My fucking god the random encounters in these are infurating like they just gang up on u and just chain u to death. whats the point blocking if they never stop attacking. Kiryu is a pain to use. Am i doing something wrong like damn even had to turn it to easy...
Try unequipping the charismatic autobiography. Will change your world.
I got you, GAF.
The Charismatic Autobiography returns in Kiwami as the Charismatic Photo. Stay vigilant. Stay strong.
My fucking god the random encounters in these are infurating like they just gang up on u and just chain u to death. whats the point blocking if they never stop attacking. Kiryu is a pain to use. Am i doing something wrong like damn even had to turn it to easy...
Try unequipping the charismatic autobiography. Will change your world.
I got you, GAF.
The Charismatic Autobiography returns in Kiwami as the Charismatic Photo. Stay vigilant. Stay strong.
Don't block, kite instead and yes stunlocks and stagger have always been very bullshit in yakuza.
As you gain more combat options you can gain limited immunity under heat or attacks that just stagger/stun/floor them instead or just grow so strong you one shot everything.
It basically becomes easier to be the one that stays on the aggressive .
Against boss enemies that are pure bs you just tank on heat/heal items and infinite combo(Kiryuu back attack and grab throw was basically how I defeated Amon again) them or infinite heat action them.
Yakuza sadly doesn't seem to make a lot of strides within the series to improve on it's encounters. I actually enjoy Yakuza the most being overpowered and destroying people in very entertaining ways. When Yakuza tries to be difficult/challenging most of the time it's actually just plain annoying or awful.
And I don't think that's me needing to "git gud" after all I made it through all souls titles + nioh and enjoyed the heck out of it, I'm pretty sure it's fair to say that Yakuza is pretty garbage at difficulty design most of the time.
this might be my new favorite video game series
hope to see everyone back around for kiwami this summer!
What I don't like about the Yakuza combat are the knockdowns, which are slow ass like in many J games. And the fact your back can be completely exposed/stunlocked for ages. The more annoying enemies will constantly telegraph and backstab fish you, or use their super armor counters (which you can also perform though).
I would've liked it if the combat had some sort of auto lock with a faster strafing speed. I think I prefer the combat in Shenmue, esp. the 1 v 1's.
i been around since Yakuza 3, irish ninja - san
I have zero hope of catching up to luce lolWhy right here, in theWall of ShameMonument of Honorary Contributors.
Finished. This is me right now:
I would've liked it if the combat had some sort of auto lock with a faster strafing speed. I think I prefer the combat in Shenmue, esp. the 1 v 1's.
Just to confirm, do you have charismatic autobiography equipped ?
You might want to take it off if you do.
ohhh. illegal posts = illegal aliens
okay, I've calmed down. Let me gather my thoughts
- It's only after he said he'll get the Empty Lot that it dawned on me that Sera is the 3rd Chairman. In my defense, his only role in Yakuza 1 was getting murdered so he didn't register that much
- Shimano correctly predicts the fall of Kazama and Sera and sets up the hook for Yakuza 2. Since I love that game, those callbacks were far more delicious to me than Y1's story hooks.
- In what universe did Sagawa and Majima build a friendship based on shared tribulations? Sagawa has been a total prick, getting up Majima's ass and disappeared during the assault on the Consortium. I refuse to believe he and Majima could reminisce about the good times. No, FUCK NO!
- Makoto, ffs~ how many one-eyed gangsters are gonna come to your rescue? Put two and two together, girl~
- Kiryu tells Nishiki that he owes him a huge debt. Considering how stupid I thought Kiryu was wasting 10 years for Nishiki, this puts things in a whole different light. Nishiki came to Kiryu's aid several times in this game---it totally checks out that he would gladly eat the charges
- "Kiryuuuu-chaaaaaaan" - you stay golden, Majima. ;_;
What build for the champions circuit in pocket racers? Cant beat it for the life of me.
word, I might make a thread about it one of these daystrue, but favorite game series? now you're talkin, kyodai
ohhhhhhhhhhh illegal votes lolillegal votes = illegal posts this keeping me out of the top 10.
I'm about ready to backup a truck full of salt
Thats the easiest.
Crap messed up lol.
Meant the King of Speed Cup race.
Bruh I wish you left out spoilers outside of Yakuza's not entirely your fault though. it's still behind spoiler tags.okay, I've calmed down. Let me gather my thoughts
- It's only after he said he'll get the Empty Lot that it dawned on me that Sera is the 3rd Chairman. In my defense, his only role in Yakuza 1 was getting murdered so he didn't register that much
- In what universe did Sagawa and Majima build a friendship based on shared tribulations? Sagawa has been a total prick, getting up Majima's ass and disappeared during the assault on the Consortium. I refuse to believe he and Majima could reminisce about the good times. No, FUCK NO!
yep, this was a complaint that I had after beating the game too.- Makoto, ffs~ how many one-eyed gangsters are gonna come to your rescue? Put two and two together, girl~
interesting. I knew Kiryu- Kiryu tells Nishiki that he owes him a huge debt. Considering how stupid I thought Kiryu was wasting 10 years for Nishiki, this puts things in a whole different light. Nishiki came to Kiryu's aid several times in this game---it totally checks out that he would gladly eat the charges
Enjoy it Calabi. Enjoy the depth of bromance and airtight manhood!!I hate Maijima. What a cunting idiot.I wont bother to get her to a hospital I'll just watch her die, oh where are they taking her, the morgue, what a fucking idiot.
I'm kind of getting into the story like no other game.
Just 5000000 mangan's and a couple bucks left till platinum baby.
You'll have it tonight.I'm glad my infinite mahjong hell posts got me into top 15 kuze'rs
Speaking of, I held myself back from making the same mistake and declaring Kan quad... and boom.
Just 5000000 mangan's and a couple bucks left till platinum baby.
Enjoy it Calabi. Enjoy the depth of bromance and airtight manhood!!
Well I ended up buying this game from the Target sale since they didn't have Zelda online. Never bought a Yakuza game in the first, hopefully it lives up to the hype! I think I might actually use the business card holder... but I'm afraid I'll lose it.
I can't describe the relief I felt when I finally got riichi ippatsu ; _;
Shoorei pippi, my friend. Shoorei pippi.After 3 days and 7 grueling hours playing and learning mahjong:
I can't describe the relief I felt when I finally got riichi ippatsu ; _;
Open hands are worth a lot less than closed hands but yes there are exceptions.If all I have in mangans in my CP list, generally should I refrain from stealing and having an open hand unless there's a huge exception?
Where do you even get the Charismatic Photo? I never found it in this Yakuza game.
And here I am, still waiting for that darn Riichi Ippatsu.After 3 days and 7 grueling hours playing and learning mahjong:
I can't describe the relief I felt when I finally got riichi ippatsu ; _;
hope to see everyone back around for kiwami this summer!
Is there a script translation for Ishin anywhere?I'm contemplating booting Ishin again and fooling around, slicing people up, upgrade the sphere grids, forging better swords and clearing the card dungeons...
Just because I want more Yakuza.
Of course I'll be there for Kiwami this summer.
Is there a script translation for Ishin anywhere?