea how I'm going to get past the part with two of those uber tank things.

It was hilariously easy for me last night because I had
6 psionics. I just stormed the beaches with my army of Mutons from the previous room and softened the Sectopods up so my Archangel sniper could finish them off. My pets died valiantly in their efforts but the Berserker punched that Sectopod right in its stupid face before he died.
It was great.

Hari Seldon

I think with my next play through I'm not going to bother with Assault. They are the worst class by far. I just don't see a use for them. Heavies are more powerful offensively (esp against the late game robots), Support gets 3 heals, and snipers wreck. I use my Shiv for scouting. So no need for Assault at all.
Learned the hard way that high ground is meaningless against Chrysalids. Wiped out like a dozen of them in a terror mission, but since no more enemies were in sight I sent up all my squad onto the roof. Was an idiot and dashed my promoted support to the edge of the building, to take potshots and 3 Chrysalids jumped 10 stories and scared the crap out of me. I got really lucky though - they killed two people, and no zombies popped, and the mission ended with my sniper poisoned at 1HP. I thought for Classic they'd make all dead soldiers turn into zombies.


I think with my next play through I'm not going to bother with Assault. They are the worst class by far. I just don't see a use for them. Heavies are more powerful offensively (esp against the late game robots), Support gets 3 heals, and snipers wreck. I use my Shiv for scouting. So no need for Assault at all.
Lightning Reflexes and Flush alone are really useful.


Assaults are my oh shit button. When something absolutely needs to die to make sure it doesn't do something unpleasant next turn, run and gun flank + rapid fire. This sounds situational but I use it at least once a mission...especially once Sectoid Commanders and Ethereals start showing up.

Also I can't imagine not running with one because they deal with melee enemies so efficiently.

Edit: Oh yeah lightning reflexes is a MUST. If I'm not sure an enemy who escaped earlier is milling about on overwatch I just run my assault past the suspicious area.


I am playing on Normal Ironman and can't seem to get the handle on Sectopods. Every time I face one of them, I lose at least half my squad. Twice I have wiped completely. I have full Titan armor and plasma weapons and all the upgrades I can. I don't have a problem with any other enemies. I spread out my team and take my time. It's really frustrating me.

do you have a reasonably leveled heavy? with a heavy plasma and heat ammo, they do 20 a shot, if they haven't moved, 40, and suppression goes a very long way to making sectopods not kill you


do you have a reasonably leveled heavy? with a heavy plasma and heat ammo, they do 20 a shot, if its they didnt move, 40, and suppresion goes a very long way to making sectopods not kill you

If I can add to this, a Hover Shiv at max range can suppress a sectopod and keep it busy for several turns with little to no risk to itself. And if you really want to create a dedicated anti-Sectopod soldier, bring a Bullet Swarm heavy with HEAT ammo and Ghost armor. Stealth up next to it and either nail it with a huge crit or wait until next turn, fire then stealth afterwards for a safer shot.

My personal favorite method is sending suicide bomber mind controlled Mutons/Heavy Floaters to throw grenades at them. I don't fuck around with Sectopods, they are always my priority target if I hear them stomping around.


Assaults are my oh shit button. When something absolutely needs to die to make sure it doesn't do something unpleasant next turn, run and gun flank + rapid fire. This sounds situational but I use it at least once a mission...especially once Sectoid Commanders and Ethereals start showing up.

Also I can't imagine not running with one because they deal with melee enemies so efficiently.

Edit: Oh yeah lightning reflexes is a MUST. If I'm not sure an enemy who escaped earlier is milling about on overwatch I just run my assault past the suspicious area.

This. They're by far my favorite class, especially in hairy situations. Melee specced they're a force to be reckoned with.


Gonna finish the last mission on my second playthrough tonight. First was normal difficulty, this one is on Classic.

In both games I postponed the last mission to get 6 PSI Colonels, but my next game is going to be on easy Ironman, to see how fast I can beat it. That way I can snag some missing achievements.

I'm going to try Classic Ironman after that, I just hope my save doesn't get corrupted like last time :(.

EDIT: As for assaults, I'd have to agree that you need at least one. Ghost Armor+Shotgun+run&gun+rapid fire = Dead Anything. Sectopod included. More damage than my sniper, and much more accurate than my heavy (which I love, but for rockets)
I hope someone does a Halo mod on this later. I think that would be one of the best franchise to use this gameplay. Your Spartans, if they die in a mission will just be considered MIA, as with the lore in the series.

I don't even have an Xbox 360 (last Halo I played was the 2nd) but I would download this on day one.
Quick question: Is there a higher level LMG (ie Plasma/Laser) or should you just give them plasma rifles? I have a bunch of weapons researched (both laser and plasma) and I have yet to come across an upgrade for the LMG specifically.


Quick question: Is there a higher level LMG (ie Plasma/Laser) or should you just give them plasma rifles? I have a bunch of weapons researched (both laser and plasma) and I have yet to come across an upgrade for the LMG specifically.

Yes, both Laser and plasma.

Can you even give plasma rifles to heavies?


Quick question: Is there a higher level LMG (ie Plasma/Laser) or should you just give them plasma rifles? I have a bunch of weapons researched (both laser and plasma) and I have yet to come across an upgrade for the LMG specifically.

Heavy Laser/Plasma research should have been unlocked after researching the laser/plasma rifle (not Light Plasma though). They can't use rifles anyways.


I hope someone does a Halo mod on this later. I think that would be one of the best franchise to use this gameplay. Your Spartans, if they die in a mission will just be considered MIA, as with the lore in the series.

I don't even have an Xbox 360 (last Halo I played was the 2nd) but I would download this on day one.

Haven't played the full game yet, but I think that would be a very interesting merging of IP's and styles. I remember liking Halo Wars (the demo at least) but this seems to be more akin to what I would want from a RTS Halo game.
Yes, both Laser and plasma.

Can you even give plasma rifles to heavies?

Yeah, I guess you can't. I haven't actually bought/equipped any yet so I wasn't sure.

Heavy Laser/Plasma research should have been unlocked after researching the laser/plasma rifle (not Light Plasma though). They can't use rifles anyways.
I've researched the plasma rifle but not the laser one yet. Do I need to do that first or something? I DO have access to the Plasma sniper and shotgun though but I haven't researched the plasma pistol.
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