I think this would make an interesting thread, but as I can't make one, hopefully this suffices.
As I've said, the Lain PSX game is an odd duck.
It's not even really a game at all. It's a simulator.
You navigate a Lain avatar through a cyclical interface to access her journals, voice recordings, and assorted clips of her interacting with society.
It gets VERY repetitive, but there is a ton of content if you have the patience and time to unlock it all.
As seen, her avatar is very playful and light-hearted, kind of like her original form before Wired-Lain takes over.
I don't know who did the anime scenes, but judging from the wildly different style, probably not Nakamura.
There are moments very reminiscent of the show's aesthetics, though.
The diaries are mostly Lain talking about anything from classmates to her parents. Is it meant to be the same Lain we know, or an alternate reality?
Either way, if you love Lain and want another dose of her strange world, it's certainly worth a look.