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"Yeah no it's fucking hard,"


Battlebus imprisoning me \m/ >.< \m/
Have a bubble at this lads,

WWE wrestler Randy Orton reportedly forked over a thousand bucks to get someone to level his Elden Ring character for him​

"Yeah no it's fucking hard," Orton told the pair in Al-Shehail's recollection, "Uh, I paid a guy like a thousand bucks to give me, like, infinite runes so I could just level up to 100 right away… I couldn't deal with that bullshit so I just paid a guy to get me a bunch of runes."

What a legend hahaha

Wonder how long until some nerd mouths off about him being "wrong".
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Season 3 Nbc GIF by The Office


One of the green rats
$1000 for 1 hour of work? Lol

Seriously you can cheese it using the fall through horse riding glitch at the blood palace.


"Yeah no it's fucking hard"
- Me every hour of every day through the ages of 11 to 24
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Makes you wonder how many people do this, especially those with hundreds of platinum trophies or half a million gamer score? Personally I don't care one way or the other and those things don't impress me either way.
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