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Your pet peeves about social media influencers

You ever watch a video on Youtube, Tiktok, Facebook, Instagram, or what have you and get immediately irked which causes you to skip it?

For me, one of my biggest peeves is when you're watching a video and it starts out with rambling or pointless filler like, "in this video I'm going to talk about blah blah blah and then I'll go over yada yada yada, oh btw subscribe to my channel and hit the notifications bell..." Good lord, just get to the point man. :messenger_grinning_squinting: I saw the title, so I already know what it's supposed to be about.
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Gold Member
When someone created a list of something. Lets say in this case 'the best Counter Strike plays of all time'


So fucking dumb

I understand why they do it but you are a sell-out if you use this tactic.

Basically all the 'STAY TILL THE END' ones can fuck right off
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When someone created a list of something. Lets say in this case the ; best Counter Strike plays of all time'


So fucking dumb

I understand why they do it but you are a sell-out if you use this tactic.

Basically all the 'STAY TILL THE END' ones can fuck right off
Yeah, that's annoying too. I'll watch like a couple of seconds and then look at the comments to see if someone took the time to list out a summary so that it saves the viewer some time.


Gold Member
Hey everyone before we get started make sure you subscribe and hit that like button and notification bell because it really helps out out the channel! Also make sure you join us on Twitter, Instagram, Patreon, Facebook, Onlyfans, etc, etc and our sister channels over at blahblahblah. Just in case you never used social media before!

Also the dumb ass reaction thumbnails which are one frame from the below gif.

Happy Come On GIF

Everything :messenger_beaming:
This also works.


So much.

The thumbnails are annoying. The overacting at everything, which has enabled commoners to act out. I actually can't stand channels like Max because of his acting and annoying thumbnails, even if he is at times interesting!

The unprofessional, uneducated, unqualified idiots. Especially medical related. Find it dispectful of talented medics that spent their lives studying and researching. Not reading only a single wiki or comment.

The asses selling a course and/or book.

The frauds who obviously had connections that downplay it severely or don't mention it. The success is amazing but don't gloss over the fact your dad has a factory or you sacked a duck.

The sheer entitlement and real life idociy of some of them in real life. You wonder how they got dressed in the morning.

But, to end positively, there are good things, good people. Like I said, Max might have shit thumbnails and shit opinions at times but he's not awful or brain dead.
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Title: 'Amazing how XYZ works'

Start of video: 'Flashy intro, &^%$#@!, 123456789, blah blah blah blah blah blah.....................................................................................................How XYZ works, video end.

Fucking does my tits in.


Gold Member
No real knowledge of what they are supposed to be based around.

Due to looking up some stuff after I completed the new Zelda my feed is now somewhat Zelda related. It'll be a channel called something like "BiggestZeldafan69" and it's clear they don't have a fucking clue what they are doing, don't get references, don't recognize the world map etc. And yet people are giving them money.


Ultimate DQ Fan
I hate social media so much. I think it's a plague poisoning the soul of humanity, but as a new small business owner, I feel like I'm going to have to "play the game". I'm dreading it deeply, tbh. I am striving for more authenticity in my life and I know I'm going to have to be fake AF.


They Exist.
Word for word my initial reaction to the question.

I can't even give specifics about them, every time I've seen them its inanity.

Instead, I will talk about YouTube in general.

I've gotten to the point where watching things at 1x speed is the exception. When 1.25x is perfectly understandable and for some channels feels like a normal speed of talking you realise juuust hooow slooow YouTubers talk. 1.25x is often like correcting back to 1. Sometimes even 1.75x is completely fine, and helps get through those longer videos without wasting too much time. Add in SponsorBlock and you have watchable videos. Dearrow for corrected titles and replaced thumbnails.


You ever watch a video on Youtube, Tiktok, Facebook, Instagram, or what have you and get immediately irked which causes you to skip it?

Well, youtube gets an occasional pass for things like gameplay vids (no commentary) or old stuff (wrestling matches, etc).

But i dont think ive ever purposely watched anything on those other platforms. Rot, all of it.


Perpetually Offended
Mostly the thumbnails and not getting to the point faster if they're tech influencers.

That's why I follow comedians and cosplay/comic book influencers mostly


Perpetually Offended
I’m still not 100% sure what makes an influencer and also why they have any influence at all. I’m sure I’m just too old.

Do you follow ComicsExplained on YouTube? He's a comic book influencer. They are basically information dumps who inform you of what their main thing is. For Rob at ComicsExplained, it's comics, comics characters and runs.

Power Pro

The constant cuts in video so that there isn't even a millisecond of quiet time because you gotta make sure everyone has ADHD and doesn't slow the fuck down to breath for one second. Even if a cut like that is to fix a flubbed line, then just do it once, but these idiots do it after every fucking sentence.

I mostly just watch older game players who offer unedited videos.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
There are people on social media that get famous for having good personalities, and just being social / smart in a business sense.

They don't bother me so much.. honestly some of the pet peeves here are just complaining about basics of social media marketing.

My biggest pet peeve about the whole thing is how unavoidable the wanabe's are. For every 1 million follower influencer there are like 1000 w/ less than 10k mostly bought followers. I can block the big influencers easily but the endless accounts trying to mimic them won't stop polluting my feed(s).

It is even worse when a trend emerges.. they seem to come and go within a few days but EVERYONE makes the same dumb slightly altered content lol
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Do you follow ComicsExplained on YouTube? He's a comic book influencer. They are basically information dumps who inform you of what their main thing is. For Rob at ComicsExplained, it's comics, comics characters and runs.
I do actually. Never thought of him as an influencer though. I just assumed he was a lore guy. Maybe my frame of reference is just wrong? I’m not sure where line ends and the line begins in suppose.


Perpetually Offended
I do actually. Never thought of him as an influencer though. I just assumed he was a lore guy. Maybe my frame of reference is just wrong? I’m not sure where line ends and the line begins in suppose.

IMO, it seems anyone who's got a large following talking about or doing something that teaches or entertains is a Social Media Influencer. Rob is one. Musings of a Crouton is SORTA one... Josh Johnson is a comedian but because he puts his stand-up on SM, he's become one.

I follow folks like Fantastic Frankey, Strawhat Goofy, sunflower samurai, TheSamurider, Nunchuck Queen, etc. Positive people who have nothing to do with politics or anything negative. I tend to unfollow or avoid any negativity. These folks bring joy to me and I often let them know that in comments with encouraging messages.


The blatant over-reactions to stuff. Particularly when you can tell they obviously *know* what they're going to be reacting to. But yeah, screaming wildly or "stumbling out of their chair" is the dumbest shit ever.

Also, blatantly padding out "tutorial" style videos (ie. "how to solve this puzzle" or "how to unlock this feature"). It's fine if you're providing important context, like "make sure you've done XYZ first, click on my other video if you haven't", but if I'm looking for info, get to the goddamn point.
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