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Year End Madden '12 Online Franchise Awards

Welp, it was a pretty fun run in madden '12. A good rebound from the clusterfuck that was madden '11 (mainly because of the stupid disconnect issues). Anyhow, before the awards, i thought it would be interesting to see what each team did throughout the life of the franchise. This is kind of inexact since different teams had subs or multiple owners or whatever, but still good to see!

AFC East
Jets - 28-36 (2 division titles)
Dolphins - 23 - 41 (0 division titles)
Bills- 30-34 (1 division title)
Patriots - 26-38 (1 division title)

AFC North
Steelers - 49-15 (4 division titles)
Bengals - 40-24 (0 division titles)
Ravens - 20-44 (0 division titles)
Browns - 30-34 (0 division titles)

AFC South
Texans - 41-23 (2 division titles)
Colts - 38-26 (2 division titles)
Jaguars - 17-47 (0 division titles)
Titans - 28-36 (0 Division titles)

AFC West
Raiders - 43-21 (2 division titles)
Broncos - 49-15 (2 Division titles)
Chargers - 28-36 (0 Division titles)
Chiefs - 23-41 (0 Division titles)

NFC East
Giants - 49-15 (3 Division Titles)
Eagles - 44-20 (1 Division Title)
Cowboys - 18-46 (0 Division Titles)
Redskins - 22-42 (0 Division Titles)

NFC North
Vikings - 26-38 (1 Division Title)
Lions - 29-35 (0 Division Titles)
Bears - 37-27 (3 Division Titles)
Packers - 16-48 (0 Division Titles)

NFC South
Buccaneers - 50-14 (2 Division Titles)
Saints - 42-22 (2 Division Titles)
Panthers - 22-42 (0 Division Titles)
Falcons - 28-36 (0 Division Titles)

NFC West
49ers - 47-17 (2 Division Titles)
Cardinals - 34-20 (1 Division Title)
Rams - 17-47 (0 Division Titles)
Seahawks - 26-38 (1 Division Title)

awards in the next post!
Madden awards -

New England Patriots award for regular season excellence - Rors (16-0)


I realize this is somewhat of a duplicate award.... but these are awards for the life of the madden 12 franchise! we'll never see this happen again!

Roger Goddell Award for most corrupt league members - FMT and Coldblooded.


You thought you joined the league to enjoy videogame football, hone your skills and apply your vast knowledge of the game to the virtual field. But you ACTUALLY joined to boost the ego of a select few league vets. Suckerrrrrrrrrrrrssssss!

Eddie Debartalo Award for cap excellence - DCX


Like Eddie D in the 80's and 90's, DCX took care of his players! Free stamps, use of team
facilities 24 hours a day and all the gatorade you can drink! Oh and he tried to scam the league for $7 mil. Eddie would be proud!

Biggest sore winner - Ramirez


Yeah I won 42-17 but I also dropped 4 picks and why did u run around so much with john skelton? Fucking bullshit ass game!

Worst trade - Livewire acquires Peyton Manning for a boatload of picks


I mean I guess on one hand the trade on it's own isn't awful: Top 3 QB in the game could take you to the next level! On the other hand, it's livewire. Was there any performance boost from whoever his QB was before Manning? I don't feel like wasting my time to find out but I'm assuming now. Thumbs up livewire!

Jack English award for Most overpowered draft pick - Jamie Brooks (Bears)


First off, I googled Jamie Brooks images in hopes of maybe getting the portrait used in madden and got a lot of porn pics. BJ's, anal, DP, you name it! But back to the point: JB was definitely overpowered. Steps in year 1 and he's already a top TE! And in the hands of the great TE cheeser he was a very difficult stop!

Matt Millen Best GM award - DCX/Livewire


This was tough. I hate to cop-out and give co-awards but between some of DCX's headscratching trades and livewires peypey debacle they both earned it!

Best manual defender - coldblooded


Now, you might say the squeaky wheel gets the grease. BUT, it's hard to argue with someone who had like 11 picks in a game. Granted it was against sanjuro but still! coldblooded is the reason that manual lb/safety play will be banned in madden 13!

Vinny Testeverde for excellence in INT's - Tom Brady (sanjuro)


In 1988, Vinny Testaverde threw 35 int's, a modern day record (I don't care bout no George Blanda!). Sanjuro said "Do me a faovr... and double it!" It's a record that I can safely say will NEVER be duplicated in any of our leagues.

Jeff Garcia Award for Best Passer - coldblooded


Some controversey here. I could have gone with the usual Luke, but CB's final season swayed me with the highest scoring team in the league! I don't give him all the credit because he has a stacked offensive team but the numbers are the numbers! Plus the league is here to boost his ego!

