Mr. E. Yis said:What the hell? You're asking for a lifetime of pain, regret, and a 1inch leash on everything you do and think.
How is that diferent from any other marriage?
*badum bish!*
Mr. E. Yis said:What the hell? You're asking for a lifetime of pain, regret, and a 1inch leash on everything you do and think.
Kung Fu Jedi said:Be sure to tell her you got advice on a video game board!!![]()
Monk said:How is that diferent from any other marriage?
*badum bish!*
and the fact she never desired sex
Smiles and Cries said:I have not shown her my DS yet![]()
Ghost said:Best bet imo, if you really love her, is to try and corrupt her, ie Take advantage. Otherwise it'll never last.
What the hell? You're asking for a lifetime of pain, regret, and a 1inch leash on everything you do and think.
Monk said:Tell us how it goes man. GOOD LUCK!![]()
ronito said:Should we start a pool on the outcomes?
Zaptruder said:I would try...
Crushing her religion.
i.e. learn more about fundamental arguments for and against religion, and then use them against that girl.
Chances are very unlikely that'll she'll actually convert and continue wanting you, more likely she'll be offended and get out of your life.
Either way, it'll end up been better for you, even if the latter can cause considerable heartache in the short term...
Start with the question I like to ask... what is faith?
Then tell her, that faith is really a belief without a cohesive logic and material evidence to support that logic. Then she'll say that, sure there's logic to her belief, but then the difference is, what's the foundation to that logic? Religious logic has a good amount of surface level or circular logic... but ask enough question, and go deep enough, and you'll see that there's nothing to support the entire weight of the argument.
Then things like asking about a creator; on what basis do you think the universe needs a creator; research and attack the design based argument, ontological argument, and various other advanced arguments along those lines. Then tell her that even if you say ok, the universe was created by something. Ask her how you go from that idea to the idea of a christian god? I mean how's it different from a muslim or a jewish or even an ancient greek or egyptian god from their point of view? They all believed that their Gods were involved in creation and what not, and they all had scriptures, beliefs etc passed onto them.
Finally, ask her for what reasons she believes in God; what would she do if there was no hell and no heaven; no life after death, either in paradise or eternal damnation?
Tommie Hu$tle said:I disagree this isn't Dogma. He doesn't have to challenge her faith directly to get her to be with him. I think doing what he is doing now is doing a much better job of having her question and realign her faith. I think if he wants her keep doing what he's doing. Women like her are quite malleable when inundated with kindness.
thats a good way to piss her off... doubt it will work toward convincing her!Zaptruder said:I would try...
Crushing her religion.
i.e. learn more about fundamental arguments for and against religion, and then use them against that girl.
Chances are very unlikely that'll she'll actually convert and continue wanting you, more likely she'll be offended and get out of your life.
Either way, it'll end up been better for you, even if the latter can cause considerable heartache in the short term...
Start with the question I like to ask... what is faith?
Then tell her, that faith is really a belief without a cohesive logic and material evidence to support that logic. Then she'll say that, sure there's logic to her belief, but then the difference is, what's the foundation to that logic? Religious logic has a good amount of surface level or circular logic... but ask enough question, and go deep enough, and you'll see that there's nothing to support the entire weight of the argument.
Then things like asking about a creator; on what basis do you think the universe needs a creator; research and attack the design based argument, ontological argument, and various other advanced arguments along those lines. Then tell her that even if you say ok, the universe was created by something. Ask her how you go from that idea to the idea of a christian god? I mean how's it different from a muslim or a jewish or even an ancient greek or egyptian god from their point of view? They all believed that their Gods were involved in creation and what not, and they all had scriptures, beliefs etc passed onto them.
Finally, ask her for what reasons she believes in God; what would she do if there was no hell and no heaven; no life after death, either in paradise or eternal damnation?
:lol :lol :lolhXc_thugg said:Just take advantage of her and when finished ask "Where is your God now?"
hXc_thugg said:Just take advantage of her and when finished ask "Where is your God now?"
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lolTommie Hu$tle said:Hell why wait that long. I say do it while he's having sex with her.
" You feel this God all up in your fallopian! You never thought God would make you feel this dirty and you better believe it God want you to feel filthy. You are God's dirty little girl."
hXc_thugg said:Just take advantage of her and when finished ask "Where is your God now?"
Tommie Hu$tle said:Hell why wait that long. I say do it while he's having sex with her.
" You feel this God all up in your fallopian! You never thought God would make you feel this dirty and you better believe it God wants you to feel filthy. You are God's dirty little girl."
Smiles and Cries said::lol I have not read all the replies but it seems you guys are getting your kicks out of this![]()
its 4am and she just left
yes she just left and all we did was talk about this... She is stubborn damn...
She keeps saying she wont leave... she does not want to fight.
Okay I wanted to find out more about her Church so I borrowed her bible and she also gave me some church newsletters
typed the name of her Church on Google the first page I got was an anti-Cult site outing the founder.
So far its not looking good - why me?
How do I tell her this if it turns out to be true.
Smiles and Cries said:typed the name of her Church on Google the first page I got was an anti-Cult site outing the founder.
Smiles and Cries said:thanks John... I wont harm her I am walking away.
Zaptruder said:Wait. crush her religion! If she can stomach theological debates, then she won't be too hard done by it if you approach it tactfully. If you don't change her mind, then maybe somewhere in the future she'll begin to question what she's in; and even though you won't be with her then, she'll probably be better off for it. I mean... it's not like her family is super religious right?
Son of Godzilla said:Dude run for the fucking hills. She's trying to save your soul.
Boogie said:You're such a jackass![]()
gigapower said:I would not trust anyone who believed a book written by Wayne Hamburger.