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XDude Live Quotes

"Youre a big mac"

"haha you said big mac, you should have said whopper. Youre so dumb"

"control your weight problem"

"I see your future, you will not have money"

Maybe ADD IS real.


"I'm so high right now"

"Dude, I'm so high."

"I'm high."



"I'm so fucked up."

"HOLY SHIT! What was that!?? Damn, I'm high."


Playing someone in NFL 2k5...

*guy pauses and goes to instant replay after I pick off a ball and run it back for a td*

"That is fucking bullshit. Look at this."

*rotates camera around ball heading towards reciever and zooms in and out for 2 minutes*

"Look at the fucking trajectory of the ball! It was going into my recievers hand and magically fucking popped into yours. You cheating cocksucker!"

Something similiar happens atleast every other game. People love to talk shit when they're winning, but when they're losing....time to turn voice off.


Junior Ace
Guy: "Holy shit, guys. Did you hear the big news? It's all over CNN."
Everyone else: "No. What is it??"
Guy: "The... Internet."
Everyone else: "uhhh... what about it?"
Guy: *silence*

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
The 2 worst kinds of opponents on XBL. The one where his woman just walked out of his life. The one who is talkin shit to you in the 4th quarter down 35-7 and has been going to it on 4th down all game


john2kx said:
this is probably why i don't play XBL much.

This is why I only play XBL with people I know. But if I didn't have anyone on my friends list, go into random games, after a little while you'll be bound to find some people to add to your list that aren't idiots.


Fifty said:
This is why I only play XBL with people I know.
Yep. Having a big friends list is the only way XBL works for me. I also do a lot of leagues and other kinds of "scheduled gaming" ...

Playing traditional sports games with random online players (XBL or PS2) is just impossible. Either cheesing or quitting is the order of the day.


It's not just sports games, it's almost any game. That way you're sure you're not going to get some retard spawn camper in Rainbow 6, or some idiot constantly running you off the road in Race Driver 2. I rarely play against people I don't know or aren't know by those on my friends list.
My favorite will forever be the dude who wouldn't shut up about how the United States wouldn't exist as a country if it weren't for Canada.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Can someone please explain the origin of "Xdude" since it isn't funny on its own merits, perhaps it has an amusing Reirom type origin. Anyone?

I get Xbot, etc.


Junior Ace
Stinkles said:
Can someone please explain the origin of "Xdude" since it isn't funny on its own merits, perhaps it has an amusing Reirom type origin. Anyone?

I get Xbot, etc.



Party Pooper
i had this one guy in burnout 3 who had to be completely out of his mind. he was talking all extra fast like he was on speed or coke or something and cursing anyone and everyone out.

he also came in last place that race, and then his connection dropped.

and everytime a girl is in a room

"heyyy, put me on you friends list... pleeeeeese"

the first week of burnout 3, full of people who DIDNT KNOW HOW TO BOOST START... every fucking race

"man, how the fuck did you do that? cheating motherfucker!"


I like to call it the All Southern Drawl Network.

I'm telling you it's the fucking DREGS of society. I've never seen a more disturbing group of people.
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