Mark Sanchez award for Worst passer - Livewire


Now you might say "HEY! What about sanjuro??" and I already gave him the award he deserved! Livewire went out of his way not only to be a bad passer but to prove it without a shadow of a doubt by obtaining one of the best QB's in the game and not improving at all!

"Huh?? What is this? A fumble??" Luckiest palyer in the league - Ramirez


Let me first just say that everyone gets lucky at times. Everyone has had a holding call go against their opponent, or a miracle pick, or a forced fumble out of nowhere. But time and time again it seems like the steelers manage to get these "no skill required" plays. The numbers are there people! The numbers are there!!

Best abuse of a TE - MrBob


Anyone who has played bobby doesn't need an explanation on this one! As greg williams would say, cut off the head and the body dies. And that's all you had to do to beat bob!

Tony Romo Award for late game excellence - mcneily


Time and time again I would look over the box scores and see mcneily losing close games.... and losing them while having a lead late! He makes the playoffs 1 year and then can't seal the deal later! Tony would blush at your performance late in games

Josh McDaniels circa 2009 Denver broncos award (started hot, ended cold) - DCX


We were all shocked at DCX's meteroic rise from the depths of the NFC South to dominant 6-0 team despite penalties for cap cheating. It appeared he was on his way to new england patrioting the league but then the bottom fell out and he ended up out of the playoffs.... again :(

NFC West Award for excellence in divisional talent: Worst division winner in the league - Ferny (Jets)


This is kind of an award for the entire AFC East. Although Ferny will get it, it's really the
entire division being horrible that allowed this to happen! Pat yourselves on the back!

You're the best.... around! Best division award - AFC North


This was a tough call between the AFC North, AFC West and NFC East. The tie breaker was the fact that the NFC North actually sent 3 teams to the playoffs in the final season!

Michael Vick Award for biggest cheese - 5 wide no huddle as perfected by eznark


I'm not sure if you can find anyone who would argue this. It's just ridiculous. Your defenders tire out so quickly that they can't keep up with WR's, the defensive line gets no push and the qb has all day to throw. And no one ran it more (I assume) than eznark! Bob ratted you out! Garbage!

Biggest rabble - 4th down whining


"Bullshit you went for it on 4th and inches when up!" "Wtf it was the 4th quarter and you were up! Why'd you go for it!" "I'll quit if someone does that to me again!" And on and on. Perhaps the most contentious arguments across the course of the league!

Bobby Petrino award - Quitter of the year - livewire


There were other instances of people quitting (Luke, goldy, etc etc) but only 1 came after an apparent sleight of the rules. Livewire was beaten by DCX after DCX went for it on 4th down and it seems like he was never heard from again! Thumbs up!

Wham award for post game excellence (Bitter Tears) - Most people who have ever lost!


Well I don't ever wanna play again, this bullshit game has got no fairness! From me complaining about pump faking, to bob complaining about qb running a game with 3 qb rushes, to everything else that was complained about! Now and forever: You lost because you lost, not because of the game!

Biggest Bully - Luke


I'm not sure what happened, but after luke lost to balb in season 1 (a game which he thought cost him the playoffs but actually didn't), he just went off on him! I'm still not exactly sure of the specifics but it was enough for balb to leave the league forever :( Oh well!

Best new phrase - Tie! "GG, but..." and "FYIDM"


On one hand, gg, but... has been happening for years! But it was only brought to light what was actually happening this season. On the other hand, a fresh new term took the world by storm. Whether you said "FUCK YOU IM DOING ME" or the more urban "FUCK YALL IM DOIN ME" both meant one thing: Hey fella, i'm here and i'm going to play the game the way I want to play it! Unfortunately it backfired for a few people :(

Best Video Apology - DCX


Well, he cheated and got caught then issued an unprecedented video apology. It is still perhaps one of the strangest moments in the history of the internet. Which is why it was cool!

Bill Bellicheck/Sean Payton award for Biggest cheater - Wellington/Splat


Time and time again there were complaints (well... from like 1 person) on the bengals and cards sack stats. What were they doing? Through a google search, it was decided that they were using a complex system where by they would come out in a 4-3, shift the line, blitz the OLB, loop the DT back around, set the DE to a contain, and then the OLB would come through and the DT would finish his loop thereby giving a free path to the QB. Am I describing this right? I don't fucking know!

DCX Award for salary cap excellence - BigAT - Don't renew eli mannings big contract, get him in FA for cheaper!


Oh, what's that? Thought we'd forget? NOPE! In season 2, with Eli Manning a pending free agent, BigAT decides to NOT re-sign him and just bid on him in free agency! Is this illegal in the same way that DCX cheated? No, it's just unethical! IT'S UNETHICAL!!!!!!

worst league website - league manager


Before you say anything, I appreciate a good effort. When the idea of league manager was pitched, it soundeded great. A true online franchise! What we got (as usual!) was kind of a half-baked effort. On the plus side, we did get a true free agency period. On the negative, the website was slow to load, slow to update, the stats were off at times, the draft console never properly worked out and there were other weird errors. Next year we'll find a better one!

pissed off the madden gods - GCQ (jon beason injury)


We've all seen a lot of things over the years in our various online leagues/franchises, but this is the first (and hopefully last!) time that we ever witnessed a career ending injury. I would have bluemax'd that shit and just taken the L if I knew pwill was out for his career during a game!

best trade blocked - smokey blocking rors from getting stafford


Trade submitted and approved that would've sent Matty Stafford to the Raiders but smokey was so passionate about blocking the trade that it was reversed! It was an entertaining exchange...

worst trade blocked - smokey being blocked from getting fitz


Well, splat comes into the league and seems hell bent on getting rid of maybe the best WR in the game. A trade is agreed to and shot down. Denied! Then splat goes on to win the NFC west with a 12-4 record thanks to some timely rocket catches! I should've approved this trade! If only we weren't so corrupt!

best twins user - tie: drizz/ramirez


They call ramirez twinhead. I'm not sure what drizzler is called. Either way, these two
gentlemen seem to love the twins formations.... they love it!

Tim Tebow Award: most efficient passer - crow


Well, crow wasn't known much for his passing but when he did he was very efficient!
Unfortunately, he'll never have the sweetness of tebow again..... unless he trades him for

brian finneran 2004 award for cheapest no name WR - trasher (Torry Smith)


Much like finneran nearly a deacde ago, this cheeseball Torry Smith could not be stopped and probably won league MVP. At least you didn't have to deal with Vick as well :/

most inconsistent player - birdman


We know birdles is elite.... but sometimes he just flat out misses the playoffs! Why does this happen? Is Bird Jr. putting too much pressure on him while he plays? We might never know but he'll have a powerhouse niners team in madden '13 :(

"You'll be back!" Award (players quitting... then returning!) - gold, somnia, nightz


You can only leave the madden league for so long before you want back in! Lesson learned!

most bitched about "exploit" - qb scrambling, DT use, safety use, pitches, twins, slants, slots, te's


Same 'ol story every year. There's always some cheese that people use that can't be stopped. Wouldn't be an online league without these complaints!

most improved player - sokantish


Sokantish first came into the league with big dreams. But he soon realized that there were a lot of talented fellows in the league. After getting jack hammered here and there he is finally in a spot where he is a competitive baller!

when keeping it real goes wrong - bluemax


bluemax was an exceptional young man. he had worked his way up from the depths of the nfc west and was well on his way to a division title. But on his way to the division title, something unfortunate happened. Bluemax lost his 2nd to last game and instead of taking the loss, disconnected on purpose. He was given a loss regardless, setting up a must-win week 17 matchup with the vaunted atlanta falcons without his best player, Ryan Kaiser.

Though he could have taken his punishment like so many others had in the league for various transgressions, bluemax decided to keep it real. "FYIDM". And with that, he was banished for the remainder of the madden 12 season and pheeniks was shamelessly blown out as the seahawks in round 1.

Bluemax, once a heart warming tale of perserverence, today a league member who may never again see a chance at the playoffs.

best league killer - DOTA 2


the league was going nice and smooth until this devil showed up! the thread became a meeting ground for DOTA 2 players, people lagged on getting their games in and interest dropped! But, like all games, balance more or less returned (minus lukems!)

"gots to watch my shows!" bobbing player of the year - bob


You might say "Hey, bob didn't have many games simmed, what's the deal??" Well, he was always one of the last to get his games in and the only reason he even did that is because he was constantly bothered by us to do so! You can't escape what you are bob!

jon gruden award for cashing in on another coaches team - Turbopenguin (Browns)


Through no fault of his own, turbopenguin acquired the Browns when Striker left. What he found is a stacked roster with really good players and he did what striker couldn't: make the playoffs. No shame in that!

best beef - luke vs. ramirez


Well, there seems to be one every season and it happened to be these two dudes. It all started when luke scored on a 50-ish yard TD with peyton manning..... a 50 yard rush TD. It ended with luke getting disconnected just before he was about to kick the game winning fg in a tie game but ramirez "accepted" the tie so luke had no chance to get the W. But they are still brothers!


"Oh, what's that? Thought we'd forget? NOPE! In season 2, with Eli Manning a pending free agent, BigAT decides to NOT re-sign him and just bid on him in free agency! Is this illegal in the same way that DCX cheated? No, it's just unethical! IT'S UNETHICAL!!!!!!"

He wasn't even a pending free agent, I cut him without receiving a cap penalty and THEN go him in free agency. He was eventually making $5M in a year he should been making $19M.

Everyone (Luke, Wellington) seems to get on me for this move (JEALOUSY I suspect), but you all seem to conveniently forget that I was moments away from completely losing him in free agency. It was a calculated move that was not without risk.


intangibles, motherfucker
Best manual defender - coldblooded

Now, you might say the squeaky wheel gets the grease. BUT, it's hard to argue with someone who had like 11 picks in a game. Granted it was against sanjuro but still! coldblooded is the reason that manual lb/safety play will be banned in madden 13!
mmm mmm motherfuckers.

when keeping it real goes wrong - bluemax



"gots to watch my shows!" bobbing player of the year - bob

You might say "Hey, bob didn't have many games simmed, what's the deal??" Well, he was always one of the last to get his games in and the only reason he even did that is because he was constantly bothered by us to do so! You can't escape what you are bob!

Dirty lies. Corrupt commish at work here! This feels like a lifetime achievement award right now, no matter what happens I'll always get it!


Oh sweet, I won an award! I'm gonna aim for the TE abuse award in Madden 13. I wish I wouldn't have got into the league so late, looks like I missed a lot of great stuff
Dont worry. Kapernick wont be a God in Madden 13.

So awful and I was so butthurt over that

I hope I win the Lions, because I want revenge against FMT for that shit. If I do lose the Lions, though, I will be taking an NFC West team.


I'm surprised there wasn't a "Man vs. Wall Award" for most post-game rage.

Wellie would've won it in Madden '10 - I think that was controller-gate. Smokey snapped his disc that year too, though, so it would've been close.


intangibles, motherfucker
I'm surprised there wasn't a "Man vs. Wall Award" for most post-game rage.

Wellie would've won it in Madden '10 - I think that was controller-gate. Smokey snapped his disc that year too, though, so it would've been close.

I would get an assist for the disk one.

Though CK is still the king of breaking his own shit in a fit of rage. *laptop picture*


"You'll be back!" Award (players quitting... then returning!) - gold, somnia, nightz

You can only leave the madden league for so long before you want back in! Lesson learned!
It's like an abusive relationship that you can't get out of.

NFC North
Vikings - 26-38 (1 Division Title)
Lions - 29-35 (0 Division Titles)
Bears - 37-27 (3 Division Titles)
Packers - 16-48 (0 Division Titles)
False! I won it this past season!
And failed miserably in the playoffs.


intangibles, motherfucker
Between that and the $200 million dollar monster of a movie, i wouldnt be surprised if you went into hiding for a while.


I'm surprised there wasn't a "Man vs. Wall Award" for most post-game rage.

Wellie would've won it in Madden '10 - I think that was controller-gate. Smokey snapped his disc that year too, though, so it would've been close.

I would get an assist for the disk one.

Though CK is still the king of breaking his own shit in a fit of rage. *laptop picture*

Across all of Madden franchises I've lost 3 controllers and 1 desk. Last broken controller was after the loss last season to the DCX led Browns. The case split open and shit went everywhere. I'm still finding pieces. One of these days, a controller is going to go through my TV. Shit it almost did last night when my receiver fumbled on a fourth quarter drive in which I was only down 7.

I swear I'm actually not that bad IRL. In fact, I wouldn't hurt a fly. Just for some reason football and Madden bring it out in me.


Across all of Madden franchises I've lost 3 controllers and 1 desk. Last broken controller was after the loss last season to the DCX led Browns. The case split open and shit went everywhere. I'm still finding pieces. One of these days, a controller is going to go through my TV. Shit it almost did last night when my receiver fumbled on a fourth quarter drive in which I was only down 7.

I swear I'm actually not that bad IRL. In fact, I wouldn't hurt a fly. Just for some reason football and Madden bring it out in me.
Still waiting for shipment of said trophy.



I probably shouldn't have tanked the last season. I didn't know you'd tabulate total records!

Also, bob, you're a cunt. The Show tonight?


Didn't even get a mention in the best qb award or manual defender (damn afc) but wining the Tebow award makes up for it. The Tebow Award > Best Quarterback Award.


Award fits perfectly. I was surprised I never had a heart attack from all of those games.

Oh and fuck Vince Young.


I'm 39-25, not 37-27. Stop with the corruption!

Eznark I gotta finish my series with Frankman tonight. If it isn't too late we'll start our series!


I also want to mention that the Broncos had 3 running backs with over 2000 career rushing yards. Knowshon Moreno, Noel Devine, and Akeem Tate. Two of you will be greatly missed in 2013.


I'll take my award! I want to thank the good people of New York.

Just wait till next year I may just go for a trade of Sanchez and run with Tebow. I'll be winning the worst divison winner award two times in a wrong ;)


nope, you run twins left, wallace still on the inside u lose GOOD DAY SIR!

Nah, I quit running that formation after season 1(except for one motion TE running play!). In the Weak I he is on the outside.

Doesn't matter, I could have put Brown/Sanders there and got the same results. :p
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