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your president gonna lose? fuck it! listen to the new Eminem today

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Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
The album is almost as disappointing as the Bush re-election.
Well to be honest, we don't knwo who won yet. There are still states that havent counted in their electoral votes yet. My ohio being one of them, so there's still a chance for a new guy in the White House, albeit slim.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
I'm already swallowing the fact that a new President won't be in office until after my son's 8th birthday. That seems like such a long time from now.

Anyway, in regards to the album... It's...wierd. Some of his best work is on there, but some of his worst as well. I wish he'd chill w/ the production and leave that to Dre or anyone else for that matter.
While I may not be a rap fan, I say screw it, force Dre to get in the studio and show these guys how to do a rap album.


DaCocoBrova said:
The album is almost as disappointing as the Bush re-election.

I'm trying to get it now, but wow is it really that bad? I was kind of worried about the album after Just Lose It and the other political song, but still thought Em would come through but I guess he didn't


People said "Just Lose It" sucked when it leaked...

People said "Mosh" sucked when it leaked...

Now, his album sucks now that it leaked.

I think I'll just see for myself.
jecclr2003 said:
While I may not be a rap fan, I say screw it, force Dre to get in the studio and show these guys how to do a rap album.
:lol I hope you realise Dre stopped doing his own work a long time ago..


ENCORE track list

1. Curtains Up
2. Evil Deeds
3. Never Enough
4. Yellow Brick Road
5. Like Toy Soldiers
6. Mosh
7. Puke
8. My 1st Single
9. Paul [Skit]
10. Rain Man
11. Big Weenie
12. Em Calls Paul [Skit]
13. Just Lose It
14. Ass Like That
15. Spend More Time
16. Mockingbird
17. Crazy In Love
18. One Shot 2 Shot
19. Final Thought [Skit]
20. Encore/Curtains Down

Jim Bowie

I remember seeing the video for "Just Lose It", and I remember thinking that I was so glad that Eminem gave up trying to be a serious rapper. Now he's just a joke character.


Jim Bowie said:
I remember seeing the video for "Just Lose It", and I remember thinking that I was so glad that Eminem gave up trying to be a serious rapper. Now he's just a joke character.

Did you think that when you first saw "Without Me" and "The Real Slim Shady?"


OK, you people are crazy.

This album is FUCKIN TIGHT!!!

:lol :lol at "Ass Like That" and "One Shot 2 Shot"

And I didn't know that Britney and Justin made a Mickey Mouse Club sex tape. :lol

Megafoo Chavez

I love EGM
MIMIC said:
OK, you people are crazy.

This album is FUCKIN tight!!!

:lol :lol at "Ass Like That" and "One Shot 2 Shot"

And I didn't know that Britney and Justin made a Mickey Mouse Club sex tape. :lol

ass like that and em calls paul skit are too fucking funny.
This may be one of the worst albums I've ever heard. He just stopped trying. Tracks 7 to 14 may be the worst stretch of songs in history.


Disappointing album to me. There are few funny and ok tracks, but the majority of this album is just terrible. I appreciate him for trying to go back to The Slim Shady type style, but I remember that style being way better than this. :(


yeah i dont like the songs where he keeps puking and farting but some of his best work is on this album.....mocking bird is absolutely brilliant.

but like my first single....wtf? puke? its like the beats are overriding him and b4 when he was funny he actually tried and had crazy world play. now it seems forced.

so in order....mmlp>sslp>tes>encore.

he better correct this on his next album.
"that jessica simpson, looks oh so temptin...
nick, i aint never seen a ass like daaat..

everytime i see that show on mtv my pee pee goes DA DOING DOING DOIIIING"

lol, i love this song.

I think this album is great and it seems eminem did alot of experimenting on this album.

There is only 2 weak points on this whole album and that is the production and some of the retarded choruses that eminem tries to sing.

alot of the beats are fuckin medicore as hell or wack, even ones from dre.

And eminem..please...for the love of god...dont sing on every chorus..
the song to his daughter hailey (Mocking bird) which is GREAT is Ruined by the stupid fuckin chorus that is horribly sung

other than that, its pretty damn impressive and alot better than what I was expecting...

lots of versatility...



oh yea...the 2 paul skits are GREAT....the first paul skit is like every other paul skit but when em calls back, its funny as fuck.
MIMIC said:
People said "Just Lose It" sucked when it leaked...

People said "Mosh" sucked when it leaked...

Now, his album sucks now that it leaked.

I think I'll just see for myself.

Just Lose It does suck. Its one of themore annoying songs i've heard all year, the beat, the chorus...ehh, just thinking about it gives me a headache.

Mosh is alright, but its really weak lyrically IMO, which is usually one of Eminem's strong points.

Mr Gump

I think im going to like this album because i hate what the majority of this board likes. For example, i hate mosh, but love just lose it. Why the fuck would i want to play mosh in my car for example?

Jim Bowie

MIMIC said:
Did you think that when you first saw "Without Me" and "The Real Slim Shady?"

I thought, huh, what a goofy guy, on the first two times. Then, I saw/heard his other stuff, trying to be a serious rapper. Didn't work for the guy. Now he's back to camp, playing for the kids. Good for him. Fluff is his bag, baby.

I agree with Mosh being weak on lyrics. That, and we wouldn't give Bush an AK, we don't use 'em. Let him impress daddy that way, indeed.


Mr Gump said:
I think im going to like this album because i hate what the majority of this board likes. For example, i hate mosh, but love just lose it. Why the fuck would i want to play mosh in my car for example?

The "Mosh" beat sucks all kinds of dick. Even Em's "White America" would be OK for me to blast.

Maybe it's just intended for a different kind of listen. Lyrics are tight; beat sucks.


Songs I Like

Evil Deeds
Yellow Brick Road
Toy Soldiers
Ass Like That
Spend Some Time
One Shot 2 Shot

Song I wish that was cut from the album


The skits are hilarious though :lol
My roommate is a huge Eminem fan and he claims that this leaked album isn't the real "Encore." He pointed out how all of the guest appearances that are supposed to be on it aren't on any of the leaked songs. He also showed me some link where it said to combat piracy, he's not going to finish the record until a few days before the release date.

He showed me some replies on the Eminem.com forum where people were claiming the same thing.


Eminem's music/production still sucks. Some of the songs are top-notch but the music is underground backpack-quality crap and just kills the whole album imo. Marshall Mathers LP is still his best album overall.

EDIT: Hopefully the final cut of the album has no Eminem beats whatsoever.


It's pretty bad. For someone like Eminem, who in the past had only one or two throwaway songs per album (and even they were catchy) to have half the tracks on his album be plain bad, while the rest ranges from mediocre to pretty good is shocking. I really don't know what to make of this.

EDIT- the fact that people are trying to pass this off as a fake leak just says it all.


My roommate is a huge Eminem fan and he claims that this leaked album isn't the real "Encore." He pointed out how all of the guest appearances that are supposed to be on it aren't on any of the leaked songs. He also showed me some link where it said to combat piracy, he's not going to finish the record until a few days before the release date.

I coulda swore em had one beat from kanye, i thought i read that somewhere. I also thought he had a Hi-Tek beat in his cd too... guess not? :\

Other then that, this cd has some songs that are awesome (Yellow Brick Road, [funny song Ass like that], Like Toy Soliders, Evil Deeds and the best of all Mockingbird); and some are just mediocre at best.

Some of the beats own, while just like the songs, some are wack (even some of dres beats are wack).

Like Toy Soliders- I can't believe em actually has a backdrop of a song to base his entire beat on (i didnt think he did that haha).
KarishBHR said:
I think the CD is amazing

Yellow Brick road is nuts

after more listens im starting to feel the same way. (about the cd being amazing)

i mean, yes the Beats suck

gosh eminem stop producing, and dre please step ur game up.....i dont know if dre is giving g unit and game his top notch shit or something.

anyways, other than that tho....the lyrics and the way eminem is rhyming is just great. eminem is just so versatile through out the whole album.

and again, a couple of his choruses suck balls....but there are some that are just great.

The songs I like on the album right now have to be
evil deeds
rain man
ASS LIKE THAT (this shit is still funny and i heard it like 10 times already)
yellow brick road
toy soldier
crazy in love.
mocking bird
spend some time (stat quo is wack tho)

and on the songs i dont like (because i just really dont like the beat to where i dont wanna listen to it much) eminem shines greatly when it comes to lyrics and flow...
like my first single....that whole second verse is crazy.


<edit> also while i really like mocking bird, i think it could be so much better with a different chorus...god.


it's funny, now that i think about it... if em didnt do any of his chorus's and maybe had someone good (ex: never enough with nate dogg) do his cuts, i would've liked alot of those that he has stupid ass choruss on.
methodman said:
it's funny, now that i think about it... if em didnt do any of his chorus's and maybe had someone good (ex: never enough with nate dogg) do his cuts, i would've liked alot of those that he has stupid ass choruss on.

nate dogg imo is the King of choruses.

which is why i was disapointed with "never enough."

Cause the chorus was just pretty medicore coming from him. He can do so much better.

the chorus he did for Em on the last album >>>>>>>>>>> the one he did on this album.



...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Up to "My 1st Single" and so far this album is fucking horrible. I'm on a huge Eminem kick lately, but this just ain't do shit to me. Goddamn this is so bad...


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Full album blows. What a joke. On the other hand, I downloaded the new LL Cool J album, making this the very first LL album I've ever listened to, and it's pretty damn good.
AlphaSnake said:
Full album blows. What a joke. On the other hand, I downloaded the new LL Cool J album, making this the very first LL album I've ever listened to, and it's pretty damn good.

Pink cookies in a plastic bag being crushed by buildings.


i dont know what em was trying with this album. like slim shady lp and mm lp he had some direction. he was the crazy guy who would do anything to shock and surprise u, while still retaining his lyrical wit and humor. the eminem show was diff, more serious, and more of a reply to all his critics and more about his life. some didnt like it...i thought it was pretty damn good...but not better than mmlp.

now encore...the beats really dont sound like eminem beats...and i dont mean the production. they dont sound like the songs he would do for his own album...not that its all bad but still. some of the songs that are goo on this...mockingbird, toy soldiers, crzy in love, encore....are really good but the bad songs are really bad....i mean big weeney? ass like dat? this isnt the humorous eminem i expected...he used to be so much more clever...this seeems forced or rushed or something.

the songs on the bonus cd....we as americans, love u more, and tick tock should have been on the album in place of my 1st single, puke, and big weeney/ass like dat.
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