Prospero said:
Thanks a lot, DarienA. If I bid on one of these, I'll go ahead and do the Buy it Now option.
Something about those discs looks a little sketchy though (not that I care much)--they're not region 2, but region 0 (playable anywhere), and I can't find any evidence online of a legitimate release of an eight-disc WOTW boxset. I'm going to look around a little more and try to find out what the deal with them is.
I hate to be an advocate of pirates and bootlegs, on escam especially, but in some instances it really is the only way to go. I mean why should one pay $50-70 for a legitimate region 1 copy of Flash Gordon by Universal when they don't even bother to make a version available in region 1 (original was by Image Entertainment under license). So being that Universal is themselves making it so you are unable to pay them for this movie, get it another way.
Same thing here. The original rights producer has it within their power to make WOTWTS available on DVD, yet they choose not to. So screw it, buy it another way. Is it piracy? Yes. but somehow I feel there is a huge moral vindication there knowing that if the show were available on DVD, you would buy it. and in many cases (as bootlegs have a tendency to be shit quality) you will buy it if and when it is released. so really it is a win/win situation for everyone.