If you read that an agree to it, then truly it is time to give your wallet a diet. I do it every few days; take everything out of the wallet and sort through the chaff to get to the bare essentials. Do you really need your Blockbuster Card, half of your insurance cards, that Gamestop card, the endless deluge of receipts cluttering your wallet? Not to mention the credit cards if you have them as well. Think about the essential items of info you use daily, and the items of info you use occasionally, but can still be damaging if you happen to lose it.
Do you really want to go through the hassle of getting your insurance cards remailed, your SSN card remade, your credit cards cancelled? That's just too much work for a leather brick. After some light consideration, I've sliced my wallet into a svelt little thing with ID, driver's license, some cash and maybe one or two auxillary cards that I'm planning on using that day, with the rest of the cards stored away safely.
Remember, some people carry their entire financial worth inside that square of cowhide. By hook or by crook, if they were to lose that wallet, and worse, not being able to account for everything in it because they have so much until it is way too late, well that would make them a saaaad panda.
Do you want to be a sad panda? Or do you want your pockets and your sense of security to thank you?
The Choice Is Clear.
Do you really want to go through the hassle of getting your insurance cards remailed, your SSN card remade, your credit cards cancelled? That's just too much work for a leather brick. After some light consideration, I've sliced my wallet into a svelt little thing with ID, driver's license, some cash and maybe one or two auxillary cards that I'm planning on using that day, with the rest of the cards stored away safely.
Remember, some people carry their entire financial worth inside that square of cowhide. By hook or by crook, if they were to lose that wallet, and worse, not being able to account for everything in it because they have so much until it is way too late, well that would make them a saaaad panda.
Do you want to be a sad panda? Or do you want your pockets and your sense of security to thank you?

The Choice Is Clear.