My first post on GAF and really looking forward to play this when I'm back from holiday.
I learned so much about the series just by browsing on the pages here.
Started with Yakuza 3 and really loved that even though I see some people disliking it I really loved the father figure they tried to implent into the game.
Hey pal, welcome!
Yea, YakuzaGAF is great. If you haven't already, check out the Yakuza Community Thread for chill discussion on the older games too.
I'd also agree with you, Yakuza 3 is incredible. I love the pacing of that title, the vibes, the setting,It's at top of my need to replay list at the moment.Mine.
I'll finally be able to play my copy of Kiwami soon! Any general "Don't Equip Charismatic Autobiography"-tier tips I should keep in mind? I should be completing most sidequests, so any tips on those or mini-games would be appreciated too.
(xi) Don't forget to go back to main menu after beating some of the stages in Climax Battle mode, before closing the game.
I lost my progression on Proving Grounds 1 through 8, because I just closed the game without coming back to main menu![]()
Thanks for the warm welcome. I would love to replay it too and even hope they announce a remaster of 3,4 and 5 for PS4.
Yes. First of all, here's a guide for all the ideal builds for Pocket Racing. You can get parts from weapons dealers and Don Quijote (I think) and the Pawn shop as well as of course at the track it self.
(iii) You get EXP pretty handily by beating Majima and doing quests so I don't think you'll be starved for it.
(iv) When you get access to Komaki by clearing through the story mode, try to unlock Tiger Drop as quickly as possible. It makes the Majima fights a freaking cake walk.
(v) This game on Hard is harder than Yakuza 0 on Hard.
(vi) Unlike previous Yakuza games, you can save at any place in the world by opening up the main menu and using save.
(vii) MesuKing is a wholesome game, fun for the whole family and kids of all ages.
(viii) Remember that this is a remake of not just a PS2 game, the first ever PS2 Yakuza game. So expect the general story cutscenes and beats to be "simplistic" as compared to some of the cinematic experiences we've seen throughout the series.
(ix) You get the Trouble finder accessory that marks starting points for substories through getting enough CP points and redeeming them at Bob who stands near the entrance to Shinjuku street (Near Serena). Also some of the substories can only be started/continued if you have Haruka with you. You can do those quests during certain parts of the story where you can have Haruka walk with you, or after finishing the main story and walking about in Premium Adventure.
(x) Git gud
.I loved it. I don't know why some people hated it, I thought it was a fun as in Y0.
I'm at chapter 11.
I already passed the infamous, and I gotta say. I loved it. I don't know why some people hated it, I thought it was a fun as in Y0. Also, I gotta say, the game does an incredible job of making Nishikiyama a good chase scene
Keep at it, I personally felt the curve is a lot smoother from that point on.So... am I supposed to match enemies fighting styles or something? I just beat the funeral boss about 3 hours in and it took *forever*. I feel like all I can do is mash square and fit triangle now and again. I don't really have much of a move set. Even in random street battles I'm getting smacked around a lot, especially when there are a group of guys.
I played with some when the original came out and don't remember having issues, but this game is kicking my ass. From figuring out how to upgrade to the fighting it's a lot to take in.
Keep at it, I personally felt the curve is a lot smoother from that point on.
That particular boss had a ton of health, way more than necessary.
The really important unlocks are the Essence of Extreme Brawler/Rush/Beast under Soul (I think) in which you can knock the bosses out of those recovery phases. And yes, in that regard you'll need to match the style they're using too - if they're glowing blue, switch to Brawler and use the heat move that pops up. Yellow is Beast and Purple is Rush.
You'll need the heat to activate it though, which is why I learned to carry around Staminan drinks all the time.
Yup, sell that shit.Is it safe to sell anything from lockers that says "You can get a hefty fee, It belongs in a museum, etc." safely? I don't require the items for anything else I don't think, but they're new from Zero's.
Jeez, time was NOT KIND to Pocket Fighter. His face looks like someone melted it with an iron. Yeesh.
Majima is literally everywhere
Increases the frequency of random encounters.So I finished this already (review here if you guys are interested) but why shouldn't you equip the charismatic photo?
Yup, sell that shit.
Do you really wanna risk upsetting your Karma? Do you really wanna disrespect the BUDDHA?I sold everything except the Buddhist Statue.
Does anything actually happen if you sell that or is it just flavour text for fun?
Lightning Fist and Komaki Tiger Drop completely stomp Majima (or any bossfight for that matter). Strafe backwards and wait for him to start whiffing a combo, stop strafing and time the counterhit.Still playing and enjoying. On Chapter 13. Again, I cant stress enough how much I hate the "Majima Everywhere" system. I am at the point where I feek like intentionally losing so I can get on with the story.
I will say, I am loving the game but there are quite a few annoying things. Like at really dramatic moments you are running down the street, going to your next location, the music is thumping with an intense rhythm and suddenly a completely random sub story activates, the intense music gone, you are expected to do some mundane task,you complete it and another sub story immediately activates. Just by heading to the place you are supposed to go
Majima Everywhere and these types of substories completely break the pacing of the game and seriously hamper my enjoyment of it. Also I feel Majima is a super unfair fight everytime.
I haven't played the original PS2 versions and 5, but is it me or is Majima starting to get flanderised? Don't remember him being this wacky in 3 and 4. More insane sadistic crazy.
On the final chapter:
Overall I like the game and yeah it helps if you see it as a £20 expansion to Yakuza 0, having said that I didn't really enjoy the boss battles. Don't like the whittle them down and do a Kiwami heat attack, makes all the fights feel the same especially after the awesome boss fights from 0 with its fight specific QTEs. It reminds me of Yakuza 3 where you get the boss low on health and then get that choice between 3 moves, headbutt/dropkick/chain throws, felt as repetitive.
I seem to be having a problem with the Purgatory teacher, I'm on the where you fight the masked the guy, when he gets low on health I have to use a Kiwami action for Dragon of Dojima, which I don't have so he regenerates his health...
Also saw the (pre finale chapter spoilers)twist coming right at the start lol.Yuki is Mikumi
I haven't played the original PS2 versions and 5, but is it me or is Majima starting to get flanderised? Don't remember him being this wacky in 3 and 4. More insane sadistic crazy.
(xi) Don't forget to go back to main menu after beating some of the stages in Climax Battle mode, before closing the game.Yes. First of all, here's a guide for all the ideal builds for Pocket Racing. You can get parts from weapons dealers and Don Quijote (I think) and the Pawn shop as well as of course at the track it self.
(iii) You get EXP pretty handily by beating Majima and doing quests so I don't think you'll be starved for it.
(iv) When you get access to Komaki by clearing through the story mode, try to unlock Tiger Drop as quickly as possible. It makes the Majima fights a freaking cake walk.
(v) This game on Hard is harder than Yakuza 0 on Hard.
(vi) Unlike previous Yakuza games, you can save at any place in the world by opening up the main menu and using save.
(vii) MesuKing is a wholesome game, fun for the whole family and kids of all ages.
(viii) Remember that this is a remake of not just a PS2 game, the first ever PS2 Yakuza game. So expect the general story cutscenes and beats to be "simplistic" as compared to some of the cinematic experiences we've seen throughout the series.
(ix) You get the Trouble finder accessory that marks starting points for substories through getting enough CP points and redeeming them at Bob who stands near the entrance to Shinjuku street (Near Serena). Also some of the substories can only be started/continued if you have Haruka with you. You can do those quests during certain parts of the story where you can have Haruka walk with you, or after finishing the main story and walking about in Premium Adventure.
(x) Git gud
I lost my progress on Proving Grounds 1 through 8, because I just closed the game without coming back to main menu![]()
Dunno if you still need this info, but yeah, just hit triangle. The heat prompt is all you need to know when a heat move can be used.Ah okay. Thanks. How do I use heat moves? I know when I grab a dude or when they are do I can hit triangle to basically insta-kill them if my meter is full but I cant grab the boss and never knocked him down.
Majima is literally everywhere
Y4 and Y5 are both great games. But Y5's story is uhhh, not so hot. It has some standout moments but as a whole just ehh. Y6 DOES continue on directly after the end of Y5, the only Yakuza game to do so. Both are definitely worth playing though.I just finished this yesterday and woof,they really did spring cleaning on the characters, huh? I feel like Kiyu and Maxima are the only ones left from now.
So are 4 and 5 worth playing? I decided the just watch a video for 3 and it seems fine so far.
4 is really good. You should definitely play it.I just finished this yesterday and woof,they really did spring cleaning on the characters, huh? I feel like Kiryu and Majima are the only ones left from now.
So are 4 and 5 worth playing? I decided the just watch a video for 3 and it seems fine so far.
Also I love your names for the characters. Maxima from KoF crossing over into Yakuza would be dope.
Do you really wanna risk upsetting your Karma? Do you really wanna disrespect the BUDDHA?
Doesn't do anything, just sell it.
Does Yakuza feel similarly to Sleeping Dogs? I really loved Sleeping Dogs, and Yakuza looks like the closest thing to it!
I just wonder if all of the games will get the KIWAMI touch. Is it possible that the feudal Japan Yakuza will come to the west in a KIWAMI version?
4 is amazing, I finished it few days ago and currently playing Y5, Y5 is kinda a different Yakuza game, I'm on the 3rd character now.I just finished this yesterday and woof,they really did spring cleaning on the characters, huh? I feel like Kiryu and Majima are the only ones left from now.
So are 4 and 5 worth playing? I decided the just watch a video for 3 and it seems fine so far.