Firstly,What fighting style should I pick? I'm playing on easy and I don't like dying and restarting battles

But I started with Rush (for Kiryu) until I built up Thug. I think I just stuck with whatever the blue one was for Majima.
Firstly,What fighting style should I pick? I'm playing on easy and I don't like dying and restarting battles
What fighting style should I pick? I'm playing on easy and I don't like dying and restarting battles
What fighting style should I pick? I'm playing on easy and I don't like dying and restarting battles
The mobs in general do get tougher but by that point you have enough abilities + you'll have mastered the system enough that it won't make a difference.Do regular mobs ever get tougher? It's a shame that so far the combat is fantastic but every non-story relevant goon gets KO'd in a single combo lol. Like I can't even use heat actions.
I thought maybe I could skip the power surge abilities to balance it but no way I'm missing the rest of the trees for this.
Also wow, the disco dancing mini game has enough depth to be its own game haha. This game is fantastic and feels like the true modern evolution for the series.
The mobs in general do get tougher but by that point you have enough abilities + you'll have mastered the system enough that it won't make a difference
By the time you unlock the Legendary style, the mobs do get a bit more aggressive and have more weapons in general.That's why I love the money=EXP system 0 has. It lets you skip all the regular mobs on the street without any real downsides, as there are way better ways to make lots of money.
I feel like if you're using the Legendary styles, regular enemies are a lot more agressive though.
Not everything is perfect tho, the game looks rough... You can tell it's a PS3 title. And it's weird, I don't know if it's the resolution, but I feel like at times it actually looks worse than Y5. Also what's the deal with those new low budget cutscenes? Weird. Noticed some screen tearing too... But eh, small details.
But yeah, this game is fantastic so far, I can see why it got such good word of mouth despite being a Yakuza game.
Yakuza 0 looks amazing to me. That 1080p/60fps is a huge jump from Y5's 720p/30fps blurriness. In fact I feel like Y5 is a step down from Y4. I don't even think Y5 is native 720p either, it's a bit below that.
Anyway, one thing that helps Yakuza is that the world is chock full of detail everywhere in both indoor and outdoor areas, it's just always interesting to look at, the detail helps to mask what is a PS3 game but honestly it looks more like a PS4 than PS3 game for me.
The graphical detail in the characters faces are also as good as anything else on the system.
And this game came out 2 years ago in Japan, and it's not even a AAA game, the sega devs are wizards.
I'm in chapter 6 and I've met the rich dude in the green suit, just so I'm not missing anything is he just a way to transfer money between the two characters? I'm starting to make a reasonable amount from the property thing, though I'm spending it all on upgrades and more property as soon as it comes in.
Im having heaps of fun with this game, but i just really want to complain about one thing.
It sucks that the game randomly speeds up the tempo of the bar in Karaoke. It makes it basically impossible until you know the timing on the speed bumps.
Not the only Asian rhythm action game to do it. DJ Max, Superbeat Xonic, any of the Miku games... never saw it as a problem myself, I could always get a 90+ the first time I played any of the songs. If anything I want a harder mode so that they'd be more challenging!
The cutscenes in this series have been consistently putting 90% of games out there to shame.The whole scene with the blind girl in the massage cabinet was fucking amazing.
(also the game is too easy, even on hard)
Edit: Holy fuck the end of chapter 6 had me crying like a baby
I don't know anymore if my standards have been set so low after years of crap or if this game cutscenes are just that good
Finally starting to play this. I've reached chapter 3 already and man, it's just as good as I imagined. I've found myself using a lot the Rush style and can't wait to sink hours and hours into this.
Also, the OST is amazing. The few boss battles I've encountered, the themes are incredible.
My favourite song is the makeover tune!!!
If I had a choice then I'd rather have the japanese theme.The western exclusive credits theme is the best song in the
I prefer the song that plays in the background when you're walking around your club or during the hostess training sessions.
Up to Chapter 11 now. Got the Trouble Finder off a quest(shows everyone who has a subquest on the map), and that made me burn like 8 hours of my time, lol.
I've probably just spent about 4 or 5 hours in chapter 6 buying up properties. I can't stop! Think I'll get all ten of the Gambling King and move on with the story. Starting to bring in a decent bit of cash now though.
I've probably just spent about 4 or 5 hours in chapter 6 buying up properties. I can't stop! Think I'll get all ten of the Gambling King and move on with the story. Starting to bring in a decent bit of cash now though.
Just walk around the city. Specifically, in the designated areas that are highlighted in the options menu when you look at your business progress. When you walk past I've you can buy, it'll ask you if you want to buy it.How do you buy properties? I bought the first one from the tutorial, but I wasn't able to find how to buy any other place to buy
I finally caved in! I've only played for about 90 minutes but I'm already liking it better than 4 (dropped it before switching to the second character) and the battle system is actually fun. However, I'm getting a little confused on how the Yakuza works and which character is of higher rank than the rest. I should investigate on that before I keep playing because I the scene with the 3 lieutenants at the start of the game messed up with my brain lol
You can also use CP points to speed up the rate at which those properties give you cash. Would 100% recomend doing it.
How do you buy properties? I bought the first one from the tutorial, but I wasn't able to find how to buy any other place to buy
Yeah, it's one of the reasons I prefer people playing 1 first instead of 0, the game kinda clearly doesn't explain the Yakuza structures as well as for a newcomer, still fantastic game, and should still be great to enjoy.