Dear --,
Willl you join President Bush, Laura and the entire Repbulican Congressional leadership as they gather on the evening of June 14th here in Washington, D.C.?
And will you allow all of us to recognize and honor the important role you have played over the years?
That night will give President bush a chance to personally thank you for your work in our 2004 re-election campagin, for helping elect Republican Majorities in the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate and for making the Republican Party America's Majority Party.
The President's Dinner here in Washington D.C., is the perfect opportunity to express our gratitude publicly for all you have done, --.
That's why the President and I hope you will take a moment to read the enclosed letter from Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist with all of the details and make plans to be ther eon June 14th.
As I enter my second term as your Vice President, there is so much that needs to be done. I've now traveled across our country to talk about Social Security. More and more Americans understand there is a problem, and they expect those of us who serve in Washington to fix it.
And I believe that we can strengthen Social Security, while cutting the deficit in half over the next five-years, growing the economy, and defending America in a time of war, if we are united. But we need allies in Congress to pass our agenda.
You may know The President's Dinner has traditionally been about electing and re-electing our Republican Majorities in the U.S. Senate and House. And while we will raise moeny toward the 2006 elections that evening, we want to use the night to recognize the vital role you and others have played in our Republican Party's accomplishments for this great nation.
The 2005 President's Dinner is about how our Republican election victories have served - and will to benefit - the American people.
So I hope you will be there on June 14th. Please take a mintue to read Senator Frist's letter closely. And then, please accet the invitation by attending the Dinner.
Let's celebrate our Republican Party's accomplishments both in the 2004 campaign and as we continue to lead this great nation.
And let's celebrate the important role you've palyed and the special contributions you have made to make our Republican Party America's leadership Party.
Dick Cheney
George & Laura Bush, Dick Cheney, and Bill Frist for a meager $2,500 per person? Where the fuck do I sign up?
Disclaimer: I have in no way participated or contributed to the Republican campaign and I have little idea why I received this letter (I voted strictly Democratic, since there are no moderate Republicans in Texas). I'm currently deciding the smart ass response to what to put in the return envelope for maximum self-amusement and smug satisfaction, while the intern quietly tosses my reply in the trash when it arrives.