For posterity:

Following the Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami on 11 March 2011, the yakuza sent hundreds of trucks filled with food, water, blankets, and sanitary accessories to aid the people in the affected areas of the natural disaster. CNN México said that although the yakuza operates through extortion and other violent methods, they "[moved] swiftly and quietly to provide aid to those most in need."[27] Such actions by the yakuza are a result of their knowing of what it is like to "fend for yourself," without any government aid or community support, because they are also considered "outcast" and "dropouts from society".[27] In addition, the yakuza's code of honor (ninkyo) reportedly values justice and duty above anything else, and forbids allowing others to suffer.
i think you need to start with dead souls.
how big is the gamestop poster?
I am torn between this and Berseria.
wowowow~21" x ~28 inches
Nice, Amazon finally shipped mine and it should be with me tomorrow, very excited to revisit Kamurocho once again.
i think you need to start with dead souls.
Didn't quite get as much done as I wanted, but I'm happy the character section turned out nice. Gonna try and at least conjure up a main banner right quick.
(I don't even know when I'll get the game, lol, but at very least I'll hit up my GS to try and cop that poster.)
For posterity:
Finally mine is preparing for shipment. This is my first Yakuza, really looking forward to this, especially with the 1980's Tokyo theme. BTW, the Wikipedia page for yakuza was informative; I knew some about them, but it goes more into the hierarchy and history than I knew.
The yakuza are of course some bad dudes, but I found this pretty cool:
how do i start the "businesses"?
ok wat @ theporn
Man, I'm surprised at how many little references there are that people might miss.
I've been doing the Pocket Circuit challenges and a couple of kids named Hideki and Takuma showed up to start calling.someone a virgin.
Could these be Takuma Sato and Hideki Mutoh (famous Indy Japan 300 drivers) in their youth?
i got a gamestop poster
pix later
this would be a FANTASTIC mobile game if sega were interestedHeh, my first and only experience with Yakuza was the Japanese demo for the Ishin title. But I'm surprised they haven't done a spinoff yakuza management game that starts in the 1800's and goes through generations, building up your gang and increasing influence and power.
ok wat @ theporn
Great OT everyone, glad to see the legend of Nugget lives on in here
Every Yakuza game has something like that, but its always played for laughs and not meant to be taken seriously. You also get a funny trophy for it in Y0.
Y6 has a video chat minigame with real adult actresses that plays like Typing of the Dead and its hilarious to watch Kiryu try to avoid typos while hes watching the videos
Slightly NSFW
About 31 hours in so far and it's still amazing and getting better, absolutely loving it
A question in regards to a certain substory later on
I'm trying to find Mr Libido again, I saw him once as Majima dancing in a hostess club in his pants and I think I saw him again on the street but where do I find him next ?
He typically hangs out at the same spots, like the naturalist store on the north side near Majima's club. Which substory?
Every Yakuza? I know 1/2 had that massage game I never figured out but I don't rememberin other gamesreal soft porn
Ah well I guess I should say I'm trying to find him again to start another substory. From what I remember he says to Majima about 'you can find me around town etc' and I haven't seen him at all anywhere to chat to him again and start a 'Friendship'. No idea where the fuck he is and I've ran around checking everywhere
I believe for that one you have to watch a video in order to continue that. Once you do he should be outside of the erotic video store
Did they keep in thefor the english versions?club management
One of the best jams in the game and one of the most enjoyable minigames in the series in my opinion
I mean there's something similiar/slightly creepy but funny in all the mainline Yakuza games (Ping Pong, Phone Line, Massage, Hostess Clubs/Managing, Cat Fights, ) that they use to market the games in Japan.
Yep all there, spent a chunk of time on it already. Very addicitve.
Another question I have as well in relation to Kazumas side stuff
For buying properties do you find properties around town and just buy them ? I've been finding partnerships no problem on Majimas side but I haven't found any new properties to buy for Kazumas part yet, just the initial one you buy whilst being shown the ropes