So overall my thoughts currently:
+ Positives
Best Controls (Best Gameplay, and nice placement for buttons once your used to them in the first hour or two. Clearly the best version of the game control-wise.)
Great Sound (It blasts through my 3DS and everything sounds great, never experienced something like this in a 3DS game. This Sound does the Soundtrack so much justice.)
Huge Overworlds Transition awesomely on the New 3DS.
Great Camera functions ( A ton of options on how to adjust the screen overall, all of which are easy to do in game and battling. Zooming in and out helps out a ton appearance wise for the game, all while being a huge convenience to the player.)
Easy to put time in the game due to portability (It's easier to close the game and come back to it now with the portability. It's a game with a lot of content and time that will be spent, at least now we can take it to school, work, in the car, plane, and so on. So we won't be wasting our lives stuck down in one place playing the game. We need to feel free of the living room until Xenoblade X comes out and steals the outside world away from us. ;D)
Awesome Menu Screen
- Negatives (Pretty much all graphic-wise, as to be expected being 3DS and all.)
Crushed Textures (The textures are too crushed in some aspects and very nice in others. In my opinion the removal of a lot of these textures would had made the game look a lot more clean and would had made some objects look better because of it. This has to be the biggest complaint about the game for me is just how crushed the textures are. Making the graphics look very bad despite the New 3DS able to produce very good models. This seems just like the old N64 Vs PS1 comparisons, the N64 had better models, and the PS1 had better textures, and the PS1 overall looked better because of it.)
Blur everywhere (Shulk's hair being the worst offender as you spend half the game looking at his face. The game is weirdly inconsistent with this as some objects become magically sharper then others. I think this has to do more so with texture then anything.)
The huge Overworld is too big for even the XL screen. (While this is remedied somewhat by the amazing Camera controls, this game simply needs that huge screen to get the full effect of the world's huge open world beauty. You will notice how limited you are in this aspect when you point the camera upward and notice just how much detail your missing of the sky, of what's far away, and everything around you. This also has more to do with the 3DS's choice to have a more full screen screen then a wider screen. The game is crushed on the screen, and then crushed again by the view of your vision on the full new 3DSXL's screen. While the port wasn't going for amazing graphics this still takes away one of the greatest pillars of this game, the atmosphere